I know it's old, but making another thread is bad.
I believe in the books made by Dante something.
The books were a trilogy,
34 pages in the first book, 33 in the 2nd and 3rd books, thus creating the holy number 100.
It was about the 3 main places you can go,
Heaven has 1 level, which is for people who did good in their lives.
Purgatory had 9(?) levels in it, which were for people who did wrong doings while alive, but were TRULY sorry for it.
Hell had 9 levels in it, starting at the 1st level which was from low crimes, such as hating other religions, or stealing.
All I remember from it for now though, is that level 6 was for suicidal people, who turned into trees that were picked at by birds, and it hurt them so, as punishment for hunting themselves.
The 9th level was all ice, people froze there, and it is said SATAN himself lived there.
I also believe it is possible that you go to a place relative to what you believe, and they all interlude.
Example: Chocolate-Cow believes he will just rot in a box for the rest of eternity, so he may end up that way forever.
I believe in another place, so I will go to a place that is relative to my life, which is therefore, probably level 1 of purgatory.