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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6



Hey, This script is awesome, thanks to everyone working on it.

One problem, though. When I make use of my summon script to summon in another actor and remove the party, it crashes, giving this error:
Any idea how to avoid this? EDIT: Nevermind, sorted.

it seems like the lag wasn't gotten rid of, just displaced? instead of lagging at the height of jumping back, the actors lag just after attacking.
MistTribe":f4tahzqg said:
Requested. How do I add ranged weapons?
Well first go down to line 329 in cbs.
Add a comma to 21 and add the number of the ranged weapon.
I tested it and I KNOW it works now. :thumb:
Ofcourse. Make a skill or item which links to a Common Event, in which you change the WALKING graphic. Then - in every monstergroup - if all monsters are dead, you change back. ;)
I do have it linked to a common event, I chang both the battle and the character graphic, it does everything else i put in the common event like the special move animation ect. but it wont change the graphic when i use the skill in battle



Actually, MT, that's not entirely true. However getting it too work could be seen as a little difficult.

To do so:

1. Open up the battle graphic that you would like to use in paint or photoshop

2. Change the canvas size so that it is four times bigger than it originally was

3. Copy and paste the battle image so that you have 16 of the battler on the image, make sure that they are spaced correctly.

4. Save the image into your 'characters' folder (you'll want to rename it if using RTP as it will replace the file with that name)

5. Rename the original battler picture so that it has the same name as your new character.

6. When you select the battler graphic in the Enemies tab and test the game the battler image should appear seeing as it is mapped to the charset which is just the battler copied and pasted
The CBS is awsome...but one question...How or what line(s) would I need to edit so the actors walk back instead of jump back to their original position? :crazy:
i have a question, sry if its been answered before or easy to figure out im pretty new to scripts

when you make a skill how does the script determine whether its a skill (jump to enemy animation), or magic (one step forward animation)



Having an issue with this. When I go to select a skill, my arrow keys become un-useable. As in, I cannot select a skill. They work fine for picking the Attack, Skill, Defend and Item options, but not for selecting skills. Assistance?
I've noticed the same thing Lac mentioned.
For me it wasn't just in the skills window, but also the items window and during target selection.

I tried using this in a new project and it seems that the problem only occurs when the SDK included in the script editor.
now how the hell do i get a level up to pop up over the characters head...i've look for addon..but no luck

and you even have a Lvlup image in the pictures so....

also @Larynni at lest it not a bad necopost the last post befor you was 0ctober 12th 2008 so your safe LOL

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