Awesome Bro
Um, isn't Deino a Physical attacker? Modest takes away from attack. And which of those two you'd choose would really depend on what you want to use your Hydreigon for, but if you only have 1 other dragon move, I'd suggest Dragon Tail.Aepriz":2ncrogpg said:Pokemon white
Call me master breeder, just breeded this baby (took me 12 hours)
Modest nature (outstanding potential)
Iv calculator says;
HP 31, Atk 16/17, Def 30, spAtk 31, SpDef12, Speed31. (btw 31 is highest value possible)
Now I just gotta do some EV's and learn it attack.
Though I have one probleme I'd like some opinions of;
Dragontail or U-turn? I want a safety move, but I can't decide between power (dragontail) or escape and come back later (U-turn).
Any opinions? (I don't wanna mess this deino up, took me to long xD)