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Awesome Bro

Portal 2 came early and I got it today (Should be out on Thursday here), still waiting for the Steam version to download, it's been at it for a good 7 hours or so now and it's only done 4.8gb, lol.

Can't wait for Mortal Kombat, I ordered it from Amazon so I get the Sub Zero and Reptile classic costumes and fatalities, as well as the classic Kitana ninja costume, lol. It won't be here until Fri/Sat though because I don't want to pay an extra £7.00 for next day delivery, I'd rather it take 3-4 days for free, lol.

Then on Saturday I'm buying Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection and Socom 4, excited for both games to be honest, Final Fantasy IV because it's one of my favourites and I'd love to play The After Years, along with the new Interlude that comes with it, and the sprite work looks sexy, and the remastered soundtrack sounds REALLY nice too. And I'm excited for Socom 4 because I played the beta and was in love with the multiplayer, lol, as I said before on this thread, Bomb Squad is like, the best gametype in any game ever!
Why does nobody make the intelligent decision and pre-load games? I was playing Portal 2 as soon as it came out because I installed it a week ago. I have yet to try minecraft 1.5, but Portal 2 is really amazing.



Glitchfinder":2sh1n4tk said:
Why does nobody make the intelligent decision and pre-load games? I was playing Portal 2 as soon as it came out because I installed it a week ago. I have yet to try minecraft 1.5, but Portal 2 is really amazing.

I couldnt. i got the ps3 version because it came with a free code for thr pc version. it wasnt available until yesterday.
Pokémaniac":2ibrzbr0 said:
Portal is $100 in Australia, even though our dollar is worth more than the US's at the moment.

there's a shitload more legislation req'd to release a game in australia than in ... well, p much anywhere else.
for such a liberal country with such seemingly laid-back/cool people, aussies are super uptight about video games. idgi

i cant try minecraft 1.5 until all my bukkit mods are updated :V
so very many mods.

this looks 30000x better than the last sonic game that came out. that episodic one.. that one is garbage, using fake speed again and the controls are god awful (sonic stops moving in the air if you stop pressing a direction which is retarded as shit considering the old ones you always had momentum), and the camera is too goddamn zoomed in, can't see shit..

however, this looks like a saving grace. i'm even more excited for this one, 3D and everything. the most exciting thing about this one is the real speed looks like it's finally back.. sonic finally zips like a speedy mofugger


Awesome Bro

Yeah lol I'm really excited for this, it takes the best part of Sonic Unleashed and makes an entire game out of it, honestly can't wait, it's going to be amazing!
Been playing FF4CC since it came out in Japan; Japanese version has an English language option. :shades:

Also, Tales of VS, Chrono Cross, and leveling for final ass whooping in Radiant Mythology 3. Damn final boss is hard as hell.
Anyway, Final Fantasy 10, again. I love that game.

(Although I have no idea what they were thinking about with the way they introduce Blitzball. After the half-hour tutorial(this isn't even exaggerating ;_; and it's not frilly in any way), you're pumped for some Blitzball, and then they're like "but we're not gonna play YET" and then you go battle some easy enemies followed by a boss that is so easy you can just completely ignore the giant machine that's ready to crush it and kill it yourself if you want(and even then it's just a long battle, not a hard one), you finally get to play Blitzball... but instead of starting with an easy match they start off really fucking hard, flog you into the ground, have everyone look at you, disappointed, then don't let you go back and play the easy matches until later. I would probably like Blitzball if they started off properly with it.)


Awesome Bro

Playing Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, I've decided to give everyone their own AI and let it auto battle to help me grind a few levels lol, the AI is pretty good to be honest, although I do have a look in every now and then to make sure it's going okay.

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