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What is so wrong with homosexuals? I mean really?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with homesexuality.
While religious bigots are beginning to THANKFULLY die off, we still have Bush.

Honestly, according to the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and all other documents representing America, churches have the right to deny marriage to them, and people can. However, these same documents can also be spun around to represent the legalization of gay marriage. Seperation of church and state proves that you cannot deny gay marriage during a marriage in a government building.
The hate of homosexuals, of course, stems from the stigma that most people attribute to them. You can notice the amount of gay protestors. I believe that these gay pride parades make those who participate in them susceptible to gay hate. Most Conservatives hate those who protest due to the fact that parades ARE ANNOYING.

It's called don't ask, don't tell, and it should apply everywhere. The fact that you are gay does not concern anyone. Honestly, I'm tired of gay pride parades and homosexuals should be allowed to exist, straights should, it doesn't matter, but don't shove it in MY face.
Oh, god, I never thought there could be someone more ignorent then Bush, alot more...
He hates;
- Gays
- Muslims

He won't get voted, unless USA is full of ignorence. If he does, I will just leave and go back to Turkey.
I'll tell you what, for most of the people, is wrong with homosexuals.
If I see a boy kissing a girl, usually i don't have any reaction. It's normal, it's nature. When i see two men kissing, i get inside a sensation like coming to barf, it's something physical, you can't avoid that, it's just that your irrational part is saying "I don't really want to see that".
It's simply a natural thing, something that you find ugly.
As some people hates to see snakes, i don't mind about seeing snakes, but some people is horrified by them.
It's just a natural impression, you can't control it.
I really don't hate homosexuals, if they don't show me in public their love things... cause naturally i feel bad seeing that, as most of the people does.
For me they can get married, they can have a son, or whatever, but normal people is afraid of leaving them free as they are afraid to see more and more of them in public, their irrational fear comes up with rational conclusions and brings somebody to hate homosexual people.

P.S.: Soavi fox what do you find strange in this, why did you put that stupid link? Yes, it is when i see TWO GUYS kissing i do feel bad...
You don't hate homosexuals, but you have a "natural horror/reflex" to it?
...........I LOVE your logic there.....*sarcasm*

:P theres nothing wrong with it, in my opinion. The main arugments against it are:

1. The effects it will have on children gay couples adopt- Not all gay couples have kids, and not all of the kids who they raise grow up to be gay. Pointless argument

2. Religion- There are *lots* of times I hear people goin' on about how their religion preaches against homosexuality. I don't think this is vaild. For one, its an argument based off of uncertain religous facts. Second...well...
How many people have had some active involvment with an organized religion?
How many of those religions stressed all people are "equal under god"
Now, how many of you had their religion condemning homosexuals, or other minority groups? -.- Preaching/condemning things out of convinence doesn't do it for me.

3. Gay couples don't make children- Moot point. There are billions of people on earth already, and enough "normal" couples to make more kids.

4. Social norms/standards- So its not "normal" per se. Does that make it wrong?
Mike Portnoy said:
I'll tell you what, for most of the people, is wrong with homosexuals.
If I see a boy kissing a girl, usually i don't have any reaction. It's normal, it's nature. When i see two men kissing, i get inside a sensation like coming to barf, it's something physical, you can't avoid that, it's just that your irrational part is saying "I don't really want to see that".
It's simply a natural thing, something that you find ugly.
As some people hates to see snakes, i don't mind about seeing snakes, but some people is horrified by them.
It's just a natural impression, you can't control it.
I really don't hate homosexuals, if they don't show me in public their love things... cause naturally i feel bad seeing that, as most of the people does.
For me they can get married, they can have a son, or whatever, but normal people is afraid of leaving them free as they are afraid to see more and more of them in public, their irrational fear comes up with rational conclusions and brings somebody to hate homosexual people.

Your revulsion comes from your upbringing. If you had never seen any act of affinity, and hadn't ever seen the traditional straight romance crap, you'd find a guy kissing a girl just as weird as a guy kissing a guy, or a girl kissing a girl. But instead, we like to say it's unnatural, which is pretty true, though really, do we care about the natural way of things? Ever?

The whole modern life style is that of excess, while we should be mindlessly toiling away making babies/food in order to fulfill the need to procreate, we instead go to school, spend our time lying around watching TV, we have a bloody entertainment business. Saying homosexuality is unnatural and thus wrong is kind of silly, since you're just as in the wrong for not impregnating every woman you see.

Note: I didn't think much while typing this.
"If you want there to stop being gay kids tell straight people to stop having gay babies." Thats my favorite responce to saying that children raised in gay families will be gay.
Mike Portnoy said:
When i see two men kissing, i get inside a sensation like coming to barf, it's something physical, you can't avoid that, it's just that your irrational part is saying "I don't really want to see that".

I feel that way when I see two ugly people kiss. Does that mean that they shouldn't be allowed to display affection in public just like anyone else?
I don't think anyone should be doing public affection...except hot lesbians j/k

but yeah, I hate when my parents do pubic affection but they have right to do it because everyone else does it, I try to ignore them, but we live under the same roof, can't wait for collage!

Its all about tolarance really. If you don't like seeing gay people kiss, just look the other way, not like everyone is gay(happy :P).

On a side note;
Why are Homosexuals called gay?
I have no issue with gay people. My uncle was gay as can be and he or his friends never tried to push anything on me. And we were close my uncle and I. I grew up straight and now have no problem seeing gay people. I even have a gay friend who helps me try and meet woman. I can say that I get uncomforatable if I see 2 guys making out. But that no big deal. My biggest pet peeve with straight guys is this. For the most part it's horrible to see 2 guys making out. But to see 2 girls making out is good. Do I sense a double door thing going on here? Gay is gay. Accept it or don't. But one form of gay should not be alright compared to the other. Like I said. Gay is gay.
The Man said:
My biggest pet peeve with straight guys is this. For the most part it's horrible to see 2 guys making out. But to see 2 girls making out is good. Do I sense a double door thing going on here? Gay is gay. Accept it or don't. But one form of gay should not be alright compared to the other. Like I said. Gay is gay.

umm.. I hate when people say that. Gay is not Gay. A male is not the same as a female.

Straight males like females and like to see females do *stuff* :P

Where as;
Straight males don't like males, and don't like to see males doing *stuff* :-/
Gay is gay. One sex attracted to the same sex is one sex attracted to the same sex. If what your saying is true then where do the girls stand. Not all girls like to see 2 girls making out. If we take what your saying at face value then I guess there should be no such word as lesbian. Since 2 girls making out would still be considered straight.
The Man said:
Gay is gay. One sex attracted to the same sex is one sex attracted to the same sex. If what your saying is true then where do the girls stand. Not all girls like to see 2 girls making out. If we take what your saying at face value then I guess there should be no such word as lesbian. Since 2 girls making out would still be considered straight.

Wait, that wasn't what I meant :P

I'm not saying being gay is not ok but being lesbian is. I meant to say, I like seeing girls make out but not guys, but I'm not saying they can't or shouldn't, There is always looking the other way ;)
I personally believe that the reason that straight men don't like gay PDAs is because it shows them up! Yeah, you know you just can't compare. (edit) We just make you look bad.
shows them up? XD you mean excited?

[sarcasim]Sure, specially when I'm at the mall and school. You know, I don't want to get hard in public, so i just turn around and look at lesbiens instead because I'm straight and lesbiens don't excite me.
Makes sense don't you think.[/sarcasim]
There isn't anything wrong other than religion says it's wrong, which doesn't technically make it wrong. The only other problem I see is there's probably going to be a lot of seed going to waste. >_>

I myslef am a christian and I have gay friends, and to appease both I believe that society creates homosexuality. I believe the human mind is fickle and can be changed easily by what others say whether you're a 'rebel' or not. Suppose you dress a certaint way that may be socially incorrect (such as a boy dressing in faminine clothes or a girl wearing masculine clothes) and someone tells them they're gay, as an insult. After a while it may get to you. I've known a few 'gay' guys who eventually after trying a female relationship realized they actually wern't the way they thought (this includes myself).

As for the people who told you to repent and that you were evil, that was night right of them, but I hear people flaunt their aetheism around all too much. To me aetheism is another way of being a forementiond 'rebel' unless you can back it up with somehting other than that a god is farfetched.

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