But as a whole you're getting better at anatomy. Hands still bother me as well. :P something I've had with me my entire life and I can't capture them to save my ass. Nonetheless yeah I've gotta go with what candle said and the lips.
I'm by no means an expert at drawing lips because even I struggle trying to make them look good and there are lots of different styles of doing lips as well! So thats also another problem. Anime tends to use a rather simple line to get theirs across and I've never been able to figure that one out while more americanized stuff has definition...
If that makes any sense?
But think of that one little fairy from Zelda the annoying one and that should somewhat help...hopefully.
ALSO! You do gotta try to find an eye style that suits you. Are you looking for a more serious tone? Or a playful one?
I would suggest giving this link a click
CLICK HERE! based on your style choice of course.
Forgot to mention on the second one her boob should be that far over. If her arm goes up I THINK [I don't own a pair myself] that the boob would shift upwards showing just a tad bit of the back err rib cage area kinda sorta. I can't explain it because I've never been good at drawing girls with arms raised. :/