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What games are you currently playing?

Got steam - learned that steam is the shit

I'm currently playing the fuck out of source mods and alien swarm with my close friends. Also truthfully speaking, the mods are much more interesting then the game I bought to load 'em - Team Fortress 2. Also, Eternal Silence is amazing, if you have a source engine game - get it! Its an absolutely brilliant Space Combat Sim/FPS that should be familiar to anybody who has played SW BFII's space battles.

Oh and minecraft again, I have become re-addicted for I think the 5th time now...


Awesome Bro

So since yesterday and when I woke up today I've been playing Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, and I have to say it's maybe one of the best Tactics RPG's I've ever played, aside from the Disgaea series ofcourse, I've not played the original version where once one of your units die, they're permanently dead, but that's a good thing because on here you have three hearts instead, obviously a death loses one, so you can die three times before the permadeath lol, I've only had one character die once so far though so I'm glad lol... but I hear you can buy Elixers to give them an extra heart, but I haven't seen any in stores yet...
The original was uber hard for me because units die permanently. I prefer it this way, when I have a chance to revive and save them.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! Since I love tactical RPGs it jumped on my top 5 favorite video game list. :D


Awesome Bro

I have a question, the timer they have above their head, I know once it hits 0 they leave the battlefield, but is there a way to revive them or anything while on the field?
I just bought Depths of Peril this weekend and played for about an hour today. It seems cool, has a very Diablo feel to it. I'm looking forward to seeing how the faction warfare plays out.

Also, it's always cool to see what the indies are making. Seems like a fun game though, so I look forward to trying to find some time to actually play it.


Awesome Bro

So right now I'm just messing around on LittleBigPlanet 2, first time I've played it since I got it haha, well, yesterday was...



Awesome Bro

Playing Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together some more, wow this game consumes time like a fat guy with a chocolate bar... I've had a random encounter with 6 enemies, and it took me half an hour to finish it, lol...

Now I'm looking on the net for some guides as to what weapon skills I should be putting up for Denam, I hear I should give him 2H swords and make him a Knight, but my Knight class is level 1, whereas my Warrior class is level 6 and quite frankly I get more attack power/strength from being a Warrior. I'm also using fist weapons right now although I'm hoping for something better later on...

But yeah, I can't find guides ANYWHERE for things like this, it sucks! D:
Over the past week I have been playing Rogue Galaxy for the PS2. I dunno why, just wanted to play through it from start to finish again.
Pokemon white..

Found my Third shiny today, A litwick! (and with a descent nature too!)

After I finish getting my Rain dance team up to level 100 I'll start training the litwick ^^
(But first I need to get a drizzle politoed)


Awesome Bro

Noby Noby Boy was on sale so I bought it for only £2 and it's the most random game ever, playing it on four player with my brothers, having the best fucking time ever... this game could be £40 and I'd still buy it, proper amazing!

a video i uploaded a long time ago.. this game is not fun. idk why you'd think so. there's no point but to just eat and shit..


Awesome Bro

A game doesn't need a point to be fun, it's just great when you find a world filled with banjo strumming foxes riding trex's and a pirate riding a bicycle, and the pirate jumps off the bicycle, kicks the trex in the face, then hops on a sheep and rides off the edge of the level, things like that just make the game so brilliant, or a camel just randomly jumping on your back for a ride and then deciding it'd rather jump on the back of another camel and then some flying mushroom just KO's 'em both... 'tis great!
Jbrist":1wzwxomj said:
A game doesn't need a point to be fun, it's just great when you find a world filled with banjo strumming foxes riding trex's and a pirate riding a bicycle, and the pirate jumps off the bicycle, kicks the trex in the face, then hops on a sheep and rides off the edge of the level, things like that just make the game so brilliant, or a camel just randomly jumping on your back for a ride and then deciding it'd rather jump on the back of another camel and then some flying mushroom just KO's 'em both... 'tis great!


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