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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

It has been working fine for a long time, but today I got a typeerror message with line 1067.
It said that you can't dup Nilclass or something.

Here is the line:
@battle_actions = self.battle_actions1.dup

It randomly started to work again, but after using it a few more times, it stopped working. Either way, I still want to know how to fix it, thanks.



when does it happen, when you attack?
if so it a bug, because if you attack with a actor that does not has a weapon equiped you get this error too.
Oh, thanks Ratke, that was my problem. (Should try to be fixed soon).

Even so, another problem came up:

Sometimes I get a problem with the attack option. When I train for a short period of time (5 minutes or so) I get a window that pops up when I want to attack that looks like the skills menu, but without any skills. Since there is no options to choose from, I have to go back and choose between skills, defend, and items. Sometimes, I am out of SP and I can only use defense or use items. I don't know why this is happening, but it continues to happen no matter what I try to do (I don't script).
That's the limit break menu. You should make a new state called limitbreak first. Then you go to you're skills screen. then you go to the Crosscut skill (for example). you set it as a limitbreak. Now in battle when you're the bar on the left will rise, when it is at 100%, the attack option is replaced by a limit break menu. Now cross cut will appear as a limitbreak move :)
so how do i make my enemies fly like the vampire in the demo? i have flying set up as a state, and inflicted on my vampire... nothings happening...

PS: how can i edit when my heros are positioned in battle?
@ gRaViJa : thank you, i kept trying to use control switch 2, wrong switch. >_<

and it seems that on lines 62-65 you can only edit the enitre parties position, i would like to pull some party members foreward and some back... is ther anyway to edit them individually?
Well yes, in the database you can set frontrow-midrow and backrow classes. The frontrow classes will be standing more forward then the backrow classes.
so there is no way to place them individually and have the front row/back row positioning not be shown? or could i request a simple add-on to remedy this?
alright first off all ill get this over with, i know im a huuuuge noob at using these things and i just started using rpg maker xp a little while ago, but anyway.

ive figured out how to change most of the basic things in the script like how much your limit break bar goes up when you deal or receive damage and stuff, but could any of you who use this script tell me how i can actually set in skills that each character can use when his bar fills up? I cant figure out how to create/use and setup specific characters ingame limit breaks >_<

id appreciate it sooo much if someone could give me a clear concise answer on how to do these things, thanks a bunch!

OH, and kickass battle system misttribe, its something i could implement into my game, comprehend (to a certain extent xD), and it looks cool, so you did a kickass job!
You have to add a new state called limitbreak. Then you have to decide wich skills will be limitbreaks. If you want crosscut to be a limitbreak skill give this skill the limitbreak state. I just explained that a few posts ago...
humm.. well i went to the "State" tab in the database and created a state called limit break, but how do i "connect" it to the limit break list in the actual battle screen? I set a skill to "State Change" limit break and stuff, but it doesnt come up in the battle screen list >_<
Got the limit break stuff, but if anyone could help me with a couple others minor issues id much appreciate it ^^

1) i need to know where in the script the X Y coordinates are for changing where the enemies stand on a battleback
2) i need to know how i can change where the sprites stand in specific battlebacks, because depending on the graphics, ill need people standing in different spots, i cant have my characters standing on water or something haha... and yeah, like, say i want the forest battleback to have the sprites positioned in one spot, and in a bridge battleback i want the sprites positioned differently, how can i make it so that both are positioned the way i want them to be without them being connected?

thanks loads!
1) You can edit this at the troops tab. The enemies there will be the static battlers but if you move the static battlers, the characters will move as well.

2) You'll need a good scripter for that i'm afraid.
ahh, thats a shame for #2, but its good to know so i dont waste more time on it haha, thanks for all your help and advice, i really appreciate it
hmm... is there any way i can take out the script or cancel the part at certain times where the characters follow each other, because its kind of ruining the cut scenes im trying to create... id prefer it if i just set it myself so that the characters walked "into" the main character so that they were invisible and you can only see the main character when you walk around.  I can do the part which makes it so you can only see the main char when your walking, but i have no idea what script to take out to get rid of the characters following each other thing.... could anyone tell me which lines of script id have to take out or how i can turn this function off?


If you have a character use a Limit Break skill, and then have a character use a "regular skill" that is a physical attack and requires the character to move across the screen to attack the enemy in the SAME turn, when the character does the "regular skill", it completely misses the enemy, it doesnt have a 'miss' animation come up, or a 'damage' animation, it doesnt drain 'SP' even though it should when you use a "regular skill", its as if the skill hits thin air. I know this is a really minor problem, but it's very noticeable since most experienced players would save up their Limit Break skills for bosses, therefore running into this issue often.

::EDIT:: This problem ONLY occures when you have 2 party members. If you have any other amount of party members it works perfectly fine. Hopefully this bit of info will help!


If anyone has run into these problems and know how to resolve them, id really appreciate any advice/assisstance.

thanks a load!
This is my last question about this script... it would solve all my issues... is there any possible way that i can set it so that the limit break system doesnt activate until you get to a certain point in the game?


If you remove the "'Attack' Option Replacer" script, this will make it so that

1) when you have two characters, one uses a limit break, and the other uses a physical skill that requires the character moving to the enemy directly after it, it will run smoothly and the one who uses a regular skill will connect with his attack and not entirely miss the target

2) when you have your limit break, you will still be able to attack. This can be seen as a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I look at it as a good thing since you are then able to preserve your limit break if you so choose to, and still be able to attack normally. Downside is, the limit break skills are mixed in with the regular skills, but grey'd out when you dont have your limit break bar filled. For this, I just put in the skill descriptions **Limit Break Required** " then the skill definition here ". 

I hope this helps anyone who runs into this issue as I did.

Thanks for the amazing battle system MistTribe, and all others who had a part in its creation!

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