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What is so wrong with homosexuals? I mean really?

The world changes, and if the bible is a "guide" like the constitution is a "guide" like literal GUIDES are guides, it should be updated and/or amended anually. Because EVERYTHING CLASSIFIED AS A GUIDE is updated or ammended annually. If people want to sell the bible as a guide, make it work for the everyday world and next year, make a new one that works for next year. If you dont, its not a guide, its a tome for keeping often archaic rituals and beliefs alive along with a very very small amount of relevent moral tale that still applies to the modern world.
The bible isn't updated anymore because the Christian Fanatics believe its the truth and take it entirely literally. The Old Testament was never taken literally.
"Is it natural?" - The short answer is if you don't believe you were created by a higher being, you have no reason to label something as natural or not (even though some may for whatever reason), as "nature" just progresses how it progresses and does what it does, therefore (most likely) homosexuality is neither natural or unnatural from your point of view (or everything is natural depending on what way you look at it).

Those who believe in a creator generally believe that that creator set down laws to make a distinction between what was intended to be natural and what wasn't, and in the case of Christianity homosexuality is deemed to be unnatural, ie. not part of God's intentions.
whats natural or not is not only decide by god. If you are an athiest then you should believe the laws set by biologists who study nature and all living things. I didn't learn gay people were unnatural from any holy book, only that they were sin.

I learned from biology book that it was unnatural. Ofcourse it didn't say gay people were unnatural in text, but when I started reading and learning about biology, I came to the conclusion that being gay is not natural by my own beliefs and studying biology. I got an A in biology too :P

Not only that, this year I met a biology teacher(athiest) that agrees with me that gay people aren't natural.

The point is, humans go beyond the naturlity or "norm". Humans do whatever they want. So natural or not, it doesn't matter. I don't care what people do.
Masterbation isnt natural either, you heathenous clest of masterbaters. Enjoy hell, I know I will. Yeah, its in there. Sorry, I know its fun, its in there. Directly. Everything fun is in their and banned to a fault. I'd hate to be wrong about heaven cus my life would be a total bore.
hmm.. Masturbation is fun? XD I always thought the desperate and the sad did it :P

Most fun things are also bad for you ;) Smoking, Drinking, Sex(unprotectred dangerous) and thats all i can think of for now, and thats all I think people do anyways.

The point is, humans go beyond the naturlity or "norm". Humans do whatever they want. So natural or not, it doesn't matter. I don't care what people do.
Masturbation is for people who have sex drives. While sex relieves tension for a while, by the next day I generally find that I am more horney than the day before. You just can't win :P

Looking strains my eyes and chocolate clogs my heart. Breathing corrodes my throat and drinking poisons my liver. All your life is a slow degredation of your body, so why pretend that you can live for ever by 'not having fun'? In the words of Bill Hicks, "Non smokers die every day". As for unprotected sex being dangerous... Well, duh. Every time you chew your food, a set of enameled bones are crushing down around your fleshy little tongue, which is at the same time darting around your mouth. Now that's dangerous. And yet, it takes a certain kind of ineptitude to actually eat your own tongue. See my point? Life is full of little pitfalls like that. I mean, It's not like I have the right to judge, but deliberately having unprotected sex is just stoopid. Like anaesthetising your tongue, and then eating a steak. And yet I know pleanty of people doing both.
You said that things which are fun are bad for you, and I said that life is bad for you, the good, the bad and the rest, and that it is therefore an irrelevant statement.
Mr.Mo said:
hmm.. Masturbation is fun? XD I always thought the desperate and the sad did it :P
Everyone does it. Talk to people, you'll find out. Men, women. This isnt middleschool anymore I guess you werent informed. The people that say stuff like this tend to do it most often. If you never have sex, you lose your sex drive and that's the only kind of person who doesnt do it. And that, dear boy, is sad.
Mr.Mo said:
hmm.. Masturbation is fun? XD I always thought the desperate and the sad did it :P

Most fun things are also bad for you ;) Smoking, Drinking, Sex(unprotectred dangerous) and thats all i can think of for now, and thats all I think people do anyways.
Masturbating is good for you. It protects you from prostate cancer. If you don't want prostate cancer, I suggest you start!
ryanwh said:
Everyone does it. Talk to people, you'll find out. Men, women. This isnt middleschool anymore I guess you werent informed. The people that say stuff like this tend to do it most often. If you never have sex, you lose your sex drive and that's the only kind of person who doesnt do it. And that, dear boy, is sad.
...ugh, I was kidding.:S I'll stop that in debate topic.

no. I didn't say that people shouldn't do it because its bad for you, I said people do it anyways.
The point is, humans go beyond the naturlity or "norm". Humans do whatever they want. So natural or not, it doesn't matter. I don't care what people do.

so therefor your statement is irrevalent. You just posted to say something or misunderstood me.

Ryanwh got me wrong too i guess. Even though I'm pretty sure I was clear.



Don't go assume things online about people you don't know.
As a straight, Christian (not catholic), 18 year old student pastor, I can vouch that the bible hasn't been updated or amended because there aren't any NEW sins. They're all the same ones and we need the SAME guidance for the SAME problems. There is no creativity and no new problems. It's all been done. The bible has always been the best-seller because its teachings have endured for a couple of millenia. Gays have been around forever. It IS in the bible. Man was not designed to be with another man. God hates distorted gender roles because we were all made for a purpose. I know THAT for a fact. If you would have told me a year ago that I'd be a pastor I would have punched you in the face. My life's been changed because I accepted God's plan for me. God's going to make life tough on you if you're gay because it's not His plan for you. God is flawless. He won't create anyone in contradiction to His teachings. So it's not NATURE, it's NURTURE. I'm also a psychology major, and it's easy to see that it's nothing but a distorted gender identity.

For future reference, Leviticus 18:22 says, "You must not have sexual relations with a man as you would a woman. That is a hateful sin." (NCV)

@Retro_fox read Matthew 12:30. "Whoever is not with me is against me. Whoever does not work with me is working against me..." How can you stand by and say I'm "religious and all that" when you won't even follow God's simple commands. We are all called to love people because God loves them, and to hate sin, in all its forms because God hates it. You must not blend in with the world. We are called to be like aliens, not following the way of the world, but His way. You may as well be on Satan's side.

God bless.
Mic Check said:
As a straight, Christian (not catholic), 18 year old student pastor, I can vouch that the bible hasn't been updated or amended because there aren't any NEW sins. They're all the same ones and we need the SAME guidance for the SAME problems. There is no creativity and no new problems. It's all been done. The bible has always been the best-seller because its teachings have endured for a couple of millenia. Gays have been around forever. It IS in the bible. Man was not designed to be with another man. God hates distorted gender roles because we were all made for a purpose. I know THAT for a fact. If you would have told me a year ago that I'd be a pastor I would have punched you in the face. My life's been changed because I accepted God's plan for me. God's going to make life tough on you if you're gay because it's not His plan for you. God is flawless. He won't create anyone in contradiction to His teachings. So it's not NATURE, it's NURTURE. I'm also a psychology major, and it's easy to see that it's nothing but a distorted gender identity.

For future reference, Leviticus 18:22 says, "You must not have sexual relations with a man as you would a woman. That is a hateful sin." (NCV)

@Retro_fox read Matthew 12:30. "Whoever is not with me is against me. Whoever does not work with me is working against me..." How can you stand by and say I'm "religious and all that" when you won't even follow God's simple commands. We are all called to love people because God loves them, and to hate sin, in all its forms because God hates it. You must not blend in with the world. We are called to be like aliens, not following the way of the world, but His way. You may as well be on Satan's side.

God bless.

Greatest post ever. To sum up for those with short attention spans "Gay is wrong, if you're a moderate, you're wrong." I'm sorry, but not going along with a thinly supported belief being grounds for being on 'the side of Satan' is kind of a dick statement. Also, you're pretty much touting that your interpretation of the bible is 'flawless', since obviously how you interpreted it is the way God meant it to be taken. I mean, hell, there's not even room for the original authors to perhaps have skewed a little bit with their own biases. They're far beyond their thoughts and beliefs affecting what they're writing unlike those without divine inspiration/mindcontrol.

But I digress, I'm not a Christian, so I can't say I'd know what the various authors of the bible were thinking when they wrote it. Then again, no living person does.
Thanks for the bittersweet review. The sarcastic pie-crust was delicious, too. Think about this though: If you were God and you had a message to send out that would show all of mankind how to live their lives to make the world a less sucky place and ensure divine reward, would you let some biased middle age secretary change it to please himself? I doubt it. You could easily stop him from sending humanity into a downward spiral. That's why it has credibility. Anyway, Those aren't my words, they come from on high. Oh by the way, they found the ark a few years ago in Sweden (or somewhere like that). It was almost perfectly preserved and fit the exact dimensions named in the bible (60 cubits or something...). Nothing personal to Retro_fox, though. It's just that God despises lukewarm Christianity, which is saying "yea I'm religious and all that", but not livign it out.
God bless, and thanks for listening.
...despite the fact that Sweden was one of the original Viking countries; whom used boats similar to the ark to travel, rape, and pillage.


They also reported to find the ark in Antarctica, Mt. Ararat (Turkey), and Greece.
Mic Check said:
Thanks for the bittersweet review. The sarcastic pie-crust was delicious, too. Think about this though: If you were God and you had a message to send out that would show all of mankind how to live their lives to make the world a less sucky place and ensure divine reward, would you let some biased middle age secretary change it to please himself? I doubt it. You could easily stop him from sending humanity into a downward spiral. That's why it has credibility. Anyway, Those aren't my words, they come from on high. Oh by the way, they found the ark a few years ago in Sweden (or somewhere like that). It was almost perfectly preserved and fit the exact dimensions named in the bible (60 cubits or something...). Nothing personal to Retro_fox, though. It's just that God despises lukewarm Christianity, which is saying "yea I'm religious and all that", but not livign it out.
God bless, and thanks for listening.

I'm glad you find my sarcasm so delicious. I like to glaze it with a fine serving of my cynical mentality when I'm feeling extra fun.

I have to ask though, does being a pastor give you a direct phone line to God? "It's just that God despises lukewarm Christianity" seems like a pretty extreme thing to claim if you didn't hear it firsthand. The only things supporting any variety of distaste god might have for homosexuality is the thin spattering of quotes in the bible, which like I said, stem not from God but from authors claiming divine inspiration. I can't say for sure, since I'm not exactly an expert, but I'm pretty sure not many claimed direct dictation or even firsthand experience with God in terms of their source material.

Think about this though: If you were God and you had a message to send out that would show all of mankind how to live their lives to make the world a less sucky place and ensure divine reward, would you let some biased middle age secretary change it to please himself?

The middle aged secretary being our fun authors, correct? I can't say God would come on down and smite one for putting his own slight spin on things, considering how God didn't happen to smite people except in large occurances of sin. But then again, I really don't know. If someone else would elaborate on that, it'd be great.
Mic Check said:
As a straight, Christian (not catholic), 18 year old student pastor, I can vouch that the bible hasn't been updated or amended because there aren't any NEW sins.
The context has changed completely. And there ARE old sins that arent considered sinful anymore. Like working on the Sabbath(Saturday). Therefore things have changed, laws and ideas of freedom and equality have changed while laws of heirarchy have deminished. The context therein COMPLETELY changed, and that makes too much of what's left in the bible archaic. Tell me, if the ten commandments no longer apply since Jesus forgave us and told us to learn to forgive others "lest ye be without sin, etc." which you arent, cus only Jesus was, why do we still read them. If the new testiment is an amendum nullifying much of the anger in the old testiment, WE SHOULDNT BE READING THE OLD TESTIMENT. Get it? People continue to read it because it justifies their hatred and xenophobia but none of it applies anymore. None of it.
If the old testament was god's word then it always will be because God said it. Its either that it was never God's word, meaning its corrupt or it still is. or God doesn't exist and [insert athiest belief here].

Also, why would god hate gay people then change his mind? He wouldn't.

and I agree with Mic Check, gay people(who do gay sex) will go to hell, if there is a god, but so will more then half the world. The only thing that I don't agree with is;
"If you are not with me, you are against me."

I'm neutral in most things. I'm not for gay but I don't go to gay people and treat them any different or attaack them in any way. I don't even use the word "gay" as an insult. Then again, I don't care what the bible says.

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