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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

The Caterpillar script that comes with this starter pack allows you to walk through walls if you hold down CTRL. How do you stop this?

You're must be playing your project in playtest mode... Basically if you hold CTRL key during playtest mode, you can disable random encounters and travel through impassible tiles. It's already written in RMXP help files.
Well, actually it works outside of the playtest mode... Like when I hit game.exe in my game folder, and hit CTRL after the title screen, I can still walk through impassable tiles...
Huh? I'm playing this CBS demo and it work just fine. Maybe you're adding another script on your project and it's conflicted or maybe you forgot to do your tileset or anything...
*sigh* not what i meant, unless i missed something. not using the front/middle/back-row from the database... in the script i want to set it up so that actor 1 is always at (x,y), actor 2 is always at (x,y), same with actor 3 and actor 4, etc. so that i can set them up like this: (A = Actor)

Sorry to bring this up again, but I never could figure these out yet:

How can I make it so that the characters in the party dont visually follow the main character. I want them to just walk "into" the main character and disappear when they join.
How can I make it so that when a character dies in battle, his corpse just falls to the ground, and he doesnt completely vanish?

Thanks a lot for the help!
I added a large party script from a different cbs/RATB and i got the following error Script 'Window_Base' line 232: TypeError occured. no implicit conversion from nil to integer. P. S. Great mod I'm using 8 people in party. Ohandfor thr falling down andnot vanishing I have Guhbid's TBS here. In the demo a downed character does not vanish. I think that by finding which part of the script does this you can copy and paste. That's all i know though I'm a scripting noob.



to fix that error, open up the script editor and find the line thats causing the error. then erase $defaultfontsize and replace it with 12. there ya go all fixed. by the way nice cbs! :P

i found that out when i was using my friend's rmxp.
cyro64":29d0oscq said:
to fix that error, open up the script editor and find the line thats causing the error. then erase @defaultfontsize and replace it with 12. there ya go all fixed. by the way nice cbs! :P

i found that out when i was using my friend's rmxp.
As I said before All I know about scripting is what the scripter packages in the help file. I don't know where this is. Can you show me a line, or something? I would be extremly grateful if you did. Even if you can't I appreciate the help.
-EDIT- Oh I found it thanks! But now i get a new error but sadly i don't know how to put scripts up here so:(
A small problem ^^ When the characters have done their turn and they "jump" back to their position. While they are in the air, it sorta "laggs" or better said "freeze's". Only happens when they are as highest in the air though. This is 0.3 Version ^.^
Just wondering how do you set an enemy to be a boss that fufills the godkiller limit ability? Is it in the script or somewhere in the database
-EDIT- I found that but now I have a more serious problem. I discarded my old large party script for a better one { Dargor's from his party change script} But now when I start a battle and have 8 people onscreen the the Status window only shows 4 people ( the ones listed first) and whenever someone who is not shown goes the battler sprites disappear and the status window goes blank. After the attack it all returns though. Should I just abandon my quest for a succesful large party, or is there a way to remedy this. If not I'll just use the rest of Dargor's program...
@Avgen: Kick those HP/SP/EXP Bar scripts and that Remodeled damage display. Those script are somewhat makes the battle so laggy. :eek:

PS: If you're really want a custom damage display, try to use 'lite' script like Charlie's Bouncing Damage Script. You can find it on his latest CBS demo files ;) And for the bars, try to read my old post on this thread (I forgot in which page :p) I posted some bar script on there :)

@saile1234: Go to the script editor and click on the CBS script. Scroll down into line 45, and you should find this line:

  # Â
Hi. A good script here; I'm going to be using it in my game. However, I'm hopeless with scripts, and I've run into an error that I can't resolve by myself.

EDIT: Don't mind me, I've somehow managed it myself. :]
Well when you add more party members you also have to add more actor areas. Where the actors stand. If you just crank up he number.. and not have where they stand then it crashes.

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