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Awesome Bro

So I've just downloaded a save file for Disgaea 3 off the internet that has pretty much the same progress as me, the reason for this is because when my PS3 died I lost a lot of save data, which also included over 200 hours of Disgaea 3 and I wasn't even close to doing everything or getting the platinum or anything, lol. Now I can carry on! Although this save data's Mao has a Perfect Level 200 Rank 40 Baal Sword, which I didn't have... so that should definitely come in handy, lol.
Just got 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2 and unlocked the super secret! except the super secret has to be the SHIITIEST secret ever GODDAMN

I knew developers were lazy when the secret for SMG1 was replaying the whole damn game with Luigi, but jegus christ this has to be worst: finding secret green stars hidden in the stupidest places on every single level. like why couldn't they have expanded on the cooler levels instead? seriously the game would be so much better if they killed the stupid comet idea and gave each galaxy like 5-10 stars instead of a measley 1-2. some of the concepts were fantastic but so short and now they just ruined it with let's make them replay all the levels again just to find some stupid green stars! hehe way to up replay value :x
i thought the green stars were a cute idea
i mean its not great and you have to restart a level everytime you get one but
i didnt think it was bad

I agree about how short each world was and how there were only a few stars in each place
I would of loved to of seen the world expanded and levels longer~

I actually liked how the worlds were in the first one a lot better x:
but the second one did more with the worlds in terms of creativity~
it was just so shortlived :c
well i dunno i only got the first green star and it was RIGHT BEHIND THE BUILDING IN FRONT OF WHICH YOU START

like that is the shittiest hiding place ever for a star
lol they get harder, I promise. Well they sort of get harder but not terribly hard
i mean i thought it was better than the first one tbh
i suppose it's better than "replay the entire game with luigi yay" but it still screams laziness at me :(
i just wish they had more levels, i remember the fire/ice galaxy from the first game was supercool, and so were all of the Bowser (Jr) boss castle levels.
I've been playing a ton of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 lately. It was my favourite game as a kid and it holds up really well! The graphics, while a little dated, are still good 12 years after they were made.

RCT2 is such a tight, compact, well-made game that it holds up more than a decade after the original was released.

I built a Pipeline roller coaster with an excitement rating of 655 :smoke:
baby bowser didnt really have any castles and if he did they were kind of short
and dear jesus I hated the freezeflame galaxy in the first one
the best lands in the first one were the toy land, the lava land, and the bowser castles
and the first world
and the alice tea time level
i love the holy poop out of both games holy crap. but in RCT2 you can build buildings and things, and the expansions are pretty cool.

anyway i lost approx. 1800 hours (not exaggerating) of my life to those games so im not touching them again. god.
i have the first one and the third one i was just wondering if the 2nd and first were any different
like are there different rides?
or different things to control?

ven beat me :c
I just recently hacked My Wii got the homebrew channel along with an Snes emulator and N64 , Ive been murking that Super bomber-man 2(SNES) and Mario Kart 64 (N64) I'm also gonna give Aidyn Chronicles: The first Mage (N64) a play thru since I never beat it lol Ive also been playing Call of duty black Ops (Zombie mode mostly) for the ps3 and thats about it really..

I'm hoping to get Elder scrolls Oblivion for the ps3 Had it on the 360 but the rings of death took my Xbox so I'm thinking of getting it for ps3 or waiting for Skyrim
Well, since the usual crap that sucks up all my precious internet time is being a pud, I think I might actually play something today. Tales of the Abyss is certainly tempting me, especially with the 3DS version coming sometime soon.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Skyla Doragono":1j56eii1 said:
Well, since the usual crap that sucks up all my precious internet time is being a pud, I think I might actually play something today. Tales of the Abyss is certainly tempting me, especially with the 3DS version coming sometime soon.
yeah i cant wait for it... i started to replay the ps2 version.. then was like... why im i doing this?
Catherine; decided to play on Hard just because it seemed like a good challenge to do. I'm stuck on the second level right now though, so maybe that wasn't a really good idea (I've heard of the "extreme" difficulty from many players and reviewers but I still thought I could handle it haha).
Mega Flare":2i74klr4 said:
Skyla Doragono":2i74klr4 said:
Well, since the usual crap that sucks up all my precious internet time is being a pud, I think I might actually play something today. Tales of the Abyss is certainly tempting me, especially with the 3DS version coming sometime soon.
yeah i cant wait for it... i started to replay the ps2 version.. then was like... why im i doing this?
Amazon has it up for preorder, but GameStop doesn't yet. I have a feeling if they don't have it up by next pay cycle, I'll be preordering with Amazon. :x

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Skyla Doragono":rcx3ymw3 said:
Mega Flare":rcx3ymw3 said:
Skyla Doragono":rcx3ymw3 said:
Well, since the usual crap that sucks up all my precious internet time is being a pud, I think I might actually play something today. Tales of the Abyss is certainly tempting me, especially with the 3DS version coming sometime soon.
yeah i cant wait for it... i started to replay the ps2 version.. then was like... why im i doing this?
Amazon has it up for preorder, but GameStop doesn't yet. I have a feeling if they don't have it up by next pay cycle, I'll be preordering with Amazon. :x
well idc to pre-order.. i just want a god damn release date.. my 3DS needs to be played.... ive plyed more ds games on it then 3ds games :x
dragon warrior 3
i could not for the life of me touch dragon warrior 1 and 2.
But 3 is p cool, wish something like it would be updated for current gen stuff. Etrian odesseys a bit too much of a grind to be fun past the first 2 levels.

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