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What games are you currently playing?

lufia ruins of lore (seeing as the comp is still on the fritz and the guy still hasn't called to get it fixed :v)

classic rpg. Almsot too classic. Okay shit, but still fails to really attract me. Not the worst i've played, far from it. Interesting things, etc. etc., just not the best.

On the other hand, drakensang is what dragon age would have been if it was developed by a lesser company.
FFIVCC kinda inhaled my soul and spit out the crumbs.

Just finished the Interlude chapter, which made me smile at how adorable it was despite how short. And Cecil's comment at the end made me cackle. :x

I'm loving the upgraded graphics as well. So, how soon will it be before someone rips them?



WHAT I thought the release date of Brink was the 17th!!! :O
I must buy it nowwwww

(or i could make the smart move and buy it AFTER my exams :blush: )
i must add, though, that the pc version runs just fine, and the console versions are the ones with issues. idk what they are, but apparently network lag and bad framerates when people join/leave games in progress or something. 0 issues at all on the pc/steam version. also, server lists.
Currently playing Rift (although only sporatically, as I only play when my girlfriend is online), Minecraft, Parasite Eve 3rd Birthday, and... Wild Arms 2.

I don't have many super modern games because it's a pain in the dick to get US games to Japan on the cheap.


Awesome Bro

So I've JUST beaten Challenge #300 in the Challenge Tower on Mortal Kombat, god that was really annoying, but actually not as hard as I'd expect, oh well, it's done now...
Pokemon white

Call me master breeder, just breeded this baby (took me 12 hours)

Modest nature (outstanding potential)

Iv calculator says;
HP 31, Atk 16/17, Def 30, spAtk 31, SpDef12, Speed31. (btw 31 is highest value possible)

Now I just gotta do some EV's and learn it attack.

Though I have one probleme I'd like some opinions of;
Dragontail or U-turn? I want a safety move, but I can't decide between power (dragontail) or escape and come back later (U-turn).

Any opinions? (I don't wanna mess this deino up, took me to long xD)
Spooky":2svha9fk said:
Anybody play the new Fallout New Vegas add-on? I'm kind of thinking of getting it and Dead Money, but I'd like some opinions.
yeah i want to play it ... but I'm gonna wait for the price to drop a little first.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Venetia":3ajqizxi said:
Spooky":3ajqizxi said:
Anybody play the new Fallout New Vegas add-on? I'm kind of thinking of getting it and Dead Money, but I'd like some opinions.
yeah i want to play it ... but I'm gonna wait for the price to drop a little first.
its dlc... the price will not drop for a LONG time... lol also still playing the new motorstorm... so god damn good

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