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Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Ridge Racer 3D- its as good as the psp one but not as good as ridge racer 7
Split/Second- its not to bad. worth the 25bucks that i paid for it
The Legend Of Heroes Trails in the sky- my god this must be the best rpg ive played in years



re-played a little bit of heavy rain on a friend's ps3 the other day

the first time around i enjoyed it, even though p much every scene with madison was completely cringe-worthy. it was really unlike anything i've ever played - the idea of of an interactive cinematic experience with well-integrated controls and QTEs is pretty rad. it's easy to get swept up and ignore its faults.

playing it again, knowing the answers to the mysteries and seeing how everything plays out makes me realize how badly written it really was. oh well.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

moxie":32cirnqz said:
re-played a little bit of heavy rain on a friend's ps3 the other day

the first time around i enjoyed it, even though p much every scene with madison was completely cringe-worthy. it was really unlike anything i've ever played - the idea of of an interactive cinematic experience with well-integrated controls and QTEs is pretty rad. it's easy to get swept up and ignore its faults.

playing it again, knowing the answers to the mysteries and seeing how everything plays out makes me realize how badly written it really was. oh well.
i just started to play heavy rain! its alright so far but the game sucks with playstation move lol
psiclone":2y5558so said:
i played sims 3 for a long time.. i can't do free will. i'm so ocd with it. i can't let the people do their own thing, AND i absolutely need to keep everyone's stats max.. i never let them get halfway (unless they're in the middle of getting another stat up at the time). i have to keep everyone top notch.
im the same way :/

sometimes i turn on free will just to see if i can handle it. the motherfuckers just repeatedly play on the computer, take 358975892 books out of the shelves to read, stop, and then leave them all over the house, or complain about needing to pee.

it hurts me inside.

and if there's a particularly ugly townie, i have to kill them.
Venetia":2zeefhys said:
psiclone":2zeefhys said:
sometimes i turn on free will just to see if i can handle it. the motherfuckers just repeatedly play on the computer, take 358975892 books out of the shelves to read, stop, and then leave them all over the house, or complain about needing to pee.

That sounds so much like real life that it is sickening.


Awesome Bro

My brother has just downloaded Crysis 2 on PC and it looks shit hot, seriously, the PS3/360 versions look nice but not amazing, the PC however is fucking insane, he doesn't even have a high end PC and is running everything on highest!
he doesn't even have a high end PC and is running everything on highest!
That would be because Crysis 2 is much worse than Crysis. I could only run Crysis on Medium low setting back in the day - The Crysis 2 demo I can run on highest. And even on medium low Crysis looked better. The worst part is that its not just the graphics that got simplified - the gameplay got it too.


Awesome Bro

The graphics don't look as great as Crysis on the highest settings, although you can get them to look really nice if you download this thingy that lets you change tons of options, it even lets you add smooth mouse, I mean seriously, what game doesn't give you the option these days! D: But yeah, everything on highest, it still looks shit hot, and yeah the gameplay really has been simplified, and they've dumbed down the AI so bloody much it's unreal... oh well, I only play the multiplayer anyway, I can't get into the story, it's dragging on forever and ever and I'm so bored of it, lol...

Anyways what am I playing?

Since yesterday I've been playing the Socom 4 Beta (Or as it's being called here in EU: Socom Special Forces, which sounds gay as fuck!) and honestly, it's one of the best shooters I've ever played, and there's a game mode called Bomb Squad, which is the best thing ever, just imagine playing The Hurt Locker... except only one person on your team is in the suit. How it plays is:

At the start of a round, one player from one of the teams is selected to be the guy in the suit, he has pros and cons:
Pros: Increased health and defense, has a grenade launcher and an automatic shotgun (Similar to the one from The Expendables)
Cons: He moves slower than everyone else and only he can plant and defuse bombs (It's one or the other, not sure if each team gets a bomb dude...) (Not sure if this is a good or bad thing)

And the aim of the game is to protect the bomb guy until he's planted/defused all three bombs before the match ends, and if he dies, then it assigns someone else on the team as the bomb guy, so there's always a bomb guy (Or it might be two, really not sure if each team gets one, I'd assume so) in play. Some people don't like this since in the old Socom games, once you died, you were dead until the end of the round, whereas on here you respawn, but there's "Classic" gametypes, pretty much the same thing except no respawns, so that'll keep people happy too.

Here's a picture of the guy in the suit


Awesome Bro

Today I bought Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, the premium edition too, it was supposed to be £30 ($45) but it was only £16 ($24) so it's all good, I'll play it a little later on I think.


Awesome Bro

Strawberry":44gdjwd8 said:
Good choice! I love that game! :D

Haven't beaten it yet, though. O_O

You should start from the beginning and we have a race to see who can finish it first :P But no seriously I generally take FOREVER when playing most games, lol...



Still Starcraft 2, I won 8 games in a row today :D
(okay it was in the bronze league, but hey, a week ago I couldn't win anything so I'm still proud)

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