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What games are you currently playing?

Socom 4. Picked it up for dirt-cheap yesterday and I'm enjoying the hell out of the online co-op. Nothing better than grabbing a team of people who like to use their mics and getting tactical on AI ass. :D


Awesome Bro

I want to buy Socom 4, I loved the beta for it, but I just don't have the money right now since I'm currently in a "blow it all on my PC" mood, lol, besides, there's games I want to buy before it, like White Knight Chronicles 2 and inFamous 2, Disgaea 4 should be out soon too, along with Dark Souls, and then others ofcourse... meh, I'll probably get it in the Boxing Day Sales, there's some proper amazing deals that go on then lol.

Right now I'm playing Dragonball Raging Blast, haven't played on it for a while so thought I'd pop it in and go through one of the Saga's, but then I found out how awful I had become at the game so I've just finished all the training sessions, lol.

Before that though, I was playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, not really far into it, I've had the game for AGES but I never actually bothered with it, I've got to say I love the art style, I've only ever seen it in motion on YouTube videos, but when you're playing it yourself, it looks gorgeous, lol. I'm a little late to the party with this one though, lol.
I'm playing Final Fantasy Tactics.

It's my favorite game of all time, and I've been depressed and on edge lately - so I thought I would play something that would put me in a good mood. So here I am, using Ghost Shards: Requiem characters (my game XD) as my soldiers. Aelina gets to be a Dark Knight/Summoner, so that will be fun to unlock. Did it once before, will do it again. ^^

High Hopes

Awesome Bro

The only game I've gotten much time in lately is Catherine, which is a very fun game with a deep story. I've been meaning to get some time in with the Old World Blues DLC for Fallout: New Vegas, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I've also spent a small amount of time with The Witcher 2, but not enough to have a solid opinion on the game yet.
F3AR is good. Beat it the other day via coop with a buddy of mine on Steam. I don't 100% understand the story of the games since I haven't played any of the others, but.. this one is friggin bad ass.


Awesome Bro

Talking about League of Legends, I might try Heroes of Newerth out, since it's free to play now, my brother was playing it yesterday and it seemed kind of cool, lol.
just fyi, jbrist, if you had difficulty on LoL, HoN is going to be 100x worse. The players are absolute douchebags and even the "noob only" rooms are occupied by the worst tryhards ever. plus, i'm not a fan of how dark the maps are, can hardly see wtf is going on, nor do i like that every person has their own color, instead of one team vs another.
Jbrist":yfxi4gmw said:
since it's free to play now

okay no seriously if it's free i'm playing it
not cause i like it but i totally wanna try denying. P sure I'm gonna be a LoL freak and say THIS SHIT SUCKS but whatever
lol dangs that into splash art reminds me of olaf the berserker so bad, while the f2p sign up thing is like EXACTLY like lol (and p much every other free mmo out there)


Awesome Bro

So since I've downloaded the Resistance 3 beta it's all I've been playing, it's really great!

The guns have all been redesigned and some of them just look so much better, they look more... meatier, y'know? The Rossmore is by far my favourite weapon to use, because you can upgrade your weapons twice, and one upgrade makes it fire incendiary rounds, whereas the second upgrade makes your secondary fire shoot off an incendiary grenade, oh yeah that reminds me, its secondary fire no longer shoots off two shots at once, it shoots off a grenade, lol.

The game is really fun to be honest, I was expecting it to be less hectic due to it being cut down from 32v32 to 8v8, however, the action is still there, you just have a little breathing room now, lol.

And sniping is really fun too, well, any weapon, if you get a headshot their head explodes which is fun and it has the best sound effect ever, lol.

The only thing I'm not liking at the moment is the entire screen look like it has a blur filter over it, overuse of motion blur really, and the graphics aren't too great but they're passable...

However, something that makes up for this is the visual effects from weapons and stuff, they're incredible, especially explosions, and it feels more realistic than the other Resistance games, aiming down your ironsights actually aims down them instead of what happened in the first games, you can use the weapon wheel online which is great too, being able to pick up more than two weapons comes in really handy... oh, and you have a lifebar online too, well, sort of, you can see the lifebar, it goes down when you get shot... BUT it's still regenerative health, lol.

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