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[VX] RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System 2.6 Translated + A

I have a little problem with this script... The game runs fine, the battle system is very stable, BUT!! Everytime an enemy gets killed, it re-appears after one turn! I really want this to be fixed! I only have 11 days from now so I`m in a hurry!! :crazy:
Ibeatsephiroth":2jell31o said:
I have a little problem with this script... The game runs fine, the battle system is very stable, BUT!! Everytime an enemy gets killed, it re-appears after one turn! I really want this to be fixed! I only have 11 days from now so I`m in a hurry!! :crazy:
Go into the script. Around line 1247 it should say
def collapse_type
    case @enemy_id

If you read above and below that it should solve the problem for you, to make it more clear

return 1 - Enemy doesn't leave the screen
  # return 2 - Enemy leaves the screen as normal
  # return 3 - Special Boss type collapse animation
  #(What this does is it wavys the enemy and it slowly collapses into the bottom of the screen.

    when 1
      return 2

will make the first enemy ID in the database leave the screen as normal when you defeat it.
hey I dont know what is cousing this problem.. i dont know if it is the script or something in my maker.

Here is what happens, when i change the class of one of my characters it stays the same.. no abilities change ot anything... i dont know why this happens
I have a problem. I increased the size of the Weapons Database, and created a weapon called the "Buster Sword". When I equipped it in-game, the attack had no animation. I've highly confused, can someone explain?
@Kylebot2000 - Creating a new weapon does not show animation, the animation will only play in Skill database. Not weapons. OR you must select the element located at the right side of the weapon database. Select either Piercing, Melee or slashing...

@eugene222 - We already know that, there's only bug fixes about absorb.
"I'm having a problem with the script which I can't seem to solve myself.

I created an status a little like the paralyzed one by named it Freeze. It is exactly the same as paralyze except it takes more turns for the status to go away.

If my character defeats an enemy who has the freeze status on, then they are defeated by reappear in the background. First I thought this was a glitch but after a while I noticed with the paralyze status (number 7 in the database), the enemies don't reappear if defeated with this status on.

Could someone solve or look into this issue for me please? Much appreciated for any help I get."

^ Could I still get help on my question, if anyone knows anything about it. Thanks. xP
Mr. Bubble":2d176313 said:
Ghostxpo":2d176313 said:
Noone has answered my question yet :( its been awhile since I've posted but can anyone help me out, its crucial for my game for the enemys to look like they can fight, I'll credit you if you help me out.

I'd appreciate it if anyone who got this to work could maybe send me a demo of how to animate enemies, again I'd reallllyy appreciate it, its taking so long for someone to answer D:

Post or PM me your Config script and I can take a look. 

Also tell me or give me an example of the type of enemy and actor battlers you are using.  That's important for me to help me help you.

the animated enemy battle script is this
# â–  Enemy Animated Battlers for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#    5.10.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
#  Easy to implement interface to specify animated battlers for enemies.  Note
# enemy batters must be formatted THE SAME as your character battlers.  Also,
# you must have 2 copies of your enemy battler:
#  <game folder>\Graphics\Battlers\$<enemy name>.png
#  <game folder>\Graphics\Characters\$<enemy name>_1.png
#  When you set up your "troops" for the encounter, you may need to tweak the
# positioning of the enemy as the sprites look funny and the actual placement
# may be slightly off.  A few battle tests should be sufficient.

  ENEMY_ID = [38,39,40] # list of enemies with batter sprites(ex. [1,24])

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  alias keb_anime_on anime_on
  def anime_on
      return true if @enemy_id == x
  alias keb_action_mirror action_mirror
  def action_mirror
      return true if @enemy_id == x
  alias keb_position_plus position_plus
  def position_plus
      return [0,0] if @enemy_id == x

and this is the script thats getting the errors, its the Sideview Script Part 1

# â–  Sprite_Battler Ver2.6
#  ãƒ



Hi, I don't know this involves this script, but since I'm using it...is there a way to make the damage appear AFTER the battle animation? Currently if I have a long animation the damage appears always when the animation starts...it's kinda unreal. Thank you.
please..actor data has been bugging me for several days,and cus' of the actor data i cant open my game,so i had to make a new one..help me please -_-'

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