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Ahhh, I see now. Could'a been even FAIL-er... than that, though. Like, if the dog got some, and then shot up the place, and tore the head off of your Yuugi doll.  :-X
I remember when I was 10 or so, seeing this improvised ramp made of little stones (some truck probably just left it there), riding my bike, I sprint towards it hoping to get a good jump. Just as I am going up my feet slide from the pedals and I land with my stomach on the sit. Scratches and cuts from the fall aside, I couldn't breathe for a minute with that intense pain. I swore to never try a bike stunt again.
Well, some years later with my new bike, I was climbing down some stairs when my FEET SLIDE AGAIN (goddamn feet) and I broke the sit with something I better not tell.
Again, I swore to never do a bike stunt again. But some time after that, I did a stoppie on a descending ramp. I stopped vertically, 90º, for a few seconds staring at the floor, terrorized thinking I was gonna break my neck or something, when I finally start leaning left and fall. Luckily I only got some scratches.

I fail at bikes :(
When I was 6 I stapled my finger to my nose, and said "I'm making a folder". Luckily, it didn't go all the way through, so I sort of failed at failing. :/



Wyatt":nkmsupb8 said:
When I was 6 I stapled my finger to my nose, and said "I'm making a folder". Luckily, it didn't go all the way through, so I sort of failed at failing. :/

Sigh.  Me too.  Actually I just stapled my finger, that's all. 

OH and I sharpened my pinky finger.  I was like 5, though.

This didn't happen to me, but when I was in 6th grade, some kid next to me got all frustrated about his project or something, took his newly-sharpened pencil, and slammed it down. Unfortunately his other hand was in the way and it went all the way through. :'X

'Twas my first experience with knowing how f'ing much a hand bleeds! Damn kid bled all over me while flailing in horror.
Dunno if I typed this or not.
I was hanging out with family and my mother turns around to my sister and says "Oh yeah, there's something we have to talk about." and my moms a little more than tipsy as usual so my sister doesn't know if this is bad news.
Me being an idiot turn around and go "Yeah, umm... hate to break it to you but your adopted."

Guess what.
I totally forgot my sister is legally adopted...
We have the same mother, but my father adopted her.  And as soon as I said that the blank confused looks of relatives looked at me, and then the upraor of laughter.
Best of all I didn't get the joke for a good 10 minutes until my sis slapped the back of my head and said "I am adopted, sadly your retarded."



Venetia":1xb7t7ui said:
This didn't happen to me, but when I was in 6th grade, some kid next to me got all frustrated about his project or something, took his newly-sharpened pencil, and slammed it down. Unfortunately his other hand was in the way and it went all the way through. :'X

'Twas my first experience with knowing how f'ing much a hand bleeds! Damn kid bled all over me while flailing in horror.

Oh shi-

Lead poisoning to the max.

AND LOL @ SIXTY.  You're too funny.
Pencils are made with graphite, not lead :'D

But yeah that was a big fail. I remember them sending in an HVAC crew to clean the mess, to thwart contamination or some stupid shit. All I know is that the kid couldn't write that well with that hand after that, and I had to get a new shirt XD. Fail for him. And my shirt, I guess.

@ Sixty: ROFL. Atleast it was a funny faux pas, instead of you joking that she was adopted and she turned out to be fully adopted w/o knowing o_o
Oh shi-

Lead poisoning to the max.
Lead went out several decades before ven was born ^^

And oh shit that would hurt. Like that crazy game where you spread out your fingers and stab a knife in the gaps really quickly. I tried that but If i do it with more than 3 fingers I stab myself 8O
Yeah, getting stabbed with a pencil is no fun.  A kid stabbed me in my hand with one when I was in... third grade I think it was, because I was the only one that got 100% on a Math quiz.  :\

Speaking of school trauma, I've also been smacked in the head with several books several times, and had the bones in my hand knocked out of place by a book (and couldn't find out why my hand always hurt so bad until a year later when I accidentally knocked them back into place.  Ouch).  I've nearly been electrocuted, fell off a three foot riser, fell on my knees at least 3 dozen times while playing kick ball, been hit in the foot with a baseball, been hit in the gut with the baseball bat, and threw my back out so badly because my books were so goddamn heavy that I had to get a set of in-school books.  I've been sat on by a kid that weighed at least 200 pounds, tripped so many times I lost count, cracked over the head with my own flute (and no, I've never been to band camp), had someone purposefully blare their un-tuned trumpet in my ear, had several science experiments blow up in my face, threw up during dissection time (and I wasn't even dissecting anything), got some kind of goo stuck in my hair (I still don't know what the stuff was), nearly tossed off a bus, tossed into a pool, nearly got abandoned in Washington DC, and last but not least I tripped over my robes during graduation and did a anime-like face plant right in front of everyone.

My school life was made of fail.  D:
My school life is made of pwn, except that one time I got on the school roof, and had to pee really bad, so instead of jump down 2 stories, I peed off the roof, and a cop pulled up and started yelling at me. I ran, while peeing, and jumped in the tree I used to get up there with, scurried down, and ran for my life.

Thank goodness I knew that place, or that'd sucked.
I had a fail 8 days ago on the last day of school (for me)

Me and my friends were eating lunch on a seat much like this one -http://www.belson.com/images/CRNCBEN6-L.jpg

and when we were getting up the button on the back of my pants got caught in one of the holes and it took like 5 minutes to get out!
Venetia":2jjaq06d said:
Pencils are made with graphite, not lead :'D
Indeed, pencils were never, at any point made with lead. Wrap you mind around that.

Is it a FAIL when you tell a girl she's beautiful and she says, "Thanks, that's nice to know."

You know, in case it happened to a friend of mine...
Hell no. It's fail if they run away and then avoid them forevermore.

Pencils did used to be made with lead. My grandad still has a bunch of them (as well as a massive long, thick bit of lead that's all twisty. It's awesome.)
Red Dawn":kb9f2ams said:
Pencils did used to be made with lead. My grandad still has a bunch of them (as well as a massive long, thick bit of lead that's all twisty. It's awesome.)

Probably shouldn't get anywhere near it ... The cancers will eat you.

@ Weighted Companion Cube: Dang I've been told that before but shit, there's really nothing you can say in response! Someone tells you a compliment in a flirtatious way, and what's a girl to do? Am I supposed to be all, "OH MY HEROZ" and make out with the dude? All you can do is just smile and say thanks ... It's an awkward situation between strangers and girls don't like it as much as you think--it just makes most chicks feel uncomfortable!

The true icebreaker is to see what she's doing and comment about it. If she reading a book, comment that you love that book/author. If she's painting something, compliment the painting (not her). If she's walking, alone, in public, LEAVE HER ALONE. Chicks don't like being accosted when they're alone on the street!!! It's CREEPY! I'd rather pepper spray a stranger who comes up to me when I'm alone than be nice to him. I'm antisocial, but seriously, it's just creepy, guys.

That was off topic but maybe it'll avoid someone from getting a FAIL? :'P
Red Dawn, present me with a real lead pencil and I will eat my words, otherwise, I stand by my assertion that pencils were never made of lead, short of obscure brands that nobody actually used. The romans used to write on the ground with giant lead rods. That's where the "lead" came from.

And Venetia, she wasn't a stranger. Not by a long shot. I'm much more charming to strangers. Or terrifying. Depends on my mood.

So yeah, I didn't just tell some random girl she was beautiful.

If she had said simply, "Thanks, Anthony" I would have been like "YOU KNOW IT!"

But no, she said, "Thanks, Anthony. That's nice to know."

It's the "that's nice to know" that makes me die a little inside.

That's nice to know?

I even said, "Absolutely beautiful"

Not even, "absolutely" nice to know?

Well one year ago I made out with my best friends Girl Friend in some dark room thinking she was my girl friend and she thought that I was my best friend..........She still doesn't know who kissed her that day  :-X

When I told my friend about it yesterday he went completely nuts and instead of geting into a fight he shouted out "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU KISS BETTER THAN ME!!!"  ???

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