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What is so wrong with homosexuals? I mean really?

I don't have anything against homosexuality...

But if they're Jehovahs Witnesses, just tell them you 'didn't see anything' then walk away ;)

They'll leave you alone :)
Homosexuals are different, and that makes them evil in the church's eyes. They are afraid of change. I'm Heterosexual, I really don't see what's so wrong with homosexuality. The government doesn't have any right to try to discourage it, and the church has even less right in my opinion. I don't pay any attention at all to all this stuff on the news about how evil it is and how congress wants it to be illegal, because they don't have any say in the matter at all. Sure, if the entire planet or even half were homosexual our species would die out, but that's going to happen sooner or later anyway.



I, myself am a gay male. (Sorry, no hot lesbian action going on here :()

Not to play hero in this thread, I just want to agree with what most people are saying. My belief is that all people are allowed to believe in whatever they please, Good/Evil, God/Devil, Right/Wrong, Truth/False, but they they intentionally try to force those beliefs onto others is when I begin to have a problem. Christian, Baptists, Fundamentalists, Drag Queens, Transvestities, Sodomites are all human beings, and should be treates as such - as equals.

My attraction to other men was not a choice; But I agree that my acting on that attraction *is* a choice. It's important to look at both sides of the argument and not make judgements. Whether it's hate the sin/love the sinner or gay are unhappy Christians, it's all good. Everyone's ability to express their opinions is proof that sharing how you feel doesn't always lead to negative consequences.
Not acting on it isn't much a choise though. Surely, no one could think that it's reasonable to ask thousands of people at random to embrace a life of celebacy.
Roman Candle said:
But there are a great many allusions. Like sodom.
If it were that cut and dry 12 year olds in thongs down at the boardwalk would be an equally repulsive prospect, but do you see any 12 year olds in thongs being dragged by a truck? Or the beaded topless New Orleans women? Anyone going around lynching people who appear on girls gone wild? I submit this xenophobic fear of gayness would exist in some people regaurdless of religious influence. They're uncomfortable with gays FIRST, then they look for the bible to back them up. And note I said SOME, Im aware places like Japan and Greece practiced homosexuality regularly and that it was in fact an percieved assurance of manhood, not a perceived lack of manhood like now. That doesnt mean everyone was for it at the time in those areas. Just not people in power.
You notice the voice of contempt for gays comes largely from the poorer, disinfranchised. And that back in the day homosexuality was practiced largely by the upperclassmen. It could be argued the poorer or more disinfrachised are more in touch with their ingrained animal fears of things different or unnatural or counterproductive for the race(like animals mating for fun, or mating with no prospect of children possible). And that the more in touch you are with the reality of the world as a whole, the less of a problem you'll have with these differences. Religion is just a convienient excuse.
I think it's strange when people who are against gays say that it is not natural. There are actually animals out there that are homosexual. Do some reasearch. :)

I also find that a lot of people who are against gay marriage as stated before are just in people's business. Who cares who marries who? Besides this is just history repeating itself. Not too long ago everyone was against inter-racial marriages and look how widely accepted it is now. And it doesn't mean that everyone is doing it either. Relax the world isn't going to change. Those people in gay relationships will still have relationships except now they have the rights they deserve.

As for the sin of homosexuality. Let me ask you Christians this. Isn't any sex that is out of wed-lock a sin? (was the bible changed again for this modern adjustment?) And isn't any sex at all done for pleasure instead of being "fruitful" a sin? So if you used any birthcontrol and didn't want a kid you'd be a sinner now wouldn't you? (was this also changed as well for the modern adjustment?). I think that's why the bible says homosexuality is bad. Because it's obviously for pleasure only (can't have no kids there), but then the sinners aren't only homosexuals there are a LOT of people who have sex because it feels good. And those people are sinning just the same exact way. So think about that hmm?
whenever someone tell me something about homosexuals I use to answer this :
'Sam Austin'":35onngy3 said:
Homosexuality is God`s way of ensuring that the truly gifted aren`t burdened with children.

anyway, I think that a few people also act like they hate homosexuality to reassure themselves that they're not homosexuals...



I also find that a lot of people who are against gay marriage as stated before are just in people's business. Who cares who marries who? Besides this is just history repeating itself
It's not a matter of who marries who. Its a matter of a lot of major churches *misleading* people by going against what the bible says about gay marriage. Dont you think it would be so ironic to see a priest who preaches all the time about whats contained in the bible but then approves of gay marriage?
Let me ask you Christians this. Isn't any sex that is out of wed-lock a sin? (was the bible changed again for this modern adjustment?)
You are QUITE right. This is yet another example of how major churches are twisted. The bible clearly states pre-marital sex is a sin, yet the still do it, and sometimes encourage it! Read this link for more info on WHY its a sin:

Also, once again, its up to the person to decide. We cant go around saying "OMG WTFFFF YOUR GAY SINNER DIE" that in itself is actaully also a sin. God gave EVERYONE free will and they can do what they want. Its up to you if you choose to serve him.
Sometimes I hope that there is a god, and that these people will transcend to heaven, and be faced with timeless purity and perfection, and know what they truly have been.
I think it's strange when people who are against gays say that it is not natural. There are actually animals out there that are homosexual. Do some reasearch.
Ever heard of the term "Freak of Nature"?
I'm not against it one bit and I still say it is not natural.

Animals do not understand what is right and wrong or what is natural or not. They do it from pure pleasure. Just like dogs that lick their balls ;)
What is natural is by definition what is a product of nature. For instance my body. My body really likes gay sex. Therefore it is fairly safe to say that gay sex is a part of nature.
If what you are saying was true, then you are also saing Retarded people are normal.':|

Maybe Im not explaining my self well enough.
By nature, I mean Nature of things. What is the Nature of ALL living organisms. Survive and Reproduce.



So, all humans are for are to have sex and produce babies? They can't have sex for pleasure? So for all those who don't want to reproduce, you're technically saying that they are not acting naturally.
Well Rye, yes basically. Given the 'purpose' of us being here, given that we agree that there is a universal call that is the stem of our very existence, then yes homosexuality is unnatural. But then again, so is not going outside and banging every person of the opposite sex you see, seeming as if we're here to procreate, why are we not procreating constantly? Homosexuality is wrong in that sense, yet for some reason it's preyed upon more. I don't exactly know where that came from, but whatever.
Hoenstly, I belive that homosexuals and transexuals just have genetic defects. However, that does not mean we should be treated any different. WE are still human and deserve to pursue happiness. Also it has been proven (I ca not remember where), that big populations need a certian percentage of people who do not reproduce to keep them in check.



Well let me start by a slice of my life
In december 2003, a guy tried to seduced me and I ran away and start hating gays for no reason and being afraid of them. Then In 2004 I discoverd that one of my friend was gay. Belive me it was a shock. So I started thinking why I was afraid. Gay or not he was still my friend. And it was not beacause he was gay that he would try to hit on me. So my perception of gay thing evolved like that. And now I'm for gay marrige beacuse I want my friend to say he has a husband and that he is happy

Christians tries to put the modern world into a stone age. For them its me, myself and God. But if we changed a bit the bible to let abortion and gay rights we wouldnt have probs with that. Beacuse most of the times Chritians use only the bible to get a perception of the world that surround them they tend to be very aggressive. One christian told me i would go to hell beacuse i was handicaped.

Gay, Lesbian, Straight, male, female we're all the same we are people. So let's accept each other
Hey let's keep that out of this thread shall we?


Christians tries to put the modern world into a stone age. For them its me, myself and God. But if we changed a bit the bible to let abortion and gay rights we wouldnt have probs with that.

I'd have a HUGE problem with people trying to change the bible for whatever reasons, good intentions are not. I'm sure there are other Christians who will feel the same way. I'm pro-choice because I really do think that the goverment has no right to tell a woman what they can or can not do with their body. I'm pro-gay marriage because of basically the same thing.

Whether I think they're right is another story, but that is between me and my God.

There's my $0.02.

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