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Awesome Bro

Well the Chocobo Eater fight is easy if you're not trying to knock it off, but if you are, it's essentially using Tidus, Auron/Kimahri and Lulu, put Haste on everyone, Power Break the boss, cast Cheer, then spam Fire (I had Fira so it was easier) and melee attacks, and once it's your turn again, switch out to someone who has Sensor on their weapon (Kimahri usually does) and check the health of it, if it's low, throw it a Hi-Potion, just keep it alive while you're knocking it back, lol.

As for the Blitzball tournament, I've only ever won it twice, and I've finished the game over a dozen times, lol... but oh well, I don't really need the strength sphere yet anyway...

Right now I'm in Mushroom Rock Road just grinding right before the Sinspawn Gui fight, because it's the first boss of the game that ever gives me any grief, so I'll be grinding here for a while, atleast until Kimahri and Auron can hit 800+ off with their normal attacks (At the moment they're hitting 400-600 with normal, but Kimahri seems to crit a lot and hits 1,100-ish) to get rid of Sinspawn Gui's arms and get on with hitting the body (Lulu can hit 1,300-ish with her -a attacks, so I reckon she'll be fine with solo'ing the head, although Wakka could help too, but damn he's pretty weak at the moment, I'm not a fan of using him, he only has 18 STR, lol)



Cross Fire; more or less a free version on CSS.

For what it is, it's a great game; it actually takes some recoil management and careful movement, and a lucky rambo charge is very unlikely. Unfortunately, the all too common "Play-4-Free, Pay-2-Win" factor exists here, and hacking is pretty prevalent right now as well.


Awesome Bro

Still playing Final Fantasy X, lol, and still in the Thunder Plains, I should probably leave but the AP is still great here, lol...

Also, not sure if people here are interested since 95% of the internet seem to be all herpy derpy when it comes to Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, but this looks amazing:


... Then again I loved XIII so obviously I'd be excited for XIII-2, lol...


Awesome Bro

So I left MGO downloading overnight and it finally did it all the way through, so I'm just having a few games, getting absolutely owned since I haven't played for ages, but meh, it's still fun.
Speaking of FF. Anyone else here who thinks that FF IX is THE BEST FF in whole series? I really captures "Fantasy" part of title. Almost all FFs have that stupid high technology, from VI to X, except IX. Yeah it had some fancy machines too, but it was very small part, and most of them was zeppelins-like. All other aspects of game is pure fantasy.
I also adore characters, some of them like Vivi (and Black Mage Village subplot) are just brilliant.


Awesome Bro

Well my favourite Final Fantasy is X, although IX is a very very close second, it's definitely the better game in terms of the world and visual style, and yeah Vivi is a great character, but I prefer the storyline and gameplay of X, lol.
Oh I forgot to mention - FF IX have also the best OST imo. I once betaed it just to listen "Melodies of Life", a song that is played in outro credits, lol. (I didn't had Internet these days)
X was nice too, but it had a little too many things that I didn't really like (some that hi-tech things like, ugh, grenades, wtf). Oh and it had some fucking long unskipable cutscenes BEFORE boss fights and sometimes it was forcing to throw that game out of the window.

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