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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6


I am new to this app, and I found your script. It is awesome and my friend and I wanna use it in a game. I have integrated it and figured out how to set up my encounters and everything....but I have a couple questions. I have thoroughly looked at the scripts, and I understand most of it, but how do I set the actual limit skills? When I get in an encounter and fill my limit guage, limit replaces the attack command, but there are no skills in the menu. Is it possible to have the limit command come up and still keep the attack command? I am assuming that there are just no limit skills available at lvl 1, so is there a way to assign these limit skills?

My second question involves actually getting in an encounter. I would like to be able to have each actor have an actual attack on the map to trigger encounters, for instance a sword attack, that can be used to determine whether party has initial attack etc.

EDIT: I figured out the problem getting limits to work. I had to make another skill element for limits. Now I just wanna see about attacking from the map to initiate battle. :)

I would have no problem trying to code these myself, if any pros would like to offer me a useful suggestion or two. Thanx in advance!
How can you add in melee skills? And how can you make them use the use-skill animation only when they get next to the enemy, instead of using it back there [in melee skills I just asked for.]
For the guys that wonder how to get rid of the damn lag when moving back, well, I figured it out. =D
Go to line 219 in the script called CBS. That's supposed to be:
"main phase step 4",
Well, if you put "Waiting#5", under that line, it should be fixed. I only have these scripts: CBS, BattleStatus Mod (DBS), HP/MP/ATB (Seph Slant), Remodeled Damage Display and Enemy HP Bars. Don't need the rest. :P You could try to put the same line within all the actions, which are below the one I've stated. Still having trouble? Email me! No email, no answer, since I don't come here very often.

EDIT: It HAS to be within all actions, just found out. :P
I don't know if this has already been posted (I didn't see it, but then I am not the most observant fellow) but if you want to make a melee attack (without weapon, say for a monk class or some such) you can make a new weapon with no icon and an animation. then equip it. The downside to this is that it doesn't look as good (it basically looks like the character is just standing in front of the enemy and then animation plays) maybe with a claw or fist icon?
I'm having a small problem (chances are I over looked something) but when I copy all the scripts over, it is showing the battler graphic instead of the character graphic. So if anyone could help, that would be great...

Nevermind, one of my scripts was messing it up, I have it working now...^_^

and the battle system is awsome!
Cool system, but I'm gonna regurgitate one of the questions asked early on in this thread, just to make sure....to be clear, you can't use the bigger enemy pictures as battlers?  You have to use charsets?
But seriously, can someone fix the Can't dup NilClass error.

I mean there is no point in just going to battle with no weapon. But, can't anybody just fix it.
I just want my character to attack without a weapon and deal no damage, not some error message.



For some reason when I have some problems.

1. When I use a skill he only takes a step forward instead of leaping towards the enemy like in the demo

2. Okay, this is retarted. If I have more than one enemy, and one enemy dies they can both still attack
    even though one is dead until they are both dead
Wazakindjes":3b8txa91 said:
For the guys that wonder how to get rid of the damn lag when moving back, well, I figured it out. =D
Go to line 219 in the script called CBS. That's supposed to be:
"main phase step 4",
Well, if you put "Waiting#5", under that line, it should be fixed. I only have these scripts: CBS, BattleStatus Mod (DBS), HP/MP/ATB (Seph Slant), Remodeled Damage Display and Enemy HP Bars. Don't need the rest. :P You could try to put the same line within all the actions, which are below the one I've stated. Still having trouble? Email me! No email, no answer, since I don't come here very often.

EDIT: It HAS to be within all actions, just found out. :P

So you got rid of the lag?



Just name the file for the characterset to be the same as the battler image and the charset will be displayed when you choose the battler when creating the enemies.
okay i love this script mist(and rye) but i have one con, the animation before a skill and i dont mean the animation i pick(thats happens too but after this anim.)
i am talking about the animation with all the green rings and the character zooms back and forth before showing returning to his/her spot.

so if any one could give me a hand at stopping this anim thanks ^_^

and btw im not a big scripter xD
I'll post the Rye CBS version 0.4 (just the original with some deleted unneccesary scripts and the lag fixed). ;)

@1337Aces: I don't get you, could you be more clear please?

@Unatna: It's working fine here. What other scripts do you have?

@Chromaticed: I'm trying some things to fix it. ;)
Sorry for doublepost, but I think I have the bare hands thingie fixed. Problem is, you won't jump to your enemy, if I try something with that, I get an error: "Can't convert nil to String" :S

Anyway, here is Rye CBS 0.5!

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