Haha yeah I didn't think about that x;Jason":1qugzl0j said:Anyone with a 3DS should pick it up, eh?
More like anyone with a 3DS who is also right handed should pick it up... I tried playing it, and as a lefty it was SO irritating and annoyed the fuck out of me... no thankyou. And I'm not buying a Circle Pad Pro just to be able to use it properly, making left handed people buy an accessory if they don't want to feel handicapped is a disgusting design choice.
I got demon souls for 10Meness":1pwm0ifj said:I can get Demon's Souls for $25. Worth it? Also I'm kinda having a fearful/lustful longing for this game lol.
Meness":2b2fbuzy said:I can get Demon's Souls for $25. Worth it? Also I'm kinda having a fearful/lustful longing for this game lol.
Venetia":z351cnm8 said:I'm playing the Walking Dead game, and ... Holy shit it's pretty good!!!!
It's not cutesy or light like other Telltale games. Everything looks somewhat cartoony (think Borderlands) but holy shit it's gritty & gnarly in VERY surprising ways. Just finished Episode 2 and holy christ O_O
It's an adventure game, but the puzzles are not obtuse, and the UI isn't clunky. It is slow-paced, and involves a lot of talking to people and shaping the plot around decisions (sometimes, REALLY hard decisions). Think Heavy Rain, with less context button-mash (though there is some).
(Note that it doesn't involve the plot from the show or comics, but involves the world & sometimes the characters from them, though mostly in cameos.)
I am actually really damn impressed with this.
Hells yea!benos":z9ohopbf said:Enchanted Arms, the battle system is alright, voice acting crap.
as of now its japan only... so if you dont speal japananess or what not... BUT anyways still playing the new nascar game. soo damn good. GOTY 2012 imoYsbry":p1iiuewb said:Kingdom Hearts is getting an HD remix on the PS3 next year. Guess I need to find me someone wanting to trade now :p
It is a nice indie title. Like if someone from here posted it on here, I would be like "HOLY SHIT!!! GOOD JOB! Some problems with it, but NICE WORK BRO!!".Meness":19jvh1pf said:Thanks Ven for the warning about Deadlight. Was planning on buying it but might just pirate it now :/
J.D. Slasha":gne4k19b said:Venetia":gne4k19b said:I'm playing the Walking Dead game, and ... Holy shit it's pretty good!!!!
It's not cutesy or light like other Telltale games. Everything looks somewhat cartoony (think Borderlands) but holy shit it's gritty & gnarly in VERY surprising ways. Just finished Episode 2 and holy christ O_O
It's an adventure game, but the puzzles are not obtuse, and the UI isn't clunky. It is slow-paced, and involves a lot of talking to people and shaping the plot around decisions (sometimes, REALLY hard decisions). Think Heavy Rain, with less context button-mash (though there is some).
(Note that it doesn't involve the plot from the show or comics, but involves the world & sometimes the characters from them, though mostly in cameos.)
I am actually really damn impressed with this.
It's pretty epic, I have to completely agree. I played the demo this past summer on a whim and HOLY CRAP. Episode 5 is supposed to be out this month. I can't wait for the finale! FOR CLEMENTINE!!!
ImHiPotion":2baacyxg said:Hells yea!benos":2baacyxg said:Enchanted Arms, the battle system is alright, voice acting crap.
I love the battle system on that game. But yeh the voice acting is absolute shite.
I just love how the gay guy dies (I think) I haven't played it that much.