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Aepriz":2ncrogpg said:
Pokemon white

Call me master breeder, just breeded this baby (took me 12 hours)

Modest nature (outstanding potential)

Iv calculator says;
HP 31, Atk 16/17, Def 30, spAtk 31, SpDef12, Speed31. (btw 31 is highest value possible)

Now I just gotta do some EV's and learn it attack.

Though I have one probleme I'd like some opinions of;
Dragontail or U-turn? I want a safety move, but I can't decide between power (dragontail) or escape and come back later (U-turn).

Any opinions? (I don't wanna mess this deino up, took me to long xD)
Um, isn't Deino a Physical attacker? Modest takes away from attack. And which of those two you'd choose would really depend on what you want to use your Hydreigon for, but if you only have 1 other dragon move, I'd suggest Dragon Tail.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

INFAMOUS 2! yeah thats right... and OMFG this game is the best game I have played in YEARS.. its better then the oringal in every way! though at first it seems to fast for moving and what not but you get use to it lol

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Strawberry":1wfwpm71 said:
I downloaded Threads of Fate last night off of the PSN, and played for several hours. I luvvles that game! :D
since you got a ps3 you should get infamous 2.. beset game of the year by Far
Well I read up on it. Since the second one probably costs money, I read about the first one. The concepts seem cool, but I don't know if it's my type of game. I'd probably rather watch someone play it, than play it myself. XD

(Besides Star is spending his money on DNF *facepalm*).
WipeEout HD and Dead Nation.

WipEout: I LOVE PHANTOM, this is intence! (also Zone is such a cool game mode).
Dead Nation: Way to short (about 3-4 hours) :/ But really fun! (and the story has a great ending)
Wipeout HD is amazing. It's always been in the back of my mind to buy it, but now that its free I've been all over it. Also, for those of you with access to a 1080p 3D tv...get wipeout..its fucking ridiculous with all the bells and whistles.
the witcher 2, had some glitch at the vergen battle, and everyone stopped doing anything, didn't know what to do. Suppose to follow Saskia, but whatever the case, see what happens, next time.
Necrile":1hpzcac9 said:
Wipeout HD is amazing. It's always been in the back of my mind to buy it, but now that its free I've been all over it. Also, for those of you with access to a 1080p 3D tv...get wipeout..its fucking ridiculous with all the bells and whistles.
Even without a 3D TV its fucking amazing.. One of the few "treu HD" games I think.. (most games are 720 or something)..


Awesome Bro

Actually, MOST games aren't even 720p, they're anywhere between 560-640p and just upscaled, although obviously there are some gams with a native resolution of 720p which look slightly better... Wipeout HD however, at full 1080p and 60FPS is probably the most technically impressive game on the HD consoles since it actually maintains its frame rate while keeping at such a high resolution, not to mention the textures and everything look really nice too, and it's got some great anti aliasing to top it off...

I'd love to see it through a 3DTV, which is why I'm waiting for the Playstation 3DTV to come out, it'll be used for 3D gaming (Although I'll play some games on my 42" HDTV, but it isn't 3D ofcourse) and it'll also replace my computer monitor... provided it has all the required ports in the back, that way I can do 3D gaming on my PC too! (As long as I buy a 3D enabled graphics card... lol)



excite bike and rayman on the 3ds since i just got it yesterday. also, i just finished mgs4. i swear, if it weren't for the rather lengthy cutscenes, that game would be 4 hours, not 15.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

candle":30s208se said:
excite bike and rayman on the 3ds since i just got it yesterday. also, i just finished mgs4. i swear, if it weren't for the rather lengthy cutscenes, that game would be 4 hours, not 15.
yay now im not the only one who wasted money on a 3DS!

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