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Awesome Bro

I started Mass Effect 2 last night, not really far at all, just stepped foot onto the new Normandy and was running around it checking stuff out.

Something annoys me... I want to wear the Blood Dragon Armour, but you can't without a helmet, I don't want my face covered up in cutscenes and stuff, so I'm stuck with the N7 stuff that gives NO bonuses at all, unless I wear a helmet, which again, is just not happening.

Damnit BioWare, why didn't you give us a choice?!



does it not automatically take off helmets for cutscenes? i don't even remember

dragon age was a huge game but that one tiny little feature was possibly my favorite. it was so nice to be able to have talks and cutscenes w/o those ugly-ass helmets
Mass Effect 2 was pretty cool I have to admit. (and no, I believe that if you wear helmets, they are present in all cutscenes)

I ended up wearing on of those visor thingies, both because they looked awesome, and they still gave a bonus.

Anyways, I gave in and got Pokemon Black. Strong Black Pokemon.
Although I hadn't finished it yet - I started a new game in Tactics Ogre so I could experiment with classes more and go the other route. XD It mean, it just bumped it's self to second place on my top 4 games of all time. :D
Pokemon black will pretty much stay exclusively in my dsi forever..theres just so much to do. The only qualm I have with it so far is why the hell online isn't available for another 2 weeks?
Nothing much, worked on more dreamwalker today, and some more now. Finishing off State Park in Kindred City, in hopes to end a demo sometime later down the track.
ŊŒRIJ∑":a8fs6fvc said:
Pokemon black will pretty much stay exclusively in my dsi forever..theres just so much to do.

Same for White here, the game is so awsome.. I'm playing really slowly because I don't want it to end xD

my whole team is level 55 (reuniclus, unfezant, scrafty, excadrill and vanilluxe) except for samurott who's 57.. oh well I think im set for the 6th gym xD
Jesus christ man...I have a team of 52-47 and I beat the elite four, albeit not by much. I can't beat the final battle though (I can't say who it is though, because of spoilers :x).

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

ŊŒRIJ∑":awxzc64d said:
Jesus christ man...I have a team of 52-47 and I beat the elite four, albeit not by much. I can't beat the final battle though (I can't say who it is though, because of spoilers :x).
really? cause i beat it with no troubles and my team was mid 40s lol



No I can't play it because apparently the game won't be "unlocked" until the official release date, which is the 11th of March (the release date in Europe)
I like playing some action and racing games.I have currently playing NFS Most Wanted Racing games.The NFS is one of the most popular games.This game is very nice and good Racing track.This game are based on secret mission.NFS most wanted game is very suspense and good racing games I played.



Turns out the game wouldn't start because of an error in the installation, the game was unlocked yesterday...
im playing DA2 right now too. fem warrior.

there's a pre-rendered female skin version! hooray BW finally realized that sometimes people play as girls
Dragon Age 2, dawgs. Loving it. It's lacking the depth of narrative I wanted, but it's humor and character development make up for it. Playing a male rogue at the moment.
Dragon Age 2 disappointed me :( The characters are alright. They aren't all that special. Hawke's family is loaded with douche bags. Quite honestly, the only character I found much depth in was Hawke's uncle. Everyone else just seems to be either a sex addict or into heavy brooding and just happens to be a sex addict on the side.

It feels as if the companions are all middle aged people who have centered their lives around a shitty job they don't like (Their goal in the game) and have joined Hawke because they have nothing better to do but wait for their eventual deaths as a result of old age.

Oh, the ending :x Oh God, that horrendous ending. Nothing screams, "buy DLC" like that ending. Hell, I would have actually preferred them to have David Gaider'd the ending. At least their would be a measure of resolution or some type of closure. Hawke didn't feel like a champion. Hawke felt like a guy who just happened to be around at the time and easy to blame or force into doing something.

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