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Awesome Bro

Final Fantasy is a great topic to talk about amongst gamers, lol, I don't see why people look at it as a bad thing, we're not hating or flaming each other, just a nice general debate over which we think is the best or not, lol.
I just don't want people to fight over it. XD

I guess I could mention my favorites, but I really wouldn't know...


Have not played 3 or 5. ;_;

Some of these are kind of in a random order, to be honest. FFT totally counts in my book! :)

I should go back to play Tactics Ogre in a bit (to stay on topic).


Awesome Bro

Should we really be counting MMO's in this? I mean, I wouldn't really class them in the same category even if they are technically mainline games, lol, but I do like that you've got IX so high, lol :thumb:

So earlier I brought Final Fantasy X down from the loft and I'm gonna' dedicate as much time as possible tomorrow into it, which will be like 8-10 hours, jesus, and then just play it steady, I just want to try and get past the Lucca Blitzball tournament section in one sitting because the game gets so much better from thereon, lol.
I love XI (wish I could play now ;_;) so I counted it lols.

But anyhoo. I was actually going to play X myself and MAX THE SPHERE GRID!!!! Hehe.

Just haven't gotten around to it. ^^;


Awesome Bro

Ofcourse, I'll probably spend all my time grinding like mad tomorrow, the last playthrough I did, I spent like 3-4 hours grinding the area right before Lord Ochu, and then easily a good 6 hours or so on Mi'ihen Highroad before the fight with the Chocobo Eater, since I can never be bothered to push it off, I'd rather just haste everyone (Tidus, Auron and Lulu usually) and spam the fuck out of it, lol.
Jbrist":17a9ckig said:
You should totally do it, and we can check up on each other when we reach certain plot points and compare our characters!

I'll start either Monday while Star is at work, or when he's playing L4D with my father. XD

You'll probably be better than I! :D


Awesome Bro

Wow I didn't realise the NA version of Final Fantasy X had missing features...

Yojimbo doesn't use Zanmoto as often, no Dark Aeons, no Penance, no Ribbon, no Expert Sphere Grid, no All Break.

That must be kind of sucky then o.O

Oh yeah, I'm playing it now, lol. Not the NA version but still Final Fantasy X, lol.
II'm currently playing deadly premonition :heart:
And mass effect, the first one
i beat both the first and the second one, but then i realized i missed a load of side quests and other shit out so i played it again
On Ven's recommendations, dling Black Prophecy.
Cause it's not like i have teacher recommendations, book ordering, study for acuplacer, preparing for school, college applications, or scholarships to start working on.
Jbrist":258ipb7p said:
Wow I didn't realise the NA version of Final Fantasy X had missing features...

Yojimbo doesn't use Zanmoto as often, no Dark Aeons, no Penance, no Ribbon, no Expert Sphere Grid, no All Break.

That must be kind of sucky then o.O

Oh yeah, I'm playing it now, lol. Not the NA version but still Final Fantasy X, lol.

you don't know what you never had ~~~


Awesome Bro

Well there's other things missing too, but these are the ones I found most noticeable, I found a list on the net, lol.

Oh well, I've got the better version with more content so I'm good.
Daxis":19ifeuvn said:
On Ven's recommendations, dling Black Prophecy.
Cause it's not like i have teacher recommendations, book ordering, study for acuplacer, preparing for school, college applications, or scholarships to start working on.
its full of very fun mechanics, but still obviously not a full release yet. there are some balancing issues and bugginess here or there. sometimes you may have a hard time figuring out what mission(s) to do, or how to rig your ship.

but, like i said, the gameplay itself--the tactics and just flying your ship around, shooting at shit--is fun as hell.

note that it will occasionally stutter on even behemoth computer builds ... turning down debris rendering and turning off aliasing and shadows should mostly eliminate the lag though.

High Hopes

Awesome Bro

I'm playing EYE: Cybermancy and the Freddy Krueger DLC for Mortal Kombat. Freddy is an absolute powerhouse due to his broken damage scaling. He can do insanely damaging combos with no bar or one bar, and he's a fairly easy to play as.


Awesome Bro

I've been playing Final Fantasy X some more, just at Mi'ihen Highroad now, doing a bit of grinding before the Chocobo Eater...

And god damn it's so hard to win the Blitzball tournament, and I really wanted/needed to so I could get the Strength Sphere (It gives +4...), but oh well, I can get more from the Monster Arena anyway, I mean, once you unlock the Monster Arena and Airship you can fill the sphere grid up so god damn easily...



Jbrist":2lcytfx3 said:
I've been playing Final Fantasy X some more, just at Mi'ihen Highroad now, doing a bit of grinding before the Chocobo Eater...

And god damn it's so hard to win the Blitzball tournament, and I really wanted/needed to so I could get the Strength Sphere (It gives +4...), but oh well, I can get more from the Monster Arena anyway, I mean, once you unlock the Monster Arena and Airship you can fill the sphere grid up so god damn easily...

I wish I would've bothered to go back and try to win that fight :(

I need to hook up my PS2 again.

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