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Jbrist":1g5uwcj8 said:
I started playing Nier, but then got sidetracked playing Mass Effect 2, ofcourse I'll go back to it, just not yet lol. All I was doing is sidequests for every fucker in the village which isn't even big enough to be classed as a village! The game is pretty interesting to be honest though...
man be careful, the game really hates completionists. a lot of the quests don't even let you break even with the stuff you buy to complete them.

moxie":1g5uwcj8 said:
id is doing nier?

is he still doing the inserting his own dialogue thing, because it works well for all of those other terrible games but i like nier too much to read a lot of "ohoho we are so self aware"
he tried it a bit near the beginning, but iirc now he's just letting it speak for itself. he does a pretty good job of showing off the game, but yeah there's absolutely no contest between reading the LP and legit playing it.
Just beat Killzone 3's singleplayer a day or two ago... thank GOD. I hated it. It was like a CHORE playing through the singleplayer... at least the multiplayer is fun as shit.



i'm a bit late here but

i got nier based on a recommendation and i went into it with really low expectations (which were def aided by the ridiculous design of a certain main character featured in all the media and the fact that cavia's past achievements include drakengard, bullet witch, and some resident evil crap) and was blown away

it's filled to the brim with questionable design choices and silly jrpg cliches, but it has legit good game writing and manages to pull them all off and in some cases, subvert them really well. the characters & the dialogue is also very well done.

edit: just checked out the lp and aww, this right here is reason enough to read it :cute: :cute:



it was pretty good. we had a 45 minute demo set in a mid game raid. the characters were set to lvl32, and we had to run through an area and then go up against a double boss where they would revive each other if you didn't bring one down within 5 seconds of the other. i didn't get to spend as much time with it as i would have liked because it was a 3 hour wait to get in, and i had a panel i really wanted to go to soon after. So, my group was kind enough to rush through the area, bypassing what enemies we could, only fighting the ones we couldn't or accidentally pulled, and then i died quickly during the boss battle. i left then, and one of the bioware guys sat in for me so i didn't ruin the rest of the party's experience. still got a t-shirt, though, so that wast pretty nice.

Oh, and i played as the Jedi knight (spec'd as an off-tank), and the others were the trooper (main tank, ranged), Jedi consular (dps), and the smuggler (healer). normally, the smuggler and the consular would have switched roles, but i think they spec'd them that way to show the versatility of the classes so people aren't shoe-horned into a role if they really want to be boba fett, or whatever.

And that 3 hour wait? Yeah, that was pretty much 10 minutes after the show floor opened. they capped off the line 20 minutes later, and it was looooooooooooong.



Deadly Premonition

this game is wonderful and absurd and i'm sorry i never gave it a chance before. even the little touches are making me crack up, like the way the main character opens doors or calmly yammers on about old movies while you drive like a crazy person

now that i've played it i'm debating on whether or not i want to catch on the lp (i'm on like video 3) or just try and beat it first. it seems like a big game with lots of details and i don't want to miss anything


Awesome Bro

So today I bought Mirrors Edge since it was only a fiver (That'd be $7-8 for you yankee doodles), and Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time since it was £15, so yeah not too bad, I mean, I could've got Ratchet & Clank cheaper off the net, but meh it was convenience I suppose. Not sure when I'll get around to playing either of 'em though, I'll just leave it until the dry months of the year when there aren't any big releases, lol... I do that a lot.
radiant historia is one of the best jrpg i've been playing for a while. I sorta feel like bsing most of the battles with auto attack once stocke runs out of mp, and it's a shame there are no random encounters, but this is feeling very fun.
Reminds me a bit of chrono trigger tbh, except not as epic and a tad more jrpg ish.
Finished Pokemon white last friday (Final boss couldn't get past my Ferrothorn, which was pretty funny (I used iron defence 3 times, double team 6 times and leeche seed, so Ferrothorne was pretty much unbeatable).

And then I found out you aren't champion :eek: .. so now Its getting my teams ass up to level 70 and taking out the elite 4 again.

After that I'm going to complete the Unova pokedex (which will not take that long anymore). And then we'll see if we continue for all other pokemons..
Re-playing Tales of Vesperia with Star, and playing Tactics Ogre when he's at work or doing something by himself. :D Decided to play a certain game each week, so I can start beating some games. ^_^
ok i was digging Dragon Age 2 for a while but now i'm halfway through Act 2 and

well WTF

there are 15 areas that are recycled throughout the entire game!!!

you're just going into the same houses/caves/alleys/etc over and over and over!

the people change locations but everything else stays the same!


Ok so Fenris takes over the mansion, and it's in shambles all during Act 1. There's even a dead guard's body haphazardly strewn at the front door the whole time. OK, we've been busy. Maybe he hasn't had a chance to clean it up. Or even notice the dead guy smell. Whatever.

But then 3 years pass after Act 1. In Act 2, you go into his mansion, and NOTHING'S CHANGED. Even the same corpse of the same dead guard is still there.


Like ok, this game is less expansive than the last. You don't travel a whole lot. That sucks, but Kirkwall/Marches is a big place; there is potential for variety.

But instead of simply slightly changing the surroundings to give the player some semblance of a sense of time elapse or accomplishment, you keep revisiting the same spots over and over, with no changes to them, other than what doors are capable of even being clicked on.

Like the minimap still shows there're rooms beyond the doors, but depending on what instance/mission you're on, you can't even click on the doors that are barring you access from the rooms you see on the FUCKING MINIMAP

never thought i would say this after playing so much Silent Hill, but i would kill for a "The lock is broken. I can't open the door." message.

This shit is lazy!!!!! :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:
and the writing is certainly bioware-level, but i can't help but feel like the main character is a bumbling tool.

and Varric, Merril, and Isabela are cute/endearing characters, but the others are (imo) totally uninteresting.

especially Hawke. honestly i don't give half a shit about her (or him). DA:O's Hero of Ferelden was a silent protagonist, which worked, since you could just imply whatever personality you wanted with it. But they're trying to insert a Shepard-style character that has a lightly-bendable personality instead ...

Shepard is a likable, interesting character though. Whether you go "good" or "bad", he/she maintains a stoic charm (it'll just be charmingly positive, or roguishly negative). Hawke is just vanilla. All the responses are vanilla. Jokes are delivered smugly or in total deadpan.

IDK. Too rushed. Way way way way way too rushed.

And still no female Qunari.

What the hell? What does BW have against chicks :/



yeah the c+p areas are terrible, and then they managed to basically improve the battle system but reduce every encounter into exactly one type no matter what you're fighting (attacking attacking whoop there's the second wave spawning right on top of me this sure is unexpected, tactical and action-packed)

another thing that bugs me is that they're really pushing the romance angle this time around, every party member except like 2 are romanceable and oh boy they sure do love telling you about it

i miss shale and wynne, they never tried to jump your bones, get +10 GRRR POINTS for being turned down and then immediately try to start a GRRR ROMANCE instead

varric owns though i figured i would hate him at first

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