I, myself am a gay male. (Sorry, no hot lesbian action going on here
Not to play hero in this thread, I just want to agree with what most people are saying. My belief is that all people are allowed to believe in whatever they please, Good/Evil, God/Devil, Right/Wrong, Truth/False, but they they intentionally try to force those beliefs onto others is when I begin to have a problem. Christian, Baptists, Fundamentalists, Drag Queens, Transvestities, Sodomites are all human beings, and should be treates as such - as equals.
My attraction to other men was not a choice; But I agree that my acting on that attraction *is* a choice. It's important to look at both sides of the argument and not make judgements. Whether it's hate the sin/love the sinner or gay are unhappy Christians, it's all good. Everyone's ability to express their opinions is proof that sharing how you feel doesn't always lead to negative consequences.