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Where do you think we go when we die?

I am sorry if I am offending your beliefs (believes?), if I sound rude or a jerk, but with all the knowledge we possess about the Human beeing, you still think we go to Hell or Heaven? Seriously, that doesn't even feel right, because if God judges you to Hell, your God is evil because he is condemning (correct me if thats not the correct spelling) you to eternal suffering (which is considered evil by him when we do it) and so he should be in Hell suffering too. It's just a confusion of ideas that don't even make sense.

So basically, life on Earth was formed many years ago and evolved to what is is today, your dad's choosen spermatozoon unifies with your mother's ovum and that new cell evolves to a baby and later a grown up. If the organism takes several damage during it's lifespawn, it may not survive and will stop functioning, because it won't be able to create energy, will rot sooner or later and that body's "Soul" (Soul: basically, your mind, your thoughts) will be gone forever and another life ends there. There is no such thing as a spirit (Ghosts, etc...) because that is all in our brains, very complex organ that works just like a computer (except its far more superior than a computer, beyond current knowledge), and the data won't be transfered to another system in the form of an executable that will be running for the eternity. ITS-JUST-DEAD.

Its way better to live our short lives the best we can until our moment arrives, than to think about afterlife (if it does exist, we will surely live it, so no worries!!). (Note: this wasnt a stab at you people)
I doubt anyone will go to heaven or hell. I personally believe we'll all go to Purgatory or Limbo(long maybe even Conga) until something fun happens. It would be nice to have a polytheistic fantasy(like collecting the souls of the damned for a great war), but I am a Catholic and that just seems silly when you try to take it seriously. My religion says that Jesus is gonna bring his kingdom of New Jerusalam to Earth after Judgement Day and there will be a great calm for 1000 years...I wonder what happens next... We all turn into nothingness lol... Well, after rambling about all of that, I hope I can get a good job as a ghost. Maybe I can haunt some people lol.



There couldn't be a purgatory without heaven or hell.... And limbo is basically another version of purgatory, and is not considered a permanent place. And ghosts are much more probable, but still not even probable. We prolly just cease to exist period. And haunting ppl could be fun =P



we are made of matter therefor when we die our matter breaks up and spreads around, our brain is also matter containing information
maybe people breathe us in and (birds and the bees moment.... passed) we are part of the new birth. sound creepy but maybe.

I think we get reborn, or in the growing acceptance of which is now fact of parallel universes (apparently they believe there are more than one due to the fact they thought there was only 3 dimensions then out leaked a 4th there are now 11 dimensions) we just continue but on another planet(well not another planet oh crap can't really explain that one) with no knowledge, now you know why we get deja vu coz we have been there and done it right then and there. f'in crazy isn't it.
What the hell did arbiter just say? seriously.
I think that we go in a little wooden box under the ground. I dont believe in souls or spirits.
I think he was speaking about reincarnation...
Anyways, when you die, its because your brain stopped functioning, since it is the organ that controls our body. No soul or anything, just more food to the microscopic beeings.
@ Sixty: T_T I'm there now.

In all seriousness, I don't think about it. I don't care to know if there's a heaven or hell or anything yet. I can't wrap my head around nothingness forever since my mind is always buzzing, so I choose not to think about it. Maybe I will on my deathbed. Which, according to Sixty, is coming soon :'O ...

But I figure, what's the point in life if you spend it worrying about how you'll spend your afterlife?
We stand before the Lord awaiting judgement. If he deems our life as Christian and Holy, we are rewarded with an eternity in the bliss of Heaven, in the presence of Jesus Christ our Saviour. If he finds us unworthy (like atheists) then eternity will be spend in the depths of fiery Hell.

For all you stinkin atheists who pretend to not believe in Heaven and Hell because your friends will think your cool...well I would say see you in Hell but i'm not going there! XD
Minkoff;280889":1uck5f78 said:
We stand before the Lord awaiting judgement. If he deems our life as Christian and Holy, we are rewarded with an eternity in the bliss of Heaven, in the presence of Jesus Christ our Saviour. If he finds us unworthy (like atheists) then eternity will be spend in the depths of fiery Hell.

For all you stinkin atheists who pretend to not believe in Heaven and Hell because your friends will think your cool...well I would say see you in Hell but i'm not going there! XD

Minkoff that was a little insensitive. I'm not atheist (I'm not anything), but the question was, where do you think you go when you die, not What do you think about other peoples' beliefs and how can you impose your religion on others.

I don't know anyone over 14 who would base their beliefs on something that important on "being cool" around others.

And before people start labeling me crap, you can call me an Apathist (play on the word 'apathy'). Because, like I said, I don't believe in anything because I want to wait to see it to make up what I make of it. That confuses a lot of people, especially devout people. Let them be confused.
No one's really confused, there's a lot of ppl like you and atheists thinking they're in the best postition.

Minkoff's post is fine, I'd just add that maybe some of those who claimed not to believe in anything might crap his pants when seeing the big guy up there and ask for forgiveness...

But yeah, pretty much we go to hell if we did bad things in our lives.

And go to heaven if we had a good life... We'll be judged based on our good actions rather than the crap we made...

Go Minkoff! Tell them...

PS: Atheists posts and some others are expected, as usual
Good god, he spelled things correctly for once and you assume he was serious? Gullible people. Well not really, more like people that don't know who's posting. He was kidding, he's basically calling your views stupid.

When we die our physical bodies go into the ground, rot, and eventually get eaten by maggots who die and feed the ground/whatever which feeds trees which feeds animals which feed people which die etc.

Mentally? Who knows. There's literally no way to prove it one way or the other, but logically we just stop existing, which you can't imagine since you can't help but think from your own point of view. The very thought of 'what would it be like to be dead' would be invalid. Discounting logic, I'd say reincarnation seems most likely, considering that it'd be following suit with your physical body.

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