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I do agree with you jbrist, and Its def not the worst final fantasy ever, and its a gorgeous game, and its pretty well made but to me, but the gameplay is decent at best and the plot is very subpar. Im not saying OMG ITS SO FUCKING HORRIBLE BURN IT, but its like a C+ and ff isnt supposed to be C+ material, so its shit in my opinion

and i know i said I only played it for a bit, but I own the game actually and played quite a bit. Its not HORRID and it is much better than shit like FFIII or V, but its still very average.
That's one my top Final Fantasies because it was made by the same team as Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre.

But let's not get into one THOSE fights again.

The last game I played was Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor and FFT. :D
ShadowMainZERO":1fjr1nzm said:
The worst FF game I've played is FFXII. While I can't judge the plot, I despise the battle system.
... really?
That game's battle system was LEAGUES more interesting & involving than most other JRPGs' I can think of. IMO, anyway ...

Just as a comparison in innovation:
Oooh, a battle system with "Autobattle" as an option, so that I don't have to keep hitting "Attack" 6,000 times during these 1398471903857195105910359813 random battles.
How awesome.
I liked FF12 battle system too
i dont know why it gets a lot of hate I actually really liked the gameplay a lot
i mean exploring was super cool
and there was that bestiary and I am a sucker for good bestiaries/journals
and it just didnt have stats and had lore and description and pretty much everything

I am a sucker for that kind of stuff
I mean Mass Effect 2 did it too
but imo it really wasnt as good because it was sort of shoved in your face all at once
and I could barely read the text oh dear that text was way too small
Dont get me wrong, Mass Effects 2 lore is a lot better but it is presented kind of not very well
it sort of becomes either a pain in the ass to read or you get burnt out reading half way through because it is like a flood of information that is really just a bunch of facts
Venetia":2dj9gddy said:
ShadowMainZERO":2dj9gddy said:
The worst FF game I've played is FFXII. While I can't judge the plot, I despise the battle system.
... really?
That game's battle system was LEAGUES more interesting & involving than most other JRPGs' I can think of. IMO, anyway ...

Just as a comparison in innovation:
Oooh, a battle system with "Autobattle" as an option, so that I don't have to keep hitting "Attack" 6,000 times during these 1398471903857195105910359813 random battles.
How awesome.

Yes, I hated it. I actually sold it to Gamestop because I couldn't stand the combat. It was interesting for the first few battles but after the novelty wore off, I started to hate it. I thought that combat was slow and boring and I felt that I was sitting there doing nothing more than usual since moving around had nothing to do with attacks. Now, if moving let you dodge attacks, I would have liked it better.

FFX, on the other hand, had a fun battle system. I still enjoy fighting random encounters.
Hey, why are we debating about a debate that everyone will never agree on? :(

I like FFXII, it was different and fun. I spent 150 hours on it maxing everyone out. :D

In fact, I might play again it after FFXIII.

But yeah.

Only hitting attack does get boring. At least in 12 you get to move around and all that jazz. Fun stuff. Now that doesn't mean I didn't like the other games, but if I did it was for other reasons rather than the battle system. 10 was fun because of strategy with the different characters being able to hurt different monsters.

If you want a real fun battle system, try the Tales series. Moving around, jumping, dodging, etc.

But um, aren't we supposed to be talking about what we're playing?

(I already mentioned my games several times).




Strawberry":q0sht921 said:
Hey, why are we debating about a debate that everyone will never agree on? :(

Agreed. Moving on.

Getting ready for the next Fallout New Vegas DLC. I'm pretty pumped; this one looks hilarious.


Awesome Bro

Gonna' turn my PS3 on now and play a few matches on Uncharted 3 beta, I want to get level 25 before the beta ends so I get extra money when I start the game when it releases... I'm already level 24 though and it'll only take like 8-10 matches I think, not too sure...



Jbrist":3byvmt9u said:
Gonna' turn my PS3 on now and play a few matches on Uncharted 3 beta, I want to get level 25 before the beta ends so I get extra money when I start the game when it releases... I'm already level 24 though and it'll only take like 8-10 matches I think, not too sure...

What's your opinions of UC3 JBrist? I played a few matches and thought it was okay-ish; the aiming and everything seemed really stiff, and the melee getting nerfed since UC2 was really annoying.


Awesome Bro

I think it's amazing and tons better than Uncharted 2, I'd appreciate if they did something with the damage though since everyone is a bullet sponge, but aiming and shooting seems more realistic, the gun sounds have more... oomph behind them, and melee is tons better, you can do proper takedowns like when you snap necks, dive on backs, slide under and hit and so on... instead of bash-bash-bash-dead.
Strawberry":3mzji9or said:
Only hitting attack does get boring. At least in 12 you get to move around and all that jazz. Fun stuff.

I think my problem is that XII's battle system is very similar to an Action RPG but since it wasn't and moving around only made a difference for AoE attacks, I hated it.

Strawberry":3mzji9or said:
If you want a real fun battle system, try the Tales series. Moving around, jumping, dodging, etc.

I own Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and plan on getting the original Tales of Symphonia next month. Yes, it's battle system is insanely awesome.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time also had a relatively fun battle system (even if everything else sucked when I played it again after playing a lot of other RPGs).

Paper Mario (especially The Thousand Year Door) also has a fun battle system due to the Action (and Stylish) Commands. Same goes for the Mario and Luigi series (and Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars).

... I might have to get my a battle system for my game that uses Action Commands to keep the players involved in battles (maybe I should use Atoa's Legaia Combo add-on...).
I think the original Tales of Symphonia is better than Dawn of the New World, so if you love Dawn of the New World, then the original will be better. XD

We own all the Tales games, and love playing them together.

That's why our game is utilizing the same battle system (in 2D of course). Star hates turned-based battles and had to do this. XD

I don't mind, honestly, either way.

You could try to do your battle system like Legend of Dragoon. That was always fun. XD
Strawberry":35h6qye6 said:
I think the original Tales of Symphonia is better than Dawn of the New World, so if you love Dawn of the New World, then the original will be better. XD

Then again, there are people who like DotNW better than the first. I'll have to wait and see.

Strawberry":35h6qye6 said:
That's why our game is utilizing the same battle system (in 2D of course). Star hates turned-based battles and had to do this. XD

How does that work with a 2D game? I suppose it would seeing as how I do believe the first Tales game was in 2D.

Strawberry":35h6qye6 said:
You could try to do your battle system like Legend of Dragoon. That was always fun. XD

I've never played that game and the videos of the battles didn't help me understand how it worked.
I'm not sure this is the right place to discuss this, but I'll try. ^^

Well that was just my opinion. 'Tis all. Everyone is different, of course.

Well, our games's battle system is action. Dodge attacks, attack things in real time, wonder around the battle field, etc. We don't have jumping, but everything else is pretty much the same. Set four attacks to four buttons and let them loose, etc. We're gonna get a video when my fiance finishes the coding. XD

Well Legend of Dragoon had additions. Videos didn't help? I guess I can't explain it better than that. DX What about Paper Mario games? Those had interactive battles. ^^

I think after I do some things, I'm gonna play a game so I can get back on topic. XD
Strawberry":1fyyffeg said:
Well, our games's battle system is action. Dodge attacks, attack things in real time, wonder around the battle field, etc. We don't have jumping, but everything else is pretty much the same. Set four attacks to four buttons and let them loose, etc. We're gonna get a video when my fiance finishes the coding. XD

Oh. Your typical 2D Action RPG (like The Legacy of Goku 2 and DBZ Buu's Fury) with a little extra and in it's own area instead of the same field as the map.

Back on topic: I'm currently playing Donkey Kong Country Returns with my sister. That game is awesome.



I've been playing a bit of Anno 1404, started a new city.
And Minecraft, ofcourse.
After a lot of tinkering with my redstone circuits I've finally managed to create a functioning brake system that suits my needs! :D

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