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Dragon age II has made me lol, im not gonna get it because EA and BioWare are being so fucking pretentious about it

i mean, shit, of course its not as good as the first, doesnt mean you should go around websites making fake reviews on how "good" it is (some EA guy made a fake review online giving it a 10/10 because the overall score was like a 4/10, i lold)

it looks average and ive also heard they recycled shit from the original, but hey, FFX-2 did that and it sold a shit ton of copies somehow.
moxie":2iiegbin said:
yeah the c+p areas are terrible, and then they managed to basically improve the battle system but reduce every encounter into exactly one type no matter what you're fighting (attacking attacking whoop there's the second wave spawning right on top of me this sure is unexpected, tactical and action-packed)
i like the fighting a lot more, but yes the pop-ins kill ALL strategy. i now resort to a silly tactic. When a battle starts, I immediately retreat everyone into another room/hallway, with my warrior/tank guarding the door. That way, pop-ins occur as they will, and then the stupid things will just go for the door instead of surprise-assraping my specially-placed mage & archer.

they often offer like cliffs/outcroppings and places to place your ranged characters, but when enemies pop unexpectedly on them, why use them??

another thing that bugs me is that they're really pushing the romance angle this time around, every party member except like 2 are romanceable and oh boy they sure do love telling you about it
the only character i want to romance is varric, but he's like the only one i can't (excluding aveline/your sibs). why not? no love for the short bros :( hawke is shallow :(

i miss shale and wynne, they never tried to jump your bones, get +10 GRRR POINTS for being turned down and then immediately try to start a GRRR ROMANCE instead
yeah anders surprised me the most. he came onto you during your first convo. it seemed out of character. and then your only options are to piss him off, or flirt back. lame :|

lastly: fenris needs to stop being such a dick to merrill, he is pissing me off. but he is a much better fighter than aveline (i'm the tank anyway) :/




yeah varric is pretty cool which means that a romance would probably totally butcher his character, so thank god for small favors i guess?? i always sort of avoided it in the other games so i guess i never noticed how juvenile and silly the romance writing really was, that sex scene with leliana in the last one was absolutely cringe-worthy and i can only imagine there's even worse in this one

it certainly doesn't seem like a coincidence that the best characters in dragon age are non-romanceable (shale, wynne, varric, aveline) but zevran was pretty alright and isabela's growing on me

gameplay-wise the c+p is pretty inexcusable, and it's frustrating that they improve the battle system and then completely counteract it by making all the enemy encounters the exact same. for every step forward, there's a leap back or completely sideways

dragon age has never been genius or anything but the first one was fun and a p nice throwback to traditional crpgs as far as those things go so maybe they can get their shit together for the next one

:specs: :specs: m:eganerd: :specs: /

i'm glad i bought deadly premonition along with dragon age 2 because it is making up for it and then some
dude actually yeah it is really cool. i watched my bf's bro play it.

if you can get around the horrific voice acting (whadda ya expect? it's a game based on a show based on a comic based on a toy series), it's pretty fuckin solid.
well the optimus prime voice acting is not bad. everyone else is laughable though. soundwave & starscream will make you cringe.

be careful and get the War for Cybertron for the PS3 or 360, not the one based on the Transformers 2 movie!!! they came out at almost the same time, but W4C is not based on the movies -at all-. Also there was one for the Wii called Cybertron Adventures or something that I heard was shit. very poor timing there.

anyway the graphics are unexpectedly ridiculously gorgeous, the controls are tight, and the game is decently well-paced.

you play as the Decepticons first and then the Autobots. The Decepticons campaign is pretty easy. The Autobots campaign is stupid hard.

only real bummer there is the lack of local multiplayer. seemed like a given to be included.

it's a fun game though; check it out if you like the series at all.


Awesome Bro

Ven... you're telling me things I know! D:

Seriously though, played it at my mates when it first came out, did a little online too on Escalation, and had a right fucking time with it, it was amazing, can't wait to play it to be honest, but I started Mirror's Edge last night and want to plow through it first, since it's actually REALLY fun although the controls take a little getting used to, it also looks gorgeous, not too bothered for the wtfanimecutscenes though.
Playing pokemon diamond simply to get Dialga, playing pokemon heart gold simply to get Mewtwo/Kyogre, which I will then transfer to Black to make an uber team. Also, playing Dragon Quest IX and Rift on the side. Dragon Quest IX is hella fun, and Rift is not so much..they tried to hard to make it like wow, but it simply isn't as good.



was playing dead space 2 last night. there are a lot of moments that make me jump, but more because of the surprise than the scare. also, a lot of the sound effects are very creepy. especially when limbs are rolling around. i start to think theres something else that gonna attack me, but there's not



aahahhaa necrile i saw a commercial for rift and me and all my friends were like "Another WoW commercial" and when it said RIFT at the end we all lol'd like fuck


Awesome Bro

So tonight I finished Mirror's Edge, the game is short, the storyline is pretty generic and didn't have too many characters in it, although everything was wrapped up pretty well I suppose, the ending was a little meh... HOWEVER, the game itself is pretty amazing, it sort of reminded me of Portal, but y'know... without a portal gun and faster paced, it also looks gorgeous, even compared to graphics in games 2-3 years later, and I had a really great sense of satisfaction when the credits rolled and the music played, lol.

Now I'm skipping Ratchet & Clank for the time being and jumped into Transformers: War For Cybertron campaign instead, playing as Megatron, and damn the AI is shit, I've been killed more times because my team mates won't move out of the way! Story is pretty cool so far though, hope it keeps up like this, can't wait to play the Autobots campaign afterwards!
I tried Dragon Age 2 this morning, and I actually really enjoyed it. I hated the first one, so I guess I am the odd man out. As soon as I got past all the 'you must do this' stuff, and was given a choice what to do, the entire game fell apart for me. AS THEY ALWAYS DO. Essentially, all new wRPGs have this stupid idea that I want to have a choice. I don't want to have a choice. If I wanted choices, I would play an MMORPG. I am playing a single player RPG for a reason. I want a story, and some gameplay thrown in. It annoys me to the bone that I have to go through 5-6 sidequests, just to find the one sidequest that actually advances the story. When I heard how different, and worst DA2 was from DA:O, I had to try it. Because I figured it would actually be more enjoyable. Aside from having a much more entertaining combat system, it is just as bad. In after thought, DA:O might even have been more enjoyable. At least I had some fucking goals. But of course, this is the problem with modern gaming. Sequels need to be churned out so quickly, otherwise fans will lose interest and move on to other companies. As a result, the sequels are all crap and giving the companies a bad name. That being said, Mass Effect 2 was a huge improvement over Mass Effect 1. I wish I could get more into the story though. It just seems to be Halo again, for all I care.

Why is it that I can't enjoy RPGs anymore? Oblivion only gripped me because I always knew exactly what steps needed to be taken to complete the story, and all the side-quests chained together into their own side stories. The last RPG I played that I really enjoyed the story was probably FF6.


Awesome Bro

I seem to enjoy JRPG's a lot more than WRPG's because of how the story progresses, I mean, I do love open world, but you never get a clear objective it's just "Hey you can do this or this or this or nothing at all and just run around" and they always add features that detract away from the story and more into exploration, so the game goes nowhere and then after like 20 hours of doing nothing but exploring and sidequests, I get bored and forget what I was supposed to be doing in the first place... I prefer linear games to open world if the story is supposed to be compelling, but if the storyline is nonexistant I'll go nuts and run around wildy hitting wolves etc.
I've been playing the re-release of Beyond Good and Evil. Never played the original. I do like it, but you can definitely tell it's 8 years old! The camera is pretty horrible and the stealth sections are kind of wierd. But, taking pictures of animals is more fun than it should be and the story is nice. I wish XBox and PS3 had copied its text input system!

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