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[VX] RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System 2.6 Translated + A

van helblaze":1csb83yw said:
Swordyyz":1csb83yw said:
This is the biggest help, EVER. I've needed a side-view battle system for so long and holy crap you've saved my life.

The only problem I'm having is that although the game itself runs fine, the RMVX Project won't open. When it tried, it says that is "Failed to load Actor Data". What does that mean? Any help? Please?
it seams like your data file for actors may be corrupt, past a new one from a separate project (back up your old one) and try that.  It might work it might not.
I got the same problem as Swordyzz but when i pasted the actor file,it didnt work,even thought i pasted it several times,i am really frustrated,so can anyone else got a solution,if not,i will haunt you all for ever!!
-Hugs Halaman-



How can I modify the script that the chars don't have stepping animations?
Also I want to remove the weapons when the chars cast a spell
I really LOVE this script, but I have a couple questions.

1) Can I get the animated enemy battlers to use the same attack animations as my characters? I have a gun-user as an enemy who eventually joins the party, so I want him to at least have his normal attack as a boss.

2) Can I change the dying sounds in the epic battle script? I like the effects, but the little "ping" soung before the shaky-dying-effect is quite of out of place. <_>



uhh... anyone can tell me how to make a custom skill? i mean as in skill linking... or two magic linking, just tell me what should i add, and where should i add... i tried myself, but everything was a mess... -.-"
Zhadri":3kvlk35o said:
try to extract it but if not that is going just try to instal it again
Do you mean that i should reinstall VX,cus im gonna try,and when i have tried,i will come back with the news.

EDIT:I didnt work >.<,i extracted and i reinstalled the game and downloaded the demo atleast4 times
,even thought it probably wasnt necassary..right now im so frustrated,smoke is coming out of my nose.  Help me or i will go on a rampage to destroy the world!
-Hugs Halaman-



I'm having some difficulty with configuring state animations. But something tells me there might be a bug preventing me from getting it to work.

I've created a "STATUS-POISON" and "WAIT-POISON" from the *-NORMAL" entries to create animations for ... well, poison state. Although I've created an animation entry for "WAIT-POISON" in the top, main section of the configuration, for some reason the script will always use the "MOVE_TO" entry when coupled with an animation that has a "balloon" attached.

By commenting out the "STATUS-POISON" entry under "Status Balloon Animation Settings" the status animation I want WILL play, but it seems any animation with the "balloon" type (as in that section) will be made to use the "MOVEV_TO" animation.

Secondly, when an actor takes slip damage; as with poison, they will use the "MOVE_AWAY" animation, and it just looks really weird with them running on the spot as they are hurt by the poison.

If it helps, here is my config:

EDIT: oh crap it got cut off. Message size limit? D:
Jirbytaylor":3mkampnj said:
I'm having some difficulty with configuring state animations. But something tells me there might be a bug preventing me from getting it to work.

I've created a "STATUS-POISON" and "WAIT-POISON" from the *-NORMAL" entries to create animations for ... well, poison state. Although I've created an animation entry for "WAIT-POISON" in the top, main section of the configuration, for some reason the script will always use the "MOVE_TO" entry when coupled with an animation that has a "balloon" attached.

By commenting out the "STATUS-POISON" entry under "Status Balloon Animation Settings" the status animation I want WILL play, but it seems any animation with the "balloon" type (as in that section) will be made to use the "MOVEV_TO" animation.

Secondly, when an actor takes slip damage; as with poison, they will use the "MOVE_AWAY" animation, and it just looks really weird with them running on the spot as they are hurt by the poison.

If it helps, here is my config:

EDIT: oh crap it got cut off. Message size limit? D:

I don't think it's a bug because I just scripted what you described and I was able to create a wait animation that doesn't move and have a poison status balloon when idle.

Did you remember to link the state to the new "WAIT-POISON" sequence you made under the state module?  Should look like this:

when 2
    return "WAIT-POISON"

If that's not it, I can take a look at your config if you want.


And to everyone else!  I have a support FAQ for Tankentai SBS located here: http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/?showtopic=17408
Maybe it can answer some common questions if you are new to this script.  I'm hoping to add more FAQs and mini-guides to it for the newbies. :D
Kylock I have one question for you. I copied and pasted everything you said was necessary for the side battle system to work in another game and it is working....the only problem is my characters all have light green boxes around them. Why? How do i fix this?



Mr. Bubble":2gufb6gy said:
I don't think it's a bug because I just scripted what you described and I was able to create a wait animation that doesn't move and have a poison status balloon when idle.

Did you remember to link the state to the new "WAIT-POISON" sequence you made under the state module?  Should look like this:

when 2
    return "WAIT-POISON"

If that's not it, I can take a look at your config if you want.
That's not it, I've done that.

Here's a link to my config: http://jirby.cleverpun.com/temp/config.txt

BTW by "doesn't move" do you mean the animation is idle?
Jirbytaylor":14xhudeh said:
That's not it, I've done that.

Here's a link to my config: http://jirby.cleverpun.com/temp/config.txt

BTW by "doesn't move" do you mean the animation is idle?

Ah, I see why it does MOVE_TO.  It happens after the actor resets back to position from an attack, but there's nothing in the "WAIT-POISON" sequence to stop/change that animation.  Just add a battler animation action to WAIT-POISON to stop it such as WAIT or WAIT(FIXED).


I can tell you're using battler graphics that use multiple files.  If you have some sort of kneeling/weakened animation, create a new battler animation hash for it and replace WAIT(FIXED) for whatever look you want.



Oh I see, I was using two hashes for "STATUS-POISON" (one for the animation and another for the balloon) so it wasn't working. Of course a lot of the setting are part of the same hash so any duplicates will be overridden. XD;
That seems to have fixed the walking back on the spot issue too.

However at times the balloon icon will vanish. Usually after an attack by the balloon'd, but reappears when another actor attacks. Buh?

BTW I hope someone makes this compatible with the "STR33" ATB sometime. I've been trying to look into but I'm no scripter ... what is clashing isn't clear to me. (I can only go as far as to say that the STR33 system is cancelling out the updating of attack animations, thus causing errors.)
Jirbytaylor":1xen4pjn said:
However at times the balloon icon will vanish. Usually after an attack by the balloon'd, but reappears when another actor attacks. Buh?

Just think of it this way: a battler can only follow one sequence at a time.  When the balloon'd attacks, he is taken out of the WAIT-POISON sequence to do whatever attack sequence he's commanded to do and goes back to WAIT-POISON when he resets.
Ghostxpo":18qf2d5f said:
psymastr":18qf2d5f said:
Ghostxpo":18qf2d5f said:
van helblaze":18qf2d5f said:
Ghostxpo":18qf2d5f said:
I implemented the Enemy animation script, I made both enemy requirement (actor, and enemy) or something, and during the fight all is well until the enemy attacks with either a skill or normal attack or anything, and it errors me.

Script 'Sideview 1' line 963: TypeError occured.
cannot convery Array into Integer

the line is this:

      @wait = $data_animations[anime_id].frame_max * 3 if $data_animations[anime_id] != nil && @active_action[4]
      waitflug = true

if anyone can help me out it would be very appreciated
do you have the two copies of the enemies images?

I think I do, by two images do you mean the same image except one in battlers folder called $<name>.png and one in characters called $<name>_1.png? the 1 being the enemy ID?

That part of the script is wrong.  It worked for me when I did this:

In \Graphics\Characters\ i put $<enemy_name>.png
In \Graphics\Battlers\ i put $<enemy_name>.png

Just remove the _<enemy_id> and it should work.

I did that but it still gives me the same error, and I also noticed that it works when they use spells, but it doesn't work when the enemy attacks, or uses skills like thrust. I really have no idea why, I think it has to do with the script because the enemy files are set up just fine

Also, to the creator, can you just make a demo for the animated enemy script, its really becoming a frustrating problem for me.

Noone has answered my question yet :( its been awhile since I've posted but can anyone help me out, its crucial for my game for the enemys to look like they can fight, I'll credit you if you help me out.

I'd appreciate it if anyone who got this to work could maybe send me a demo of how to animate enemies, again I'd reallllyy appreciate it, its taking so long for someone to answer D:
Ghostxpo":22iuv9vj said:
Noone has answered my question yet :( its been awhile since I've posted but can anyone help me out, its crucial for my game for the enemys to look like they can fight, I'll credit you if you help me out.

I'd appreciate it if anyone who got this to work could maybe send me a demo of how to animate enemies, again I'd reallllyy appreciate it, its taking so long for someone to answer D:

Post or PM me your Config script and I can take a look. 

Also tell me or give me an example of the type of enemy and actor battlers you are using.  That's important for me to help me help you.
I'm having a problem with the script which I can't seem to solve myself.

I created an status a little like the paralyzed one by named it Freeze. It is exactly the same as paralyze except it takes more turns for the status to go away.

If my character defeats an enemy who has the freeze status on, then they are defeated by reappear in the background. First I thought this was a glitch but after a while I noticed with the paralyze status (number 7 in the database), the enemies don't reappear if defeated with this status on.

Could someone solve or look into this issue for me please? Much appreciated for any help I get.
Halaman":3jia9qsf said:
I still have trouble with actor data,please,oh please,help me you bastards >.<
There has been so many problems, I am a little confused as to what you mean by actor data, so I'm guessing everyone else is too o.O

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