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[XP] Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack 0.6

I have a question. Is there a way to make a character to double attack. I am using a script called
"Guillaume777's multi slot script", which allows you to equiped a weapon in both hands. But I was wondering if there was something I could change in this CBS script to make it so the character does two attacks, instead of dooing one attack, jumping back to the side he came from, then attack again. If anyone can help that would be very helpfull.

EDIT: I am using 0.6 version of the CBS script

EDIT: I am not using rmxp anymore, so I do not need to resolve this problem.
jordantyler36":3i2wi2h1 said:
I have a question. Is there a way to make a character to double attack. I am using a script called
"Guillaume777's multi slot script", which allows you to equiped a weapon in both hands. But I was wondering if there was something I could change in this CBS script to make it so the character does two attacks, instead of dooing one attack, jumping back to the side he came from, then attack again. If anyone can help that would be very helpfull.

EDIT: I am using 0.6 version of the CBS script
You could use an animation that shows two sword slashes, or whatever else you want.
I love this script! I have a version of this which has Alot of Working addons...I could post it on the 15th if any requires it.

One change includes Bigger Enemy sprites. (That change size with your heroes). Also works with SDK and The Multi Hit system.
i get this error when i want to attack
i use a newest SDK
someone help me pleaase
kisuke_hc":2s0vs9br said:
i get this error when i want to attack
i use a newest SDK
someone help me pleaase

I've gotten an error (but I don't remember if its the same one), the solution for my problem was that the character needs to have a weapon equipped or else you will keep getting an error. Hope this helps, can't help other wise  :dead:
I have a few questions, what if you want the enemy to use a weapon but you only want it to show when he attacks, like your character? And where in the script do I go to change how far I want the enemy and or character to go when they attack. (The enemy in particular)
I realize that this topic is quite old, so I understand if there is no help available. I've been trying to get DerVVulfman's limit break system to work with Rye.jp's CBS but I haven't been having any luck. The bars don't show up in battle like they do in your screenshot. How did you get those to work together?
Works great, thank you.

Just wondering if anyone knows how to add a fifth person. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Update: I figured out how to add them to the battle, so the sprite appears and they fight, but I do not know how to add their stats to the bottom of the battle screen. Any help, please?
RAWR! :3
so i love this script
its perfect!
the only thing its missing is ATB
im not sure if it's already in there but if it is i cant figure out how to activate it D:
ATB is my favourite battle style :3
is there any way to add an ATB to this? im not going to be using limit breaks or anything
just ATB :3
i find turn based gets boring after a while. with ATB you need to plan your stuff cuz the mobs arent going to wait around XD

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