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Moved on to FEAR 2; I don't get why you didn't like it, J. I mean, it may not be as scary in itself as FEAR 1, but the new controls make it so much more immersive that I can actually get in the zone and jump if something hiding tries to eat my face.


Awesome Bro

Meh, it just didn't click with me, it felt like a completely different game to the first... maybe I'll replay it again sometime and see if my opinion changes, lol.
regi":26lshdqf said:
Just completed the Veni Vidi Vici part of VVVVVV @_@

That took about 95% of my death count so far
me, too. there's a video i saw where someone played VVVVVV with no deaths.. completed the whole game.

here it is:
i could not play hellgate. Blademaster, moved forward, attacked, was like wtf as 1 sec later the enemy exploded.

Dragon nest is fun, but my memories of dragonica and similar instanced battle games make it feels a bit less cooler. Battles are slower than dragonica's sidescrolling cartoonishness, and it's mostly all just spamming attack and pressing the skill button to continue chaining skills, in case the boss is a bit too painful. and, whadayaknow, boss of the previous instance becomes a minor stronger enemy in the next instance. Too similar, and dragonica was cooler (i think). It's 3d, though, and there's some cool stuff happening i guess, so i'm not uninstalling it yet.

That reminds me, I haven't played dragonica (in like a year o_o). Transferred to new laptop and never installed it here. Shames, it's extremely fun, and doing combos is so satisfying (more than dragon nest's combos)

....what's with allt he dragon games?

I'm hoping when tera comes out its battle system actually works better than something like lord of the rings, d and d, and hellgate: attack in the general vicinity of the enemy and they get hit. :\
Tera's saying they'll change that, let's hope they do good.

....and that tera's free, but that's a whole different matter.
In my spare time i'm playing pokemon white again, just finished breeding my 31 IV HP, DEF SPEED wobbafett ;) (and other IV's are 20+).

I want to buy a new gam but I can't decide between Final Fantasy tactics: war of the lions and catherine
Any suggestions?


Awesome Bro

Well if it were me I'd get Final Fantasy Tactics: War Of The Lions, I mean, I already have it, but Catherine doesn't interest me in the slightest, lol.
Jbrist":36ziuld2 said:
Well if it were me I'd get Final Fantasy Tactics: War Of The Lions, I mean, I already have it, but Catherine doesn't interest me in the slightest, lol.

Most likely i'll get both some day, but yeah I think i'm gonna order FFT.

I only hear praise about the game and it will most likely last a lot longer then catherine.
I'm currently playing FFT: War of the Lions for the 100th time. xD

But I believe I mentioned that.

I'm biased and will say FFT - because it's my favorite game of all time. Heh.
I've been replaying Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth recently. I've also been playing through The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for the third time. I've already gotten everything but the game is still reasonably fun.




Gamer rage has kicked in on the Brynhildr fight. Sazh and Vanille are such a sucky team and this boss is absolutely ridiculous.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

i still dont get how people had trouble in ff13 :x i only died once and that was on the last boss cause of some instand death attack on my party leader -.- ANYWAYS im playing the prince of persia collection. good games are good



I've only died a few times in the actual battles in the game and those were usually slip-ups on my part (i.e. changing to the wrong paradigm at critical HP).

It's these Eidolon battles that get me; you've got a clock of about two minutes to fill up a gauge by using a specific move. In Brynhildr's case, it's attacking him with magic that I don't have. He's immune to fire, which is what Sazh uses w/ Ravager, and Vanille was leveled to be a support character.
Playing some of my old games again.

Mass Effect 2 for what I want as a perfect save for 3.
Divinity II: The Complete Saga because I have a better computer now
Deus Ex because it is the best game ever made :box:

I also just bought EYE: Divine Cybermancy. Looks like it will be sexy.



I'm playing TESIV again before Skyrim comes out. I wanted to play around with enchanting and spellmaking a little bit.

I would be finishing up FFXIII right now if my game would load one of these cutscenes :(

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