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[VX] RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System 2.6 Translated + A

I need some help every time I put in the characters in the graphics folder and test the battle system all the characters go around in circles and show different people st the same time. So what should I do? Also I'm new here and to rpg maker vx.
spencaster2":1ozvd3ye said:
I need some help every time I put in the characters in the graphics folder and test the battle system all the characters go around in circles and show different people st the same time. So what should I do? Also I'm new here and to rpg maker vx.

For starters, I suggest reading the original post of Mr. Bubble and make your way through.
Your question has been answered there. So before posting and spamming, please do read the original post or better use the search box.
Having an issue with this great script.

I made a new skill with it's own animation, a Cure spell. Now when i cast this spell, rather then showing the desired animation i made, my character double attacks himself. I know the skill itself is working because he heals himself when he does this, but im not getting the animation, and it's going off twice, just like double attack. 

What im wondering in this case is: how do i make it so that my animation will show, rather then what's showing now.

Thanks in advance,
Hey, I'm having a problem with the gun addon. I can't get it work, I know I checked Whip element for the weapon but the character just attacks like its a melee weapon. Any idea why? Thanks in advance.



Yo,i downloaded this file,but everytime i do it's a rar or sumthing and it appears in code.Am i suppose to extract?How do i?Im using Windows Xp and this is pissing me off plz answer
For 1st I want to Thank You for that fantastic battle system.
And now I have few question.
I use RPGM VX and I want to make different battle background for each map.
How can I make for enemy that only show HP bar without number of HP/Max HP?
At the moment that's all my questions.

PS. Sorry for my english and if i placed my post in wrong section.



Umm... Hello there, I am very interested in this battle system and I would love to use it in my current project, but I have a problem. ^^;

To use Minkoff's Animated Battlers styled battler sprites, change to these settings in your module script:
  ACTOR_POSITION = [[400,100],[430,150],[460,200],[490,250]]
  WALK_ANIME = false
And just copy paste this over top of whats in the script:
  "WAIT"			=> [ 1,  0,  15,   0,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "WAIT(FIXED)"	 => [ 1,  0,  10,   2,   0,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "RIGHT(FIXED)"	=> [ 1,  5,  10,   1,   2,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "DAMAGE"		  => [ 1,  9,   4,   2,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ATTACK_FAIL"	 => [ 1,  1,  10,   1,   8,   0,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_TO"		 => [ 1,  4,   1,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_AWAY"	   => [ 1,  5,   2,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ABOVE_DISPLAY"   => [ 1,  0,   2,   1,   0,  -1, 600, true,"" ],
  "WPN_SWING_V"	 => [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VL"	=> [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VS"	=> [ 1,  6,   6,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_UNDER" => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_OVER"  => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_RAISED"	  => [ 1,  11,  2,   2,  28,  -1,   2, true,""],
I also suggest using SHADOW = false since most battlers have shadows drawn into them, but this is not required to make them work.  Since most battlers are also drawn with their weapons, the weapon animations are disabled in this configuration edit.

You will need to put your standard format animated battler sprites in the Characters folder and use the following naming convention: "$charname_1.png"

I'm having a bit of trouble, I tried doing all that, even including naming the file "$charname_1.png", but I keep getting an error message every time I do so, it's starting to irritate me a little, can I have a bit more details on what to do, please?

Never mind, I figured it out, all I would want is a template for the VX Minkoff animated battlers if that would be okay. ^^

I've been experimenting with this script for a while, and i have a few skills which have a "delay of impact" or a long animation.
I'm wondering if it's possible to let this script know that certain skill ID's show the damagecount at a specific frame/moment?

It's always bugging me that the damage shows directly on the first frame, and not let players wait until the animation ends or when the time of impact is.
It has this certain way of feeling that players are hoping to survive a strong attack. It makes the battles more "Epic" and less rushed.  :tongue:

Any ideas?  :shades:
yion":2yxo4hog said:
Halaman":2yxo4hog said:
AHA!! i have found out why i cant open the damn game :grin:
lookie lookiehttp://i460.photobucket.com/album ... an/aha.jpg[/img]
Now i wonder,how do i fix it,because i cant figure it out  :shock:

Download it again?
preferable the 2.7 Version.

No,the thing is i never get the files anyway,i have downloaded multiple times,i dont know how come it always is missing data grahpics and audio files,but this only happens with a certain files i download  :crazy:
idk if I can ask this but.

Is there a chance that the epic battle script could work with RMXP?
or if theres a chance that it could be ported to a script that could be compatible with RMXP?
Kitsuji":2cn2zj9s said:
idk if I can ask this but.

Is there a chance that the epic battle script could work with RMXP?
or if theres a chance that it could be ported to a script that could be compatible with RMXP?
Nobody has made a translated English version as far as I am aware, I'm sorry to say.

However at the official website you can download the Japanese version of the script.


If you find "Sideview2.6 (919KB)" near the bottom in the XP section and download that it should contain the Japanese version of the script.
mudducky":2rx9zf0e said:
Nobody has made a translated English version as far as I am aware, I'm sorry to say.

However at the official website you can download the Japanese version of the script.


If you find "Sideview2.6 (919KB)" near the bottom in the XP section and download that it should contain the Japanese version of the script.

I believe he was referring to the epic battle script Kylock made, not necessarily the entire SBS.

Thank you for viewing

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