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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

Wazakindjes":24sxgfin said:
Sorry for doublepost, but I think I have the bare hands thingie fixed. Problem is, you won't jump to your enemy, if I try something with that, I get an error: "Can't convert nil to String" :S

Anyway, here is Rye CBS 0.5!

Hey you can actually use no weapons on that version!!!!

But there is sadly no animations or weapons showing up. -.-
Wazakindjes":1341cb5r said:
@1337Aces: I don't get you, could you be more clear please be more clear

okay well here goes,

i may have figured what my problem is, i am not using the limit break scripts.

but on to the question, when i use a skill instead of the animation that i picked in the database menu of rmxp i get a animation were the character stand in front of the enemy then a bunch of green rings appear on the enemy then the character teleports behind the enemy and the animation ends.

what i was asking is how can i delete that animation and show the animation i chose in the rmxp db.

hope that was more clear ^.^
Yeah, I know, I can get the first to move, but that's it. Else I get an error, because the step is something with your weapon. And he doesn't have a weapon equipped...

@Chromaticed: Yeah, I'm trying to edit the CBS and/or Enterbrain's scripts to see if I can add an animation. ;)
Wazakindjes":371nybux said:
Yeah, I know, I can get the first to move, but that's it. Else I get an error, because the step is something with your weapon. And he doesn't have a weapon equipped...
That's why. :P
Well, try it I should say, I don't have the scripts. :P

Guys, you'll love me now. =D I got the thingie fixed, you can move to enemy, have animation and whatever sucked first. =D Click here to download Rye CBS version 0.6!

All you have to do is to make a weapon with no stats, name, icon and whatever. Default it is ID 33. If that's not the case, do this:

1) Open the script editor. Find the custom script called Scene_Battle 1.
2) Inside there, you'll see: $game_party.actors[ i].weapon_id = 33; at line 14. You can guess what to do: change the 33 to the ID of your weapon with no stats etc..
3) Do the same in Scene_Battle 2, on line 219, which is: if $game_party.actors[ i].weapon_id == 33

Done you are. =D (You notice [ i] instead of the space gone, that's because I would get Italian text. -_-) And ofcourse I want teh creditz. :P
oh ok

do you know oh any scripts that will work with this CBS That shows a levelup! image over the head of the character that Leveled up ??
Wazakindjes":21nsbzqw said:
Well, try it I should say, I don't have the scripts. :P

Guys, you'll love me now. =D I got the thingie fixed, you can move to enemy, have animation and whatever sucked first. =D Click here to download Rye CBS version 0.6!

All you have to do is to make a weapon with no stats, name, icon and whatever. Default it is ID 33. If that's not the case, do this:

1) Open the script editor. Find the custom script called Scene_Battle 1.
2) Inside there, you'll see: $game_party.actors[ i].weapon_id = 33; at line 14. You can guess what to do: change the 33 to the ID of your weapon with no stats etc..
3) Do the same in Scene_Battle 2, on line 219, which is: if $game_party.actors[ i].weapon_id == 33

Done you are. =D (You notice [ i] instead of the space gone, that's because I would get Italian text. -_-) And ofcourse I want teh creditz. :P


I shall thank you very much for this.

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