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Awesome Bro

Mega Flare":pk4pfb8a said:
well just platium infamous 2 :D

How was the platinum in comparison to the first inFamous? I still haven't gotten it yet, I needed like 12 more blast shards but my PS3 died and I lost the data... FML.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Jbrist":18t4fxho said:
Mega Flare":18t4fxho said:
well just platium infamous 2 :D

How was the platinum in comparison to the first inFamous? I still haven't gotten it yet, I needed like 12 more blast shards but my PS3 died and I lost the data... FML.
alot faster and less time consuming.. theres only 305 blast shards this time but you get a skill after beating 60missions that every time you press L3 to look for the shard it will always show the closet on the edge of the map.. so alot simpler
Found an old copy of Baldur's Gate II lying around and discovered a bunch of mods already installed. Never actually finished it the first time around, so I decided to pick it up again.
Replaying Alice: Madness Returns, this game is too good to be played only once.. I just finished it yesterday. I was playing like korean kid - straight 13-14 hours, some sleep and 2 hours on next day to finish last chapter. : o
Now I'm diggin' to find all memories and bootles and pepper all Snouts.

It's goddamn oldschool platformer with more complex combat and the best graphics design OF ALL TIME.
Seriously, design is just marvelous, beautiful, twisted, disturbing and FUCKING AWSOME. It's just art on goddamn high level.
It also have awesome animated cutscenes that look like painted pieces of cartoon with many layers. Umm I think that only Max Payne noir comics can be compared to this.

If you guys like 3D platformers play it. It's totally awesome.
GameBoy":s0blkcmf said:
It also have awesome animated cutscenes that look like painted pieces of cartoon with many layers. Umm I think that only Max Payne noir comics can be compared to this.
dude I HATE IT when big-budget games do this. it is a cop-out for time.

i could make a very similar-quality "animated" cutscene like that in Flash & Sony Vegas or Premiere Pro -- just me -- in like a few days. it just involves drawing some static pictures, layering them, and doing a lot of editing.

Infamous 2 does these as well, AND Dragon Age 2. It's a cop-out. It sort of looks cool I guess, but it was a time/budget-saving strategy. And we're going to be seeing it more and more often out of EA Games/Activision games b/c they loves them some time/budget saving strats.
Ive been playing OOT
I forgot how short the game can be when you have already done it before
i just beat the forest temple and ive put maybe 5-6 hours into it with a few sidequests x:
@Venetia: I googled Infamous cutsenes - they are almost only shitty static pictures when Alice: Madness Returns have it animated, with many layers. I don't think that it was easy to do.

This is waaaay better than Infamous. Also Prototype have better cutscenes, even they are more static. Infamous just have bad cutscenes, that's all.

Check also Tim Hope's animated short "The Wolfman" It looks like Alice cutscenes. This style is just awesome. Not low-budget blahblah thing.

Damn, I just finished again first chapter and I missed 3 items. :< I must replay it. Alice is the one of few games that I MUST beat with achieving everything that is possible.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

lol infamous used those cause its trying to give it a comic book feel. also infamous 2 didnt use much of those static images lol. also LOL prototype... now that was one shitty game. also i tried alice at a friends and i thought it was pretty crappy. anyways im playing ff5 and 6 :D
Mega Flare":1lgfo5wh said:
well just platium infamous 2 :D
How did you manage to get so much experience? The only main trophy I need right now is to get all the skills. I already beat it on both sides, but I thought the +15000 exp would transfer over to my first playthrough (which it didn't). Now my first play through has like almost all the shards but doesn't have any experience and I need A LOT to finish off the rest of the abilities. Or did you just do everything on your 2nd playthrough?



Finished both Mass Effect 1 and 2, trying to decide which game to play next since I've got absolutely nothing to do until September.
Finally beat Dawn of Sorrow at 100%. First time I've beaten at Castlevania game at that percentile without cheating. I feel somehow both accomplished and excessively nerdy.



Lord of the craft. it's a really cool rp minecraft server. i've been hard at work with a couple people for about the last week and a half to 2 weeks trying to get something special ready for the server. our deadline is monday, i believe.
Took a step back and started playing Symphony of the Night seriously for the first time, and I've gotten all but the fourth ending so far. Playing it on my PSP via Dracula X Chronicles, though I'm tempted to try and find a PSX2PSP conversion, because the load times for unconquered boss rooms are hideous.
Playing 'Dont Drink the Water' by thebangzats, it was submitted as one of the Game Rally projects. You should totally check it out along with the others. Some of them are fricken awesome for being only a couple month projects (1 man teams).

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