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Where do you think we go when we die?

Let's get this thing straight, the thing that believers call soul, is in fact our mind. Our mind is essencially our brain, were we store information and think. So, when we die, our brain rots and stops working. If our brain stops working, our mind disappears, our soul disappears, it doesn't run away from the body and ascends to the heavens or anything like that, it's all freaking electricity!
Some of what Pete said is pretty much true, but not the basic point of it; that our soul is our mind and so when our brain stops working, our soul evaporates. I don't really believe in the existence of a soul, i don't really even know what it's supposed to be, but i know it is a third part of the body, not our mind or our body but something else. 'I believe in real, proven facts.' is a dumb thing to say, because the existence of a soul isn't a real, proven fact, therefore it can't be a proven fact that the soul is the mind. Or something.
Red Dawn;292096 said:
Some of what Pete said is pretty much true, but not the basic point of it; that our soul is our mind and so when our brain stops working, our soul evaporates. I don't really believe in the existence of a soul, i don't really even know what it's supposed to be, but i know it is a third part of the body, not our mind or our body but something else. 'I believe in real, proven facts.' is a dumb thing to say, because the existence of a soul isn't a real, proven fact, therefore it can't be a proven fact that the soul is the mind. Or something.

To give him the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to assume he meant the popular assumption of soul. What makes you, as they say, you. Your mannerisms, your odd quirks, your fetishes. Crap that you usually don't think 'well he just developed that because of so-and-so growing up', like a liking to pickles. That sort of thing might be considered genetic, but it IS up there in your brain. If you think of that sort of information as a soul, then yes, a soul is part of the brain, and thus might be considered 'the mind'.

Now, how the brain works is... Well, not exactly well-known. We've got a vague image of the exact workings at best. We can see general brain activity in the right hemisphere, the left... Enough to know one is the area rationality and logic might originate and one is the more whimsical imaginative side perhaps. But when you delve into 'where exactly does your self reside in the brain? what makes you aware, able to think, have inner dialogue?' you drop yourself right into the pit of gray. And that, is where one might debate the existence of 'soul'. Some weird energy in there that might exist separately of your physical self, and yet be intertwined, only released upon death.

Now that is an out there theory, but it's not exactly something we can disprove at the moment. Until we do, there's no 'concrete proof' that there's nothing after death. It's just that every bit of data suggests completely that there is in fact, not.
I'm not sure what I believe, I'm mixed up between what I would like to believe and what I think actually happens:
I think our concience just shuts down and that's it, nothing more.
but I would love to be something more, not heaven or hell, that idea disgusts me, but I would love to each tie we die, we are reborn again, in another body maybe a different species, without the memories of our past lives...
My rational part tells me it's just rotting and shutting down, but again we never know if there actually IS something else, no?
I think it would be awesome if when we died we went into like a dream state, where you could totally control it and it felt real. So you could do anything you liked. I could go on rmxp, or go out to a party with mates, or read an unlimited number of good books, or fuck endlessly... That'd be so great. But I doubt that's what happens.
Technically, NOTHING is a proven fact unless YOU'VE seen it 100% yourself....
Even then, what we "see" is questionable, because of drugs and other hallucinogens. For all we know the government could give us drugs every day, and this world could be some kinda "matrix" or unreal crap. EXACTLY.:thumb:

Have you ever seen your own heart? NO. Neither have I, but how do I know it exists? I CAN FEEL IT, that's why. I can feel it beating every day, every second. So how do I know I have a soul, a spirit? Because I've seen shit (excuse my language) that no one else has ever even heard of before. Yep, spirits are real, I believe. And so is the afterlife.:D

My heart actually stopped beating before, I was in what they call a 2 minute coma, let me tell you. I was a BAD KID. but what I saw, it made me re-convert to christianity on the spot. I won't tell you here, because it's pretty graphic, and some little kids are around, but just know that it's a crazy place down there, or whever HELL is. I've been there. Either that, or I was transported to George Bush's secret lair, lol. :p
shadowmanrpg;298384 said:
Technically, NOTHING is a proven fact unless YOU'VE seen it 100% yourself....
Even then, what we "see" is questionable, because of drugs and other hallucinogens. For all we know the government could give us drugs every day, and this world could be some kinda "matrix" or unreal crap. EXACTLY.:thumb:
Psh, as If only USA existed in this world.
shadowmanrpg;298384 said:
Have you ever seen your own heart? NO. Neither have I, but how do I know it exists? I CAN FEEL IT, that's why.

You know it exists because people were mutilated before and had their organs ripped out of their body. :p

And you were in a coma, what you "saw" is also pretty much questionable. It could have been a nightmare.
ull? I didn't know that was a word... My spellcheck says it isn't, so...
But you could go somewhere. I myself don't really think so but it's possible.
Red Dawn;298786 said:
ull? I didn't know that was a word... My spellcheck says it isn't, so...
But you could go somewhere. I myself don't really think so but it's possible.

God now you're correcting other people? Admittedly ull is pretty bad, but it's not a big jump from u->you to youll->ull for someone who puts no value on apostrophes. But then again nevermind, you actually used them in that post. I'd just delete this and forget about it since I don't want to give the impression that your improved typing is negligible, but I feel the need to agree with the guy.

Spending your life auditioning for the next (that may or may not exist, signs point to no for this one) is pretty silly. I'm all for hoping for a greater good, but not to the point that you're jumping off a damn cliff to prove how devoted you are. Spending your life miserable for a religion is the slow version of cultists drinking poisoned kool-aid.

And yeah coma dreams aren't very good proof for the next life. Like an acid trip. I could make believe that that put me in a spiritual state of mind and let me see heaven or hell, but really, your hallucinations almost completely depend on the state of mind you're in. If you're in a seedy dive, surrounded by people you fear might mug you, you're going to see some terrible things, and never want to do acid again. If you're in a friendly environment, you'll have a fine trip. Not saying that acid is fine, but it's the same sort of thing. You almost died, you were probably very afraid you were going to die, that puts you in a state of mind very well suited for abstract dream-state images.
Red Dawn;298724 said:
So when you were in a coma you went to hell? But don't only dead people go to hell?

I don't know. I could tell you what I believe....but then you wouldn't believe me anyways. It all comes down to YOUR faith. Anyone can question anothers faith, but we'll see in the end. 2012, as some believe. I'll only be proven right when my savior returns, so, until then, I'm just a religious idiot to most.

Yeah, you're all right, comas are like dreams,and not the best source to use when determining if the afterlife is real or not. But it felt real to me, I mean, I felt the pain, the heat, I saw the faces of people, I'd never seen them before. I saw the creatures......but I don't know. what is there to distinguish dream from reality? What if you can "feel" dreams and see them just as clearly as you can see yourself in the mirror? :yes:
I think that discussing what you believe isn't just right... maybe telling what you think and listening to the other could be a better choice.

We must realize that ditching someone's believes isn't just right you know?

It might be a non accepted opinion coming from me and my comments against atheists, but seeing as of how shadow's post was ditched made me realize that we all believe many many things, nevertheless, NO ONE has proven that there is or isn't an after life.

So neither science nor religion are the correct choice, since neither of those can explain completely everything...

I guess our choice is to believe, believe in a God and or after life. Or believe in nothing, we just die...

Believes after all...
PINEDAXP;298960 said:
I think that discussing what you believe isn't just right... maybe telling what you think and listening to the other could be a better choice.

We must realize that ditching someone's believes isn't just right you know?

It might be a non accepted opinion coming from me and my comments against atheists, but seeing as of how shadow's post was ditched made me realize that we all believe many many things, nevertheless, NO ONE has proven that there is or isn't an after life.

So neither science nor religion are the correct choice, since neither of those can explain completely everything...

I guess our choice is to believe, believe in a God and or after life. Or believe in nothing, we just die...

Believes after all...

Thanks for not flaming me. This is what I kinda wanted to say. I know everyone has different beliefs, and I'm not ditching anyone elses, I'm just saying that we'll see in the end, who's wrong and who's right. It could very well end up that a MONKEY could be supreme ruler, though that's not what I believe.....

The funniest thing is that once you die, you can't come back, so who's to prove where you go once you do die? My "coma" experience was one of probably millions of stories, some lies made up to get attention......

You don't know what exists beyond your life, because you only know your life, and this is where all religious debates have to end. But we could look at it from a logical perspective.

BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING, you shouldn't spend your life completely worried about what happens when you die. You should worry about what happens when you live.

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