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Where do you think we go when we die?

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the subject of this thread is what do YOU believe will happen when you die. Not what is proven, or what is actually going to happen. If it were about that, then stating that no one knows except that the body will decay in some form or manner will be correct.

But this thread asks for  a belief. I really want that understood as I present my belief. Is what I am going to state solid proven fact? No. Is it in any form backed y proof or evidence? Not to my knowledge. It is, as I said, my belief. A belief that I will not know if is real or not until the day I take my last breath. Therefore arguing over it's merits is really a waste of time.

Now, onto my belief...

For some time I had pondered the prospect of an afterlife. You see I was often kept awake at night with the image of closing my eyes and descending into nothingness. Not existing to me is the worst thing that could happen. Occasionally when my faith fails, I still have such fears.

You see, in May of 2005 I was involved in a car accident. My wife, myself, and my two children (a 2 year old and a 4 year old at the time) were hit dead on by a semi-truck (also known as an 18-wheeler). The end result claimed my wife, and permanently injured me. My kids, to this day, are fine.

You see, my head hit the windshield several times (all through which I was unconscious). It was stated that I should not have survived, and neither should the children. But we did. Even my wife did not die right away. No, she died a couple months later in bed, as a result of complications from the accident. I had the displeasure of watching her die. Of seeing the fear in her eyes. Of hearing and witnessing her hallucinations as she talked to beings that as far as I could figure were not there. And then the peace that overcame her when she took her last nap. Yes, she was fortunate enough to go in her sleep. I did not wish her to go, so I tried everything, even preformed CPR on her which was hard to do with my injuries (partial paralysis). I am not of perfect health either. One aspect of partial paralysis is low blood pressure.

Anyways, all of this made me think about the after life. I put a lot of thought into it, as well as research. Now I never found an "proof" per say in the existence of an afterlife, but I did find some interesting reports. So with all this and my upbringing I finally came to a conclusion of how I view the after life.

I believe that when we die, we don't realize that we are dead. Instead, we continue to try and "live" our daily lives. The only difference is that we are dead, and such this would not be our physical bodies, but our spiritual bodies. After everything is said and done, and the time of judgment comes, it is then when we are sent to our respective places of heaven or hell.

Now I came upon this belief for several reasons. One being that the bible never claims that we go straight to any place. Instead it claims that the dead do not know, and that we only go to our final homes in the end of all time. So then, where does that leave us while waiting? Either in the grave asleep or, still wandering. Well the bible states that the dead do not know, so this could be interpreted that the dead don't know that they are dead. This could explain ghosts and hauntings. Most say that hauntings happen because the dead in the house do not know they are dead, and want others out of their house. Makes sense to me. The rest comes from my Christian upbringing.

Now, some can say that ghosts are imagenariy, or some sort of illusions created by some natural force. Who knows, that could be true. But it is not proven one way or another. It is just a belief. Just as my belief in the afterlife is just that, a belief. So please abstain from any urges to cite the rhetoric "you die, go in ground, and rot". I already know that is what physically happens, so such discussion would be lost on me. Instead, I am addressing the subject of this thread, and that is my belief on what happens.. not the proven fact on what happens.

Thank you all who do read this with an open mind, and don't instantly start to belittle it, question it, or recite the rhetoric that has already been stated too many times in this thread.
mythus, I was scared when I read that part about your wife.

I'm sorry for you.

At any rate, I have had a weird image in my head since I was... well since i can remember anything.
Please don't refer to the following as me refering to birth, I'm not:

Theres an image....no more than an image... almost a presence, like I am living it. I feel myself coming out of some form of shelling, maybe an egg. I feel rather hot, almost like the sun is unnaturally close. I hear what sounds like birds making sounds like they are feeding, and roars like a lion... only creepier. I look up, and see a large black flaming mass coming towards me, and the last thing I remember is feeling the rush of an explosion.

I've remember that, among everything in my life, I believe it dates back to when i was about 2 or 3, so I wasn't fully sentient or able to remember things. I believe that is my only glimpse as to proof of reincarnation. That sense I have, that sense of image, is possibly me as a prehistorical animal...thing.

I take comfort in it, and believe that we will all survive, just in different bodies.
Thank you for not ranting about this.
I thought I posted in here already but I guess that was somewhere else- whatever.

What do I think happens when we die?
That's sort of hard, since I have like, a duality going on.

Basically, I think for that the only way to truly, really know what happens when you die is to, you know, die, and until that happens, we can only really guess at it.

So, my own guess at it is that we do, in fact, go to an 'afterlife'.... not really a set Heaven or Hell but to a nice 'spiritual world'... If, in your mind's eye and most of the people your life affect, you were "good" then you will go to a place that you might perceive as "Heaven". The opposite for a "Hell". If you're just thinking you're no extreme of one or the other, you're just average, then you just stay in an 'average' sort of place. Reincarnation fits in there, too... but it's not really like "Who was baddest/goodest" it's more of like "Take a number and come up when it's called" sort of thing... and if you don't want a number, you don't take it.

GAH. It's really hard to explain... somewhat...
I think we go are either reincarnated.. or heaven or hell.. if not we may just be dead.

That's my way of saying I dont know.. but I believe in the middle and first moreso.
I always wanted to ask about reincarnation, one odd tidbit.

I can understand the idea, if we're dealing with 500 people.
There will always be about 500 people.
I can understand the idea, if we're dealing with 500 animals.
There will always be about 500 animals.
Altogether that's 1,000 creatures, give or take if they aren't birthed the moment someone dies.

Now.  I can even understand what many schools of the thought have, an actual after life after reaching some peak - such as absolute nirvana.  So that's one digit less, for ever.  Always be one person left - technically that means that eventually they'll only be 1 person.

But while some people have tried to show me it's a set amount of beings, I find it hard to believe since the increase in life compared to the decrease is off, unless there's this giant pool that's just waiting... which annoys me.

So.  My real trouble is, if there's a set amount - how come we're getting more populated?  We could be pooling from the animals - hell certain species have gone extinct, that's answered it up (but what about those that have thrived in it's place - the rat to the dodo as it were, their numbers rose as well).

So can someone explain to me a limitless reincarnation without resorting to "lulz new soulz jerk", because that part's never been answered for me.
I am a Baptist Christian, as well as a Psion.  I believe that there is a single creator, God, or Yahweh, or whatever you wish to call Him.  I also believe that, without contradicting my religious beliefs, we exist on multiple planes, such as the astral, ethereal, and other planes.  Christians embrace morality, but most are hippocrates.  I myself am one, but remember; we are only human.  Psionics (Psionism, whatever you wish to call it) isn't technically a religion, but gives a more literal idea of where we go when we die.  I do believe that on judgement day, the nonbelievers, wrongdoers, and others who haven't been saved will go to hell, and those who do good for others instead of themselves, and is saved, will go to heaven.

(and start your psionics research here: www.psilinks.net)
When we die we die, that's it, our brains stop functioning and we do nothing, we go nowhere and we don't even know we are dead because when are brain stops functioning we cease to exist and are just a memory.
Blah, wherever there's a heaven and a hell, it doesn't matter, heaven is a reason why there's less murderers and evil people in the world, so wherever it's real or not, i'm very happy.
I don't know, if people really believed this life was all we had then they would understand how horrible murder really is, back when I had a religion it seemed like murder was bad, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now and how many people have killed in the name of God? (so they could go to heaven)
The idea of heaven wouldn't prevent something like murder, at most it'll stop some kid stealing sweets from a shop.
iceplosion":33ff2np3 said:
I don't know, if people really believed this life was all we had then they would understand how horrible murder really is, back when I had a religion it seemed like murder was bad, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now and how many people have killed in the name of God? (so they could go to heaven)
The idea of heaven wouldn't prevent something like murder, at most it'll stop some kid stealing sweets from a shop.
Most religions don't really allow suicide or murdering the innocent. It's usually the interpection of people who do it.

And yes, religion does prevent something like murder, in one religion that was accused of being full of murder, had a quote "If you kill one person, it would be like you have killed all of mankind" You will most likely go to hell because of that, for example killing one person could be killing a future generation. And a person who takes their religion seriously would pay attention to that. So, yeah.



I don't believe in any religion. There are too many to guess the right one. So my answer to, "where do I go when I die"? In the ground if I'm buried. Or in someone's lungs if I'm cremated.
Cassy":7f0djh8l said:
iceplosion":7f0djh8l said:
I don't know, if people really believed this life was all we had then they would understand how horrible murder really is, back when I had a religion it seemed like murder was bad, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now and how many people have killed in the name of God? (so they could go to heaven)
The idea of heaven wouldn't prevent something like murder, at most it'll stop some kid stealing sweets from a shop.
Most religions don't really allow suicide or murdering the innocent. It's usually the interpection of people who do it.

And yes, religion does prevent something like murder, in one religion that was accused of being full of murder, had a quote "If you kill one person, it would be like you have killed all of mankind" You will most likely go to hell because of that, for example killing one person could be killing a future generation. And a person who takes their religion seriously would pay attention to that. So, yeah.

The kind of person who would murder someone is not the kind of person who would let religion stop them, I've had a lot of personal experience with this (I've studied plenty of case files of murders, been there as they were interviewed by police) and I can honestly say, heaven isn't stopping anyone from getting killed.
potatokisser69":z3n7jeoa said:
im preety sure we get reincarnated in to a potato!!! then we become a bag of chips and later become to be a poop

I just read that. I think it's the smartest thing anyone's ever said. Really, ever. In the history of the world.

Why does everyone care so much about death? Why not just try to live your life as best you can? Doesn't anyone realize how incredibly against-the-odds it is for any of you to be sucking in breath at all? How there are nearly infinite atoms out there but somehow you were slapped together out of the nothing of the cosmos?

Can't anyone just be excited that they basically won the cosmic lottery ...? What does it accomplish to obsess about the afterlife? (Besides for pyramid-builders and morticians, I suppose)
actually I don't have a straight belief, but one cool explanation is:

When you die, in the last moment, people say that all your life pass beyonde your eyes, which means, you don't die.

Confuse? I know. Just think of this, in the last moment your alive all your life pass beyond your eyes,including that moment where you see or life, and that would go, and go, and go.. That could be a explanation to dejavu too, since you have seen that so many times that you start to perceive that that has already passed.

Crazy teory, but I find it cool.
Well, being a theist, I basically believe that after death, (assuming that you fulfilled certain requirements i.e. belief in Christ) eternity is spent in the presence of God.  If the aforementioned requirements are not met, then eternity is spent seperated from the presence of God.

However, spending eternity doing anything seems like a scary concept to me.
I always wondered why bother living for eternity?

Hell.  I get bored now.  I get bored and have to wait for holidays or birthdays and all that jazz.  I don't hang out with the same friends constantly, they bore the hell out of me.  Crap, this site bores me.  I'm so easily bored, eternity is actually SCARY.

But then the magic of "you could do anything" or "you are always happy" comes in, and those bother me.  I could do anything, but I couldn't before?  Or I wouldn't want to then?  And I'm forced to be happy?  I can't be sad?  Those for some reason bother me.  Call it my little hang up on social freedoms in my own mind, like if I'm told I'm not allowed to think a certain way, it bothers me the same.

I look to it more or less that there isn't anything.  Not so much that you just stop, blinked out of existence except for the exuvia you left behind, to be mulched by worms or ashed by cremation.  Just that it doesn't matter.  You your self, will be where you are, and you will be fine with it.  And if you are fine with it now, you have that much less worrying and all the more living to have.

Random offtopicness:
Before chosing Defenestrate to change my name to, it would have been "exuvia", in lowercase like sixtyandaquarter was.  Also, for whatever reason I know have the hook "Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity" stuck in my head :x
Ghosts, heaven, hell, reincarnations, nirvana... It´s all made up by man.

I´m pretty sure that when we die, we go back to the place we were before we were born. We just cease to exist. And that´s why I don´t fear death. Because, honestly, how many of you can say that you suffered or felt bad before you were born?

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