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True Pokemon Starter Kit

I guess if worst comes to worst, you could just make a new Pokémon with exactly the same stats just a different picture.

When you talk to an event, it takes out X and gives you Y...
There are probably some problems with that, but you can fix the Pokedex inflation (as in the problem of a higher pokedex count without actually adding a unique pokemon) by making the alternate pokemon have a pokedex number ("RegionalNumbers" in the pokemon.txt) of 0.
ok thanks, but there's a problem. If I talk to an event and it deletes my pokemon, and replaces it with a new one, then it's level, nickname, and everything else in it's summary (nature, moves etc) would be deleted, wouldn't it? I don't want it to do that. Is there a way for me to fix that?
I got it! With a few minor script edits you can do it too!

In PokeBattle_Pokemon
Around 290 or anywhere in that general area, add these two defs:

def isAlt?

  return true if @alt==true

  return false if @alt==false



def makeAlt

  if @alt==true






In Pokemon Utilities

Around line 344 you see a "return" line. Change it to this.

return sprintf("Graphics/Icons/icon%03d%s.png",pokemon.species,pokemon.isAlt? ? "a" : "")

Around Line 465 replace the similar section with this:


       pokemon.isShiny? ? "s" : "",

       pokemon.isAlt? ? "a" : "",

       back ? "b" : ""


For Pokemon with alternate forms add "a" to the corresponding picture name. Also, make sure that the "a" comes after the "s" for shiny but before "b" for back.

Example: Extra Files for Alternate Pidgey

Icon = icon016a.png
016a.png (ALT)
016ab.png (ALT+BACK)
016sa.png (SHINY+ALT)
016sab.png (SHINY+ALT+BACK)

and then of course the normal pictures.

In order to change a Pokemon to ALT form use this command: .makeAlt





You've got a lot of unnecessary code in the PokeBattle_Pokemon edits. You could just have used:
def isAlt?

  return @alt



def makeAlt


You should also add @alt=false to the initialize method.
But otherwise, that should suit the job perfectly. Personally, I'd have made an attr_accessor and just used pokemon.alt and pokemon.alt= for it.
If you want true alternate forms (such as Deoxys' or Giratina's) with different stats too, you'd need something more complicated.
AWESOME thank you two guys! It works! I think I may know how to make it so there's more than two forms, I'll try it and let you know if it works. I'm only talking about looks though, not stats.
OMG This is so cool! I made it so I can have three forms!


def initialize(species,level,player=nil)

def isAlt?
return @alt
#changes to alt form 1
def makeAlt

def isAlt2?
return @alt2
#changes to alt form 2
def makeAlt2
#changes to original form
def noALTS

Pokemon Utilities:
pokemon.isShiny? ? "s" : "",
pokemon.isAlt? ? "a" : "",
pokemon.isAlt2? ? "a2" : "",
back ? "b" : ""

The bold text is stuff that was added or edited by me. You can probably look at the code and figure out how to allow for a fourth form, as this code only allows for three. The most hard to notice thing I think is that you must add an extra "%s" for every extra form you add.

Note: I chose not to make separate icons for the alternate forms.

Also, if there's anyone that doesn't believe any of this and wants proof that this works, here's a video.
I read the notes but I still don't really understand. It's very confusing and most of the time I can't find what I'm looking for. I know my way around the program to some extent, but I'm not completely comfortable with it yet. And I have limited experience with scripting, mostly for Ren'Py, which is a completely different program.
I've coded the game to allow 10 alternate forms (11 if you count the original). You might not need that many, and the code is long, so please PM me if you want it. It still doesn't alter stats though, so if you want that, I'd recommend coding your own or using a different alt forms system.

hey anyone know how to code a constant beep sound for THIS (most people that are familiar with pokemon should know what I'm referring to)?


I have the sound already, I just need the code (I tried coding it myself - no luck).

And if no one picked up on what my screenshot was about, I basically meant the "low health" sound that most pokemon games have.

edit: Alright, I've created a little guide for adding upto ten alternate forms for looks only. It also features an example of an event used to change the forms, and udivision and wichu, you're in the credits. :)

go here to see it: http://biancagames.com/guide_aforms.htm

so does anyone know how to code a constantly playing beep sound when a player's pokemon has low health?

I'd like the sound to play every 10 frames if a player pokemon's hp is low. I've been trying various things but none of it works right. I've tried two different things:

1. play the sound in a loop. This makes it sound right but everything else in the game freezes.

2. Put it in a common event that gets executed at the beginning of the battle with a conditional branch for either one of the player's pokemon's hp being in the red (yes I figured out how to specify that). I make the event a parallel process so it will keep running/checking however this doesn't seem to work when it's executed in a battle.
Alright, after an entire day of trial and error and getting google's help on ruby, I finally managed to actually get this done! I'm not sure if it's the best in the world, but it works. I wrote a guide for it here: http://biancagames.com/guide_lowhp.htm

edit: bug discovered with this one. it's not harmful, but it will make beep sound might play when a pokemon's hp in not in the red. If you don't want that to possibly happen, I'd recommend not using this one.
I also often hear multiple instances of the beep sound playing at once.
If anyone can help me figure out what's wrong with the code at the bottom of the above page, I'd appriciate it and you'll be put in the credits. :)

edit2: nevermind, I fixed it. My low hp system now works properly, please try it if you're interested. :)

edit3: oh crap more bugs.... please don't install this yet. I'll let you know when you can. hopefully it'll be soon, god this is so annoying.

edit4: I think it's fixed now. However, since I seem to have repeatedly discovering bugs, I'd really appriciate it if someone looked over it and even maybe tested it to make sure there's nothing else wrong with it. :)

I also wrote another guide for making debug mode available outside of test play if anyone's interested: http://biancagames.com/guide_debug.htm

Finally, I plan to write yet another guide on how I made it possible to have random double wild battles - without a partner. This will show how to make it so that every random wild battle is randomly chosen to be either single or double. It will also show how to make it possible to enter a double battle even if there is only one pokemon in your party. To check and see if this guide is made yet, please visit the page on my website which lists all the guides I've made so far: http://biancagames.com/devguides.htm

edit: http://biancagames.com/doublewildbattles.htm
Kocia1214":1jeat76k said:
Hey, can anyone help me make new menu? Please

I'm not sure exactly what you want to do but I know that the newest version of Pokemon Essentials allows for adding options to the options menu. Not sure about how to change the main menu though, that would probably be an advanced coding feature.
Just so poeple know in case they're confused by Kocia's post(s) or think they don't give enough detail, I talked to him via PM and this is what he wants to make:


This menu is apparently from game Pokemon Raptor by OmegaGroudon.
well, without opening and actually consulting the program, this is only based off of the top of my head....

I would guess that you would want to, when you open your menu, set up all the pictures (you would want 8, each with a different choice highlighted, all on a transparent or a semi-transparent background)....and now I just spaced how to finish this...I'll look into it (i know how to do this on an un-edited scene menu) if I figure it out, I'll post here...

EDIT: right, well after looking through the scripting in the starter kit, I've decided that it's way out of my league. So I'll leave it to someone else...but I still know how to do this (just not how to code it) So it looks like this is what you would do...

ok, well from looking at how the menu coding works, it doesn't use a cursor update. Well, it does somewhere but I don't know where... anyways, you would want to code in something extra that basically said: (and yes, I know this isn't proper coding, I just don't remember it all off my head....)
$game_variables[100] == 1
#I also don't remember off the top of my head how to set up a picture...it's been awhile since I've used the program
menupicture.visible = true   #You'd want the first one true so something shows up when you open the menu
menupicture2.visible = false
menupicture3.visible = false
menupicture4.visible = false
menupicture5.visible = false
menupicture6.visible = false
menupicture7.visible = false
menupicture8.visible = false
if button press = down
  then $game_variables[100] += 1
if button press = up
  then $game_variables[100] -= 1
if $game_variables[100] <= 1
  then $game_variables[100] == 8
if $game_variables[100] >= 8
  then $game_variables == 1
if $game_variables[100] = 1
  then menupicture8.visible = false #you'd want to make sure to turn off the two pictures around it, just in case
  menupicture2.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 2
  then menupicture.visible = false
  menupicture3.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 3
  then menupicture2.visible = false
  menupicture4.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 4
  then menupicture3.visible = false
  menupicture5.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 5
  then menupicture4.visible = false
  menupicture6.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 6
  then menupicture5.visible = false
  menupicture7.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 7
  then menupicture6.visible = false
  menupicture8.visible = false
if $game_variables[100] = 8
  then menupicture7.visible = false
  menupicture.visible = false

Yeah, I know it's not clean or right or anything, but it's only a general idea of how to do it. If this was the regular un-edited new project in XP, i could probably do it. But this is over my head. Hoepfully someone can take this idea and actually make it work....

Hope this helps In some small minuscule way.
Krobelus":1pdat7cq said:
Hello everyone! (Hope I'm allowed to post this here..)

To those who don't know, at PokeCommunity Forums, there's a guy named Poccil working on a Pokemon Starter Kit.

It's an amazing Starter Kit that's really easy to understand. It has so many features already of most (if not all) previous Pokemon games (Ex. Breeding, Bug Catching, Safari Zone, Day/Night, Full Battle System, plus so much more etc. etc.)

His website: To Download
Notes (how to use it): Notes.Html

If you need help, or have any questions, ask here. I'm quite experienced in using it, so just ask!
Credit Poccil, not me, if you use it, because I did not make it, just thought you guys should know about it =P


Very cool :thumb:
, but not all the tiles is fixed, like you can walk on some of the houses so you have to do so you can walk on the houses o.0, it takes alot of time to fix it... But still nice :thumb:

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