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Where do you think we go when we die?



I read a play that was something to the effect of Sixty's argument. "A Morality Play for the Leisurely Class" or something.

Basically, this man ("Soul" in the stage directions) dies. There is a Presence who acts as his personal servant, making sure that whatever he wants is there for him. However, Soul becomes increasingly bored and frustrated. He is unable to feel struggle, unable to be better than anyone else, and unable to work towards a goal. He berates Presence, says that if it's his job to allow Soul anything he wants, then he wants to suffer, if only to feel true emotion again! He finally bursts out "I want to go to hell!"

Presence answers "wherever, sir, do you think you are?"

Best play ever. I wish I could remember the actual name and find a transcript somewhere on the Webz.

It raises a fairly good point, too. Of course, I'm not religious for the afterlife, I'm religious for the philosophy (a part of religion that is so thoroughly ignored nowadays.) If I go to sit happily on a cloud for all time, then that's cool. I'm sure Big Juju would work something out there. If I rot in the ground, I won't be able to regret anything anyway. And if I'm reincarnated, well, I'm actually looking forward to that. Maybe one of me will remember everything "I" have learned up to that point and do something really cool with the knowledge.


Awesome Bro

We go to the coroner's, the mourge, then we get into our caskets/coffins, and get all dressed up and get our blood taken out, replaced with some nasty smelling fluid, put in front of people's waking eyes, and then buried/burned.

death is grand.

after those facts...I know not. I'd like to think that we will escape this shell, move into space, and travel until whatever happens. Wherever I'm pulled, I'll go.



Ooh, you know what'd be cool? Being a ghost.

Think of all the stuff you could see! No one'd be able to stop you from sneaking into movie theaters!
Powerdude247":2an06gi8 said:
Well, being very close to the origanal writings of the bible, it's some-what more complex then the "good people go strait to heven."

When we die, our souls are sent to a "waiting place for good and bad people" refered to as "The Grave". We don't go to heven as soon as we die, when Messah(Jesus/Yesuha) comes again, we are sent to heven and bad people to heck. And no, we don't become angels. And no, Jesus did not go to hell when he died, he was sent to The Grave to preach to the people who died before him. Moses, Abram, Adam, etc... Because we are saved by faith in Jesus. not works.
A hearty amen! I couldn't have put it better!

EDIT: Wait, I think I could...

You say "good people" to Heaven and "bad people" to Hell. That's not quite my belief.

I believe there is no way of getting to Heaven alone, because one sin, no matter how insignificant, will get you a one way ticket to Hell. The only way of getting to Heaven is by believing and confessing with your words and actions that Jesus took that penalty of dying for you, so that you could instead go to Heaven. It's a gift, not a wage.



I like to think whatever deity's playing The Sims with the universe is a little more forgiving than that. I see our presence here as a sort of learning experience; after all, everything that happens to you has some lesson or opportunity for growth attached to it, if you think things through. And if this deity wants us to learn, what's the point of sending us to Hell permanently once our term is up?

The Qu'ran's sort of vague here, but I believe that you're just in Hell so long as you don't recognize that you've done anything wrong, and don't make sure to learn from the experience. Like a rehabilitation center.

In addition, I don't believe it's so easy to go to Hell. A deity with infinite grace and mercy red-carding you for stealing chocolate as a child (or not being baptized) doesn't ring right with me.

Of course, this is all opinion, and the reason this is an uncomfortable subject for me anyway; the various holy books left a lot of grey area around these points and others (grey area which some people have taken a lot of advantage of (coughSaddamcough,)) and the truth is there's no way people are gonna be able to fill in the blanks until they're dead. Even the current Pope can't say for sure; the former Popes, likely enough, but it's tough talking to dead people.

See why I ignore this kind of stuff and go straight to the philosophy? Speculation about the afterlife has gotten people killed, and I'm no less ignorant on that point than a crusader or a suicide bomber.
Gearpunk":33o88y7p said:
I like to think whatever deity's playing The Sims with the universe is a little more forgiving than that. I see our presence here as a sort of learning experience; after all, everything that happens to you has some lesson or opportunity for growth attached to it, if you think things through. And if this deity wants us to learn, what's the point of sending us to Hell permanently once our term is up?

The Qu'ran's sort of vague here, but I believe that you're just in Hell so long as you don't recognize that you've done anything wrong, and don't make sure to learn from the experience. Like a rehabilitation center.

In addition, I don't believe it's so easy to go to Hell. A deity with infinite grace and mercy red-carding you for stealing chocolate as a child (or not being baptized) doesn't ring right with me.
First of all, you are thinking that a diety with infinite power and infinite mercy just gave us one chance.

He originally made man sinless, but we found a way, and go ourselves kicked out of paradise. God is not only infinitly powerful, and merciful. He is also infinitly just and holy. This means that we broke the rules he set up, and he can't have any sin, not one bit, in his Kingdom, or else he wouldn't be infinitly just.

This is where the crucifiction of Jesus comes in. Since Jesus was infinitly holy because he was the Son of God, he could pay that price for us, so that we got another chance. Now all one has to do is take it.

Gearpunk":33o88y7p said:
Of course, this is all opinion, and the reason this is an uncomfortable subject for me anyway; the various holy books left a lot of grey area around these points and others (grey area which some people have taken a lot of advantage of (coughSaddamcough,)) and the truth is there's no way people are gonna be able to fill in the blanks until they're dead. Even the current Pope can't say for sure; the former Popes, likely enough, but it's tough talking to dead people.
I don't believe in the Pope's so-called "infallibility"; I'm not Catholic myself. He's just like any other human.

Also, I don't believe that baptism is a required action, because no where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt be baptized, or thou shalt not get to Heaven." It only say that baptism is an outward sign of an inward transformation; an analogy, if you would. I myself have never been baptized, yet I firmly believe that I am going to Heaven.
Hmmm, I had always wondered what Jesus did during those three days when he was dead.  But, the Bible, in pretty much any form, is pretty vague about afterlife stuff.

As a side note, didn't a prophet or something write that Heaven was kinda like Jerusalem, except made out of diamonds and other shiny things?  I seem to remember hearing that somewhere...

Also, Gearpunk's play thing sounds made of win.  I would like to read it, although now I know how it ends already.



The play itself is so short that you won't have time to be disappointed. It's actually sort of fun to watch something build up to a conclusion you foresee.

And as for the actual form of the afterlife... I've also read it in the Qu'ran as "gardens, with rivers flowing beneath." I don't think physical descriptions of the afterlife should be accepted as such, but as expressions about how good it's supposed to be. In a desert society, gardens and rivers are a nice thing to have around, and everybody likes shiny things.

(Also, high-five for the avatar.)

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