Portal 2 came early and I got it today (Should be out on Thursday here), still waiting for the Steam version to download, it's been at it for a good 7 hours or so now and it's only done 4.8gb, lol.
Can't wait for Mortal Kombat, I ordered it from Amazon so I get the Sub Zero and Reptile classic costumes and fatalities, as well as the classic Kitana ninja costume, lol. It won't be here until Fri/Sat though because I don't want to pay an extra £7.00 for next day delivery, I'd rather it take 3-4 days for free, lol.
Then on Saturday I'm buying Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection and Socom 4, excited for both games to be honest, Final Fantasy IV because it's one of my favourites and I'd love to play The After Years, along with the new Interlude that comes with it, and the sprite work looks sexy, and the remastered soundtrack sounds REALLY nice too. And I'm excited for Socom 4 because I played the beta and was in love with the multiplayer, lol, as I said before on this thread, Bomb Squad is like, the best gametype in any game ever!
Can't wait for Mortal Kombat, I ordered it from Amazon so I get the Sub Zero and Reptile classic costumes and fatalities, as well as the classic Kitana ninja costume, lol. It won't be here until Fri/Sat though because I don't want to pay an extra £7.00 for next day delivery, I'd rather it take 3-4 days for free, lol.
Then on Saturday I'm buying Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection and Socom 4, excited for both games to be honest, Final Fantasy IV because it's one of my favourites and I'd love to play The After Years, along with the new Interlude that comes with it, and the sprite work looks sexy, and the remastered soundtrack sounds REALLY nice too. And I'm excited for Socom 4 because I played the beta and was in love with the multiplayer, lol, as I said before on this thread, Bomb Squad is like, the best gametype in any game ever!