Free to play games with micro-transactions have been a thing for like, six or seven years now? How in God's name do companies still manage to get this model wrong? Blacklight Retribution does an awesome job, making the only premium options cosmetic and early unlocks. Freaking. Wonderful. If I die by a gun paid for with real money, I'm fine with it for two reasons. One, I know that relatively soon I'll have access to the statistically equivalent weapon and two, it doesn't happen seven bazillion times because weapon balance is good.
Then we look over to APB Reloaded, a game I really enjoy for the customization, yet still hate actually playing, because the matchmaking is broken as shit and it places my group with almost nothing except for longtime, high ranking players who all have sucked Gamersfirst's dick for two years and are decked out with premium equipment as a result. You can't beat them. It's not possible, and I fucking mean it. I was playing a match a while ago in which I was getting the utter shit kicked out of me -- I couldn't nab a single kill, despite shooting these dudes with the second most powerful sniper rifle in the game in the face...twice. So I decide to say fuck it and kamikaze these dudes via suicide bombing with a my car. I'll break down how many times these two dudes I hit should have died in a period of ten seconds.
1.) Upon driving into these guys' hiding spot, I hit one of them with my car. Nope.
2.) Get out of my car, toss my grenades on the ground, and nab a successful luckshot with my rifle. Nope.
3.) Pull out a machine pistol and spray the same dude down. Still nope.
At this point, the assholes taze me and attempt an arrest.
4.) My grenades explode, taking me and my vehicle (which is some 3 feet away) with it.
In my deathcam I see both assholes still standing there, neither dead. A few seconds later, I get an assist worth 85% of the kill on one of the dudes.
tl;dr APB:R is a load of shit. Don't play it unless you want to get fisted by premium members.