Crysis 2 is terrible in every aspect except the graphics, and even they're not as groundbreaking as the first game, I mean sure you can download the external program that lets you mess around with tons of different settings which admittedly do make the game look nicer, but meh, it didn't have the same "wow factor" as the first did for me...
Oh well anyways... what am I playing?
At the moment it's a mix between Demon's Souls and LittleBigPlanet 2, almost got the platinum on Demon's Souls, just need two more rings, and some upgrade stones (Already have Bladestone, got it on my second attempt, so yay!), whereas on LittleBigPlanet 2 I'm just doing co-op with my brother and we're getting all the prize bubbles, or as many as we can anyways, lol... then I'll ace all the levels (They're not actually hard unless there's two of you because you're more inclined to mess around than concentrate on the game itself), do some bits and bobs online, then it's all create mode until I hit the 24 hour mark (Only been doing it for 10 hours...)