Amy Pond 2.0, did you just go into The Other Hand and reply in all the highest thread?
Today I played Minecraft and programmed more of my project.
In general I have a few games on the go:
Final Fantasy I, IV, VII and IX, every other day I play VII in bed, every other day to that I play IX in bed, I and IV are on my phone for traveling around.
I'm playing through FEAR 2 after discovering FEAR 1 wasn't scary at all. I am so far disappointed with FEAR 2.
Still trying to get through GTA IV.
Got bored half way through Portal 2 so I'm part of the 50% of people who haven't finished it.
Got bored with Crysis 2, but like Portal 2, I'm still trying to force my way through it.
I'm at the last part of Crysis 1 where you're in the shitty helicoper/plane thingy and the gameplay is so shit and you can't control that shitting plane/choppah at all and the game got really shit at that part. I try it every day, but the controls are so frustrating I give up every time I die because that shitty plane hits a tree and you can't back it up or increase height, you have to pray you can take that motherfucking tree down with your engines and it's just so damn shit.
Almost finished Quake but realised I didn't pick up some of the runes so I am also playing that.
Playing through Doom again also.
Games I did have on the list but haven't touched for a week include:
Doom 3 - I get very bored with it.
Borderlands - Got very bored with it.
Halo 2 - Damn I got so bloody bored with it.
Final Fantasy VI - The broken world place is too non-linear for me, I need the direction and guidance. I got bored.
Chrono Trigger - I got very bored somewhere around the future domes or the caveman place. I can't quite remember.
Mirror's Edge - Level design is so shit, but the art is good. I find the story boring and I just can't be assed with it.
Star Wars Dark Forces - It's a good game. I got bored with one of the levels.
Psychonauts - Got bored.
Call of Duty Black Ops Single Player - Holy shit this is a boring fucker.
Burnout Paradise - Only online is good, single player is boring. Don't know why I stopped playing it. Track Mania Nations is better.
Goldeneye Wii - Got bored.
Marathon 2 - I got really far in co-op with a buddy and was having a great time, but then university work caught us both up.
Oh yes, I'm also playing Pathways into Darkness because I'm remaking it.
As you can see I tend to get a selection of games and play through them, if I get bored with them I tend to not play them as much then I outright stop playing.
Portal 2, Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 might very soon join the list of games I'm no longer playing. Maybe even FEAR 2.