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Awesome Bro

See, there's your problem... you have a 360, lol.

There are ways to fix RRoD though you know, check out the towel trick on YouTube, it's helped me twice and worked really well, lol.



Mega Flare":1xzl5joi said:
candle":1xzl5joi said:
excite bike and rayman on the 3ds since i just got it yesterday. also, i just finished mgs4. i swear, if it weren't for the rather lengthy cutscenes, that game would be 4 hours, not 15.
yay now im not the only one who wasted money on a 3DS!

i got it because ocarina of time comes out next weekend
Playing BC2 to get "in the mood" for BMT. Also playing a bit of Bowsers inside story while im going to sleep (super fun game, highly recommended)
Jbrist":3mw3ep69 said:
See, there's your problem... you have a 360, lol.

There are ways to fix RRoD though you know, check out the towel trick on YouTube, it's helped me twice and worked really well, lol.
Oh don't you start Sony fanboying at me. I'll beat you with a stick.

Anyway, turned out it was just because I didn't have the AV cable plugged in. lmao whoops.

I bought a new one anyway, so... does anyone want a 360 with a flashed drive? :D
I'm installing The Sims for nostalgia purposes. Last time I ran it my PC was too low spec for it! Although it just popped up and told me I have less than 64mb ram so it might run slow. (I have 4096 :smoke: )
Duke fucking Nukem Forever.

First play: "meh, what a piece of turd, poor Duke"
Second play: "hey, it's getting better!"
Third play: " "There can be only one King... you fuck!" <shoots pigcops with Devastator while drinking beer> "

And on 14th June I'm gonna play Alice: Madness Returns until I beat it. (once I done exactly same thing with Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, it took me whole day, lulz)
Playing more new vegas after 2 or so month break. Having a blast, especially with Dead Money and Honest Hearts. I forgot how much better New Vegas was than Fallout 3.


Awesome Bro

Lol I was at my girlfriends today and she was playing New Vegas, and she's proper jumpy and she has an autosave where she left a bunker next to a quarry where there just so happens to be deathclaws running around, so as soon as she starts, she can see it running at her from the distance and tried a good 7-8 times to outrun them hoping they'd turn back and leave her alone, it was proper funny watching her freak out and get all paranoid over it :P
I just picked up a copy of Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition. Complete pack, with all of the add ons. I'm already in love with it.

Buuuuut... I think I'll hold off on playing more until I play more Lords of Shadow. Just finished the first chapter yesterday. Fuck that iron golem man. XD
Crysis 2. Extreme settings & runs smooth as butter B)

It still makes NO SENSE to me why the american soldiers are attacking me but whatever. I wasn't really in it for the story. And it would probably amp up the difficulty to stupid levels if you were fighting the aliens straight off the bat. The flying ones were fucking pains in my ass in the 1st one.

I mostly just stealth everywhere. The enemy AI still isn't spectacular but they're pesky SOBs about finding cover quickly

also where the hell are the rest of the guys with the cool suits
I didn't play Psycho's expansion pack game but I can't imagine that mf'er would miss this


Awesome Bro

Crysis 2 is terrible in every aspect except the graphics, and even they're not as groundbreaking as the first game, I mean sure you can download the external program that lets you mess around with tons of different settings which admittedly do make the game look nicer, but meh, it didn't have the same "wow factor" as the first did for me...

Oh well anyways... what am I playing?

At the moment it's a mix between Demon's Souls and LittleBigPlanet 2, almost got the platinum on Demon's Souls, just need two more rings, and some upgrade stones (Already have Bladestone, got it on my second attempt, so yay!), whereas on LittleBigPlanet 2 I'm just doing co-op with my brother and we're getting all the prize bubbles, or as many as we can anyways, lol... then I'll ace all the levels (They're not actually hard unless there's two of you because you're more inclined to mess around than concentrate on the game itself), do some bits and bobs online, then it's all create mode until I hit the 24 hour mark (Only been doing it for 10 hours...)
Playin CoD6 local multiplayer with my little brothers..
There actually pretty good now :D

Also picked up Hunted: The Demon's Forge few days ago..
Reeeeeeaaallly fun :D

And replayin Tales of Eternia (PSP)..

But waiting for my pre-ordered version of LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D !!
(and for a matter of fact i've gotten the 3DS at the launch -.-)
Why did you do that? There was nothing worth running for the 3DS out when it was launched.

Anyway, I am also anxiously awaiting OoT3DS, but I won't be here when it's released. Sadness!

...and on that note, if they come out with a special edition Zelda 3DS unit like they did with GBASP and NDS, I will be pissed. >8|
A: There is a special gold case, pre-order only one
B: It was available for me today at 4:30 pm. I had to work till 6 pm. As did the clerk at the store


Solution: Imma miss some useless classes from school to pick up my copy :biggrin:

Side note: When writing this i'm actually annoyed by the fact i cant play it RIGHT NOW -.-

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