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ooh...Always wanted to check that game out. How CPU intensive is it? I wouldn't want to take one and it be wasted because my PC can't handle the game.
I'm not sure; someone bought it for me last night & I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm sure they have the req'd specs posted somewhere.


Awesome Bro

I'll take one if you want, ofcourse, I won't be able to play until sometime next week anyway since this computer no doubt has the specs and I'll have my new computer next week definitely... god I can't wait it's going to be so fucking pwn!



It doesn't look too bad on the specs; sure, I'll take a pass if no one else wants one. Probably won't be able to play until later tonight because of work, though.
n/p. i probably won't remember to hand them out until late tonight or tomorrow anyway.

also my steam ID is venetia1010 [i believe?] ... you're going to have to buddy me if you want me to pass em at you ;P


Awesome Bro

Righto I've added you on Steam :P

Right now I'm playing Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars with my brother on PS3, I'd never heard of it until a few days ago so today I downloaded the demo, and it's fucking incredible, I'll be sure to buy the full version when I get the chance!
Okay JBrist & Spooky: sent you guest passes for Killing Floor.

Oof. The game is not great. There is an Aperture Science level, which is cute, but after you've played 1 level, you've played them all.

The mechanics are OK I guess. It's just ... You know ... Not very much of a GAME.

Fun for about an hour I guess.

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Jbrist":1eka4sls said:
Righto I've added you on Steam :P

Right now I'm playing Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars with my brother on PS3, I'd never heard of it until a few days ago so today I downloaded the demo, and it's fucking incredible, I'll be sure to buy the full version when I get the chance!
the demo makes it look fun.. but really it getes really boring really fast



I enjoyed KF quite a bit; I was missing out on some stuff due to my comp not being up to standards (even THOSE standards), but it was always satisfying killing the Patriarch at the end of a level.
If I even LOOK at the spec for a game on PC my computer freezes O_O

Killing the PS3 at the moment, AC: Brotherhood, Fight Night Champion, L.A Noire and Far Cry 2.
After you kill the Patriarch in a level lasting 10 waves on hard, there isn't much else left. I guess you could do it again on the Hell on Earth difficulty.

It actually provides a challenge, though there aren't any good maps with proper spots that can be held down by a team. Arcade is about as close as you can get with the gas station roof. If they added objectives like Zombie Panic! that occur every other wave, the game would be better.

Wasn't a bad purchase at $5 though.



tobacco goldfish":2u7ci86j said:
i played ff13 for like 10 minutes and some black guy was like EVERYONE NEEDS A FATHER, man it was SO FUCKING ANIME i turned it off and lol'd massively
translates into: fuck i forgot to pay child support for my 7 children
also i hate ff13
i dont get how "the second half gets better" is an argument for it being decent


Awesome Bro

I love how people give the game so much hate without even playing it all the way through, and a few people I've talked to about it who say it's the worst Final Fantasy ever, haven't even played it...

I don't get what's so bad about the game, it's linear, so is every other JRPG, it has some pretty amazing graphics and CGI that other games wish they could have, it has a pretty cool and fast paced battlesystem, better than the traditional system, except you only control one character so I guess that is a con of it... and the storyline is actually pretty good and I think it does deserve a sequel, which I'll be buying when it releases...

Can someone, without the whole "lol squeenix" attitude PLEASE tell me what was so bad about the game that it's considered the worst game/RPG/Final Fantasy ever made? Because I think people are just being petty because it isn't as good as it COULD be, it's still a top class game...



Jbrist":vv06tvo9 said:
I love how people give the game so much hate without even playing it all the way through, and a few people I've talked to about it who say it's the worst Final Fantasy ever, haven't even played it...

I don't get what's so bad about the game, it's linear, so is every other JRPG, it has some pretty amazing graphics and CGI that other games wish they could have, it has a pretty cool and fast paced battlesystem, better than the traditional system, except you only control one character so I guess that is a con of it... and the storyline is actually pretty good and I think it does deserve a sequel, which I'll be buying when it releases...

Can someone, without the whole "lol squeenix" attitude PLEASE tell me what was so bad about the game that it's considered the worst game/RPG/Final Fantasy ever made? Because I think people are just being petty because it isn't as good as it COULD be, it's still a top class game...

woah, calm down, jbrist. everyone knows that defending a game with logic and a decent argument makes you a fanboy :wink:

Seriously, though. It's a good game; people ought not be so hard on it.


Awesome Bro

Where's the rage lol, just asking a question and don't want people doing the old hurr durr squeenix are retarded give us Final Fantasy VII remake jizz pants... or whatever, lol.

But yeah the game really was good, it's my fourth favourite Final Fantasy game and I honestly don't see where the hate is coming from, even a year after its release, lol.

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