I love how people give the game so much hate without even playing it all the way through, and a few people I've talked to about it who say it's the worst Final Fantasy ever, haven't even played it...
I don't get what's so bad about the game, it's linear, so is every other JRPG, it has some pretty amazing graphics and CGI that other games wish they could have, it has a pretty cool and fast paced battlesystem, better than the traditional system, except you only control one character so I guess that is a con of it... and the storyline is actually pretty good and I think it does deserve a sequel, which I'll be buying when it releases...
Can someone, without the whole "lol squeenix" attitude PLEASE tell me what was so bad about the game that it's considered the worst game/RPG/Final Fantasy ever made? Because I think people are just being petty because it isn't as good as it COULD be, it's still a top class game...