moxie":13yf3ygc said:
Mass Effect 2 is more much polished, aside from Uncharted it's probably one of the most genuinely cinematic games.
The cover-shooter stuff is fun, but the RPG elements are transparent, serviceable, barely there (there are very few types of weapons to choose from, you can have basically all the skills by the end, etc) so if numbers and choices are your bag it doesn't have much to offer there
some of the characters have their moments but for the most part it's a very bland cast, which is sorta disappointing (mordin 4 ever)
conversations and choices are honestly almost completely linear, whether you're a paragon or renegade - things almost always happen the exact same way whether you're punching people or kissing their ass. p much the "choice" lauded by everyone is an illusion, you're not going to find deep obsidian-style conversations here
don't think i'm nerd-raging or anything, i still loved it. it's a solid, enjoyable game that improves on the first one in a lot of ways (except scanning nnghsdjhsd) and even runs a lot better than the first one despite looking 250% better. it's just not particularly deep or anything.
god damn it stop being a younger, hotter clone of myself :[
yes @ all of these things.
WHILE i was playing the 2nd half of ME2, and directly after finishing, i could not stop myself from gushing "FFFF THIS IS THE BEST THING". but after some time passed, i got to thinking about its flaws, and you hit the nail on the head on all of your points.
i really really enjoyed the battle system for this game, it was actually HUGELY fun for me. but bioware watered down the wrong parts to make it more accessible.
you could get load out options, but they weren't really options. it was giving you choices like "you could pick a sniper rifle that's POWERFUL AND FAST, or you could keep using that one which is WEAK AND SLOW. your pick! :D". whereas the 1st game had a plethora of weapons & armor which had smaller improvement gaps, but let you customize them the way you wanted (heat resistance, extended clips, more def, more attack, etc).
and they didn't need to REMOVE the planet exploration with the vehicle. those were fun--just too repetitive. the scanning was not a terrible minigame if it were a
minigame--but doing it 10,000,000 times was the only way to get the best ending, which sucks!
imo i wouldn't mind if BOTH made appearances in ME3. i just would want scanning to be a tiny little optional minigame afterthought (like hacking, but less frequent), and for there to be less planets to traverse with the vehicle, but more to do on those planets.
w/ the vehicle in ME1, it was rather fun to randomly find herds of alien animals, or to bust into places that were way higher level than you were expecting. there was one robot-defense factory thing that took me 90+ tries to beat simply b/c GOD DAMN those robots could kill everyone in ONE HIT so i had to set up an intensely planned strategy to infiltrate it. and i totally didn't have to, i just really fucking wanted to do it.
i wonder how much of my life would have been wasted on that game if the developers had really focused more on the optional details like that.
ME1 did not pull off spectacular character development as well as I had figured it would, based on my experience with KOTOR. I found myself caring little for my party members, outside of Wrex and Joker (who wasn't a party member, but a crew member ... w/e). of the love interests, i only picked liara b/c she was alien. she, kaidan, and ashley had severely impersonal & uninteresting/bland personalities. tali was just kind of meek. garrus had a stick planted severely up his turian ... excrement outport.
but in ME2, i absolutely
LOVED a few of the characters. tali and garrus's characters were sculpted in a FANTASTIC way. i didn't really even pay much attention to them in ME1, but were easy favorites in ME2. mordin, of course, always had something AMAZING to say. thane was interesting & unique among the other headstrong characters, and though the melodrama could have been taken down a notch or two, i cared about his ordeal. jack was surprising: i hated her at first, but grew to really like her at the end.
in contrast were the others, though: jacob started out boringly normal, and ended up being boringly normal. miranda was a condescending bitch in the beginning, and by the end was a slightly softer-shelled bitch. samara was basically a (sexy?? what was up w/ that outfit) version of garrus from ME1: one-sided white knight. morinth was the polar opposite and just as one-sided. Grunt suffered from New Coke syndrome: being
similar to Wrex (Coke Classic), without being nearly as awesome/satisfying.
(legion was VERY interesting, but unfortunately you can only get it at the very end, so you couldn't become very attached to it. zaeed was cool, but DLC only. i never got kasumi so i can't comment, though she is DLC as well.)
unfortunately though, due to the final mission, you're left at the end with the nasty realization that it's really unlikely that your favorite characters will be playable in ME3. so was all that development & attachment for nothing?
that reminds me though that i've been meaning to play the expansion & read the comics