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Awesome Bro

Lol I played the multiplayer demo and even though it looked like shit and had framerate issues it was REALLY fun, now I've got the retail:

The gameplay is still as fun, and more gametypes too (Thank god), the graphics look a LITTLE better in multiplayer but the framerate is really smooth now and doesn't really dip at all, so it's a lot more enjoyable.

Not played the singleplayer yet lol.
After playing through the demo I've just realized -- With Crysis 2, Crysis has become just another console-port :pissed:
PC Gamers everywhere lament! :cry: :cry: For of all the companies to forsake us, CRYTEK, has done it.
In the name of PC gamers everywhere I just want to wish the money-grubbing whores at EA my sincerest thanks for ruining all the franchises I hold dear. First Dragon Age and now Crysis. *grumbles*

In all seriousness, the game's multiplayer is incredibly fun, and it certainly looks better than most other shooters on the market. Sadly, though, the massive trade in PC features is certainly not worth it, and 3 year old Crysis blasts this sequel out of the water when it comes to graphics and optimization.

Venetia":1owvzc84 said:
ok i was digging Dragon Age 2 for a while but now i'm halfway through Act 2 and

well WTF

there are 15 areas that are recycled throughout the entire game!!!

you're just going into the same houses/caves/alleys/etc over and over and over!

the people change locations but everything else stays the same!


Ok so Fenris takes over the mansion, and it's in shambles all during Act 1. There's even a dead guard's body haphazardly strewn at the front door the whole time. OK, we've been busy. Maybe he hasn't had a chance to clean it up. Or even notice the dead guy smell. Whatever.

But then 3 years pass after Act 1. In Act 2, you go into his mansion, and NOTHING'S CHANGED. Even the same corpse of the same dead guard is still there.


Like ok, this game is less expansive than the last. You don't travel a whole lot. That sucks, but Kirkwall/Marches is a big place; there is potential for variety.

But instead of simply slightly changing the surroundings to give the player some semblance of a sense of time elapse or accomplishment, you keep revisiting the same spots over and over, with no changes to them, other than what doors are capable of even being clicked on.

Like the minimap still shows there're rooms beyond the doors, but depending on what instance/mission you're on, you can't even click on the doors that are barring you access from the rooms you see on the FUCKING MINIMAP

never thought i would say this after playing so much Silent Hill, but i would kill for a "The lock is broken. I can't open the door." message.

This shit is lazy!!!!! :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

So even though I didn't like DA:O, and wasn't that impressed with DA2 at the start (read my previous post) I am actually still playing it, and enjoying it more as I have gotten more characters (Fenris, Anders, Isabele, etc.)

But I noticed that even though stuff sticks around, and it's clearly a result of the DA team pandering to publishers release dates, and not being able to work at their own pace to produce a quality product, they do poke fun at it. Especially in Gamlen's house, Bethany and Hawke joke about how the same bowl of porridge has been sitting around for over a year (the time between the prologue at Act 1) and such.

I am most annoyed by the fact that different areas have the same maps (Fenris' Mansion and the whore house... lol) but I can deal with it as the combat engine is so much more enjoyable than the combat engine in DA:O. Also, I love FemHawke. Yeah, she is as two dimensional as a piece of paper, but so is every character. The illusion of depth in all wRPGs that have been released in the last 4-5 years is consistent, no characters have depth to them at all; yet I get enjoyment out of always picking the Sarcastic response with FemHawke. The only time I pick something else is if its a Romance related option. I'm very close to bedding Isabele, Merril, and Anders (at the same time? I wish!)
So, I just got DA2, started playing it... and;


I had played through the demo as a Warrior (incredibly boring) and saw Carver die - going well cool, Bethany was a more interesting character anyway. Then I had started, but never finished playing as a mage (which is even more incredibly fun then the last game).

Now with the actual game, based off my memory with the first one, I had decided to start building a multi-mage party, focusing on building Hawke as Arcane/Spirit (would have been entropy + blood magic first game, entropy this time around is just the hexes :mad: ) into, hopefully, Arcane Warrior (THE best class in the first game IMO), while building Bethany as AOE elemental + healing. I just auto-leveled Carver expecting him to die. AND THEN THEY KILL BETHANY OFF. And of course now I can't manage to beat the boss, cause on the hardest difficulty its near impossible to get it without AOE. Crap.

Think I'm just going to go back to Planescape: Torment now.

Okay so I sat down and played some more (beating the boss with some crazy stutter step micro) after realizing I can still have a three mage party - BUT - turns out mages are incredibly nerfed by the retarded ass "enemies spawn all around you fuuuuuuu" and I can no longer make myself a super-magic tank because Arcane Warrior has been removed :/. As for the battles, in addition to the "enemies spawn all around you fuuuuuuu" problem, I have several gripes with the enemies as well. WHY ARE ARCHERS SO GODDAMN STRONG. Seriously. They take less damage and have more health the enemy warriors o.O One of my mages, or varrick can't even win a straight up one-on-one battle with them. Somethings wrong. And those FUCKING hunter/assassin characters are a pain in the ass as well. I believe they're supposed to be rogues right? THEN WHY DO THEY HAVE MORE HEALTH THAN THE ENEMY WARRIORS. And they have that stupid teleport behind you move, that is unavoidable, cause when you see it, its already too late to dodge. And the damn thing takes away half your health. GAAAAH! Seriously the one vibe I getting from this game, is an insane urge to just play Origins again, I'm definitely not playing this game more than once.


Awesome Bro

I've been playing Crysis 2 singleplayer for about an hour now and... it's so fucking boring! I hope something comes up real soon otherwise I'll just write it off and stick to multiplayer! D:
Various little ipod games, but haven't found any really worth playing yet outside of the FF series.

FFIII just came out but its a fecking tenner :I


Awesome Bro

You're complaining at a tenner? I bought it when it first came out for DS for £30 and was VERY happy considering the amount of time I put in it, I'd have loved if it were a tenner! D:



he's complaining because most ios games not on the ipad are a dollar (or the british equivalent), with the expensive ones like infinity blade at $5
Trying to get far enough into Kanto so I can get mah damn Skroomish and Shellder to transfer to black..then my team will be ready for...BREEDING.


Awesome Bro

You're loving it because it really is a good game! D:

So today I decided I wanted to wreck some shit, so I went on Saints Row 2, dressed up with a pinstripe tux and top hat, put low gravity and extreme explosions on (4x bigger explosions) and ran around with a rocket launcher... it was fun.
The Sims 3. Life is so grand. Though I get hard on cash, even with a job. And gets abit boring, and i leave it on free will.
i played sims 3 for a long time.. i can't do free will. i'm so ocd with it. i can't let the people do their own thing, AND i absolutely need to keep everyone's stats max.. i never let them get halfway (unless they're in the middle of getting another stat up at the time). i have to keep everyone top notch.
Pokemon white.. I just can't stop 0.0

I got every Unova pokemon (got the award from game freak building) and I also think I have every pokemon availible in white.. Whih is not thats much really :/ I think my "own count" is only 400 or so..

I need to transfer some shit xp
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition...

And replayin Golden Sun for i fckd up my 3DS by messin with the update...
(quittin twice half way will mess up the system!!!)

Now i've got to send it back to Nintendo to let them fix it :eek::

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