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[VX] RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System 2.6 Translated + A

mudducky":3a22okc9 said:
Kitsuji":3a22okc9 said:
idk if I can ask this but.

Is there a chance that the epic battle script could work with RMXP?
or if theres a chance that it could be ported to a script that could be compatible with RMXP?
Nobody has made a translated English version as far as I am aware, I'm sorry to say.

However at the official website you can download the Japanese version of the script.


If you find "Sideview2.6 (919KB)" near the bottom in the XP section and download that it should contain the Japanese version of the script.


thank you, that did help.
THe script is in there but I can't open up the project file cause it says I have a newer version of RMXP and it wont allow me to open it O.O
Kitsuji":y8y5nyfa said:
mudducky":y8y5nyfa said:
Kitsuji":y8y5nyfa said:
idk if I can ask this but.

Is there a chance that the epic battle script could work with RMXP?
or if theres a chance that it could be ported to a script that could be compatible with RMXP?
Nobody has made a translated English version as far as I am aware, I'm sorry to say.

However at the official website you can download the Japanese version of the script.


If you find "Sideview2.6 (919KB)" near the bottom in the XP section and download that it should contain the Japanese version of the script.


thank you, that did help.
THe script is in there but I can't open up the project file cause it says I have a newer version of RMXP and it wont allow me to open it O.O

Create a new project in XP, save the folder in a place you will remember.
Then copy the entire data folder of the battle system to your project and try that.
Kylock said:
RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System Version 2.6
Translation Version 1.3 by Kylock

Original Script Website: http://rpgex.sakura.ne.jp/home/

While admittedly the translation is not yet 100%, all the important stuff to get you up and running with all the fun combo moves you see on youtube and the ability to create your own moves is there (good luck with that btw).

The enemy status bar addon is now included in the demo.

My ranged weapons addon is now included in the demo.  It adds 2 custom animation and an animation sprite.  We now have animated projectiles.

If you don't wanna read all my crap, here's the link: DEMO.

http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc30 ... k1/ss3.jpg[/img]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc308/kylock1/ss1.jpg[/img]

Installation instructions, various credits and release notes are included in the header of the configuration portion of the script (part one).
Please note that to fully incorporate this script into an existing game requires copying image files and game database entries.  Once again - specifics are listed in the header on the first part of the script in the demo.

Compatibility may possibly be an issue with other scripts that directly affect the battle system since many battle system functions are rewritten in this.  If you need to make this script work with another, please post your request in the appropriate forum.  I didn't write this script myself, so I am not confident that I can provide answers to all the questions, but I have been studying it for quite some time, so I believe I have a firm grasp on it's functionality.

  • 1.0 - 4.12.08 - Rough release of only scripts with lots of broken-ness.
  • 1.1 - 4.22.08 - Release with retranslated hashes and a retranslated database.  Distributed as a demo.
  • 1.2 - 4.24.08 - Corrected some missing Kanji translations that broke the functionality of some "chained" Skills. (thanks to Eolirin@rmxp.org)  Also added the picture for the 'cut-in' move.
  • 1.3 - 5.9.08 - Updated Translation to Version 2.6 of the original script.
As you can see in my screen shots, this DOES work with animated battlers with a few configuration modifications.

To use Minkoff's Animated Battlers styled battler sprites, change to these settings in your module script:
  ACTOR_POSITION = [[400,100],[430,150],[460,200],[490,250]]
  WALK_ANIME = false
And just copy paste this over top of whats in the script:
  "WAIT"			=> [ 1,  0,  15,   0,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "WAIT(FIXED)"	 => [ 1,  0,  10,   2,   0,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "RIGHT(FIXED)"	=> [ 1,  5,  10,   1,   2,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "DAMAGE"		  => [ 1,  9,   4,   2,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ATTACK_FAIL"	 => [ 1,  1,  10,   1,   8,   0,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_TO"		 => [ 1,  4,   1,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_AWAY"	   => [ 1,  5,   2,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ABOVE_DISPLAY"   => [ 1,  0,   2,   1,   0,  -1, 600, true,"" ],
  "WPN_SWING_V"	 => [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VL"	=> [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VS"	=> [ 1,  6,   6,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_UNDER" => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_OVER"  => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_RAISED"	  => [ 1,  11,  2,   2,  28,  -1,   2, true,""],
I also suggest using SHADOW = false since most battlers have shadows drawn into them, but this is not required to make them work.  Since most battlers are also drawn with their weapons, the weapon animations are disabled in this configuration edit.

You will need to put your standard format animated battler sprites in the Characters folder and use the following naming convention: "$charname_1.png"

Updated: 5.11.08

My Ranged Weapons addon has been updated and is now included with the demo because it adds new animations and a spritesheet.

These restore the original first 3 skills that no longer work with the new battle system in all of their awesome glory!

# â–  Dual Attack for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.10.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
# Adds an animation sequence for the RTP Dual Attack.

module N01
  # Creates a new hash with a new action sequence
  new_action_sequence = {
                      "PREV_STEP_ATTACK","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_WEAPON","Can Collapse","COORD_RESET"],}
  # Merges new hash with the script

module RPG
  class Skill
    alias k_dual_attack_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      if @id == 1 # Dual Attack is Skill ID 1
        return "DUAL_ATTACK"

# â–  Double Attack for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.10.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
# Adds an animation sequence for the RTP Double Attack.

module N01
  # Creates a new hash with a new action sequence
  new_action_sequence = {
                      "PREV_STEP_ATTACK","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_WEAPON","Can Collapse","COORD_RESET"],}
  # Merges new hash with the script

module RPG
  class Skill
    alias k_double_attack_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      if @id == 2 # Double Attack is Skill ID 2
        return "DOUBLE_ATTACK"
    alias k_double_attack_extension extension
    def extension
      if @id == 2
        return ["ランダムターゲット"]

# â–  Triple Attack for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.10.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
# Adds an animation sequence for the RTP Triple Attack.

module N01
  # Creates a new hash with a new action sequence
  new_action_sequence = {
                      "PREV_STEP_ATTACK","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_WEAPON","Can Collapse","COORD_RESET"],}
  # Merges new hash with the script

module RPG
  class Skill
    alias k_triple_attack_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      if @id == 3 # Triple Attack is Skill ID 3
        return "TRIPLE_ATTACK"
    alias k_triple_attack_extension extension
    def extension
      if @id == 3
        return ["ランダムターゲット"]

Addon to enable Animated Battlers for the Enemies (Configuration required-see script header)

# â–  Enemy Animated Battlers for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.10.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
#   Easy to implement interface to specify animated battlers for enemies.  Note
# enemy batters must be formatted THE SAME as your character battlers.  Also,
# you must have 2 copies of your enemy battler:
#   <game folder>\Graphics\Battlers\$<enemy name>.png
#   <game folder>\Graphics\Characters\$<enemy name>_1.png
#   When you set up your "troops" for the encounter, you may need to tweak the
# positioning of the enemy as the sprites look funny and the actual placement
# may be slightly off.  A few battle tests should be sufficient.

  ENEMY_ID = [] # list of enemies with batter sprites(ex. [1,24])

class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  alias keb_anime_on anime_on
  def anime_on
      return true if @enemy_id == x
  alias keb_action_mirror action_mirror
  def action_mirror
      return true if @enemy_id == x
  alias keb_position_plus position_plus
  def position_plus
      return [0,0] if @enemy_id == x

Addon to make some enemies not move to attack.  I guess this can be useful on bosses, or anything that shouldn't be moving around =p  See script header for installation instructions and details.

# â–  Stationary Enemies for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.11.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
#   Should be pretty straighforward.  Add the Enemy ID to the array and it
# won't move.  Create a "dummy" weapon, to minimise confusion, might wanna call
# the weapon "DONT MOVE" but it doesn't matter.  The only part of the weapon
# that makes any difference is the attack animation.  That will be displayed on
# that targeted party member.  Make sure to verify DONT_MOVE is set to your
# dummy weapon's number.  That should be all.

  ENEMY_ID = [] # list of enemies that shouldn't move to attack(ex. [1,24])
  WEAPON_ID = 32 # Weapon ID of "Don't Move" Weapon

module N01
  # Creates a new hash with a new action sequence
  new_action_sequence = {
  # Merges new hash with the script
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  alias k_stationary_enemy_weapon weapon
  def weapon
      return K_STATIONARY_ENEMY::WEAPON_ID if @enemy_id == x
module RPG
  class Weapon
    alias k_stationary_enemy_base_action base_action
    def base_action
      return "DONT_MOVE" if @id == K_STATIONARY_ENEMY::WEAPON_ID

Introducing my EPIC BATTLES addon.  Meant to easily define boss battles, It easily implements the custom collapse or death animation for an enemy and allows you to define special Battle BGM and Victory ME based on the Troop ID from your game database.  ITS TRULY EPIC!!!! (note that this added functionality does NOT work in the battle test).

# â–  EPIC BATTLES 1.1 for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.12.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
#   This little script provides EPIC functionality to your battle system - The
# ability to easily define and create boss encounters.  Or any other noteworthy
# battle as you will see.  The first function is to define special collapses or
# death animations for special enemies.  Instead of the normal fade, they make
# some popping sounds as they fade, or something... The second function allows
# you to specify special battle BGM and victory ME for certain battles.  This
# is set up by using the Troops ID in your game database.  You can set up as
# many special battle BGM's as you can imagine.  Just add to the existing
# arrays.  It's not too hard, just look below for the example.
# â—
I put the battle system into a game I had already started and copied it all exact, but I have a problem with Bub's Status Examples.  Every time I go into battle w/ anything that can "Poison" me such as Spiders, the game gives me an error every time I get poisoned and I don't know what to do.  :cry: :down:
Script 'Bub's State Examples' line 77: System Stack Error occurred.
                                                                                            <----------------------Error I get, but sometimes the line it says is different but always in Bub's State
stack level too deep

I get that error Every time I get poisoned and it crashes the game. If anyone knows a fix to this I'd be so very happy, please.

Edited to add more info



I inputted the system into my game and it works. The only problem is that there are squares around the monsters and cursor.  Also, the top of my characters cycles, and i cant see their bottoms.  I think it is a problem with the animation, but I cant figure what it is exactly.  Any help would be great.
Can anyone help me in altering the script to display an animation the size of the screen for attacks that target all enemies instead of duplicating the animation for every target? I hope I made sense... Thanks.



@Sycus: Make sure when you import the images you left-click they're background so it will blend in with the game and become transparent. As for the animation you might need to resize the entire image. An easy way to see if it is the right size is to make an event and then click each box it makes in your imported sprite and see if it cuts off any part of it. If it's a battler then you NEED it smaller (or bigger to make it fit in with the rest of the scheme) for it to work.
Now for my question. Does anyone know how to create more than just one catform skill? And by that I mean NOT have to change the $cat file just make another status and have it correspond to like $bat or something i.e. have multiple form changes. Thx in advance :D
I did a search in the thread and I didn't see any answers to my question so here it is:

I like this script and I got it working but the only problem is that it takes out use messages like "X casted [insert skill here]". Is there an edit or something that I could use to put it back into the game?



Hey is there a way that i can make the actor use a battler picture instead of the character icon. im NOT talking about animated battler though just to be clear. :angel:
Hey tuti05, which version are you even planning to use? I mean in RRR you posted for v3.3 but here you post for 2.6 and also do you ever read the first post? The instruction for that is like .... there...

If 2.6 - This is from Kylock
To use Minkoff's Animated Battlers styled battler sprites, change to these settings in your module script:
  ACTOR_POSITION = [[400,100],[430,150],[460,200],[490,250]]
  WALK_ANIME = false
And just copy paste this over top of whats in the script:
  "WAIT"         => [ 1,  0,  15,   0,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "WAIT(FIXED)"    => [ 1,  0,  10,   2,   0,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "RIGHT(FIXED)"   => [ 1,  5,  10,   1,   2,   1,   0, true,"" ],
  "DAMAGE"        => [ 1,  9,   4,   2,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ATTACK_FAIL"    => [ 1,  1,  10,   1,   8,   0,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_TO"       => [ 1,  4,   1,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "MOVE_AWAY"      => [ 1,  5,   2,   1,   0,  -1,   0, true,"" ],
  "ABOVE_DISPLAY"   => [ 1,  0,   2,   1,   0,  -1, 600, true,"" ],
  "WPN_SWING_V"    => [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VL"   => [ 1,  6,   1,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_VS"   => [ 1,  6,   6,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_UNDER" => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_SWING_OVER"  => [ 1,  6,   2,   2,   0,  -1,   2, true,""],
  "WPN_RAISED"     => [ 1,  11,  2,   2,  28,  -1,   2, true,""],
I also suggest using SHADOW = false since most battlers have shadows drawn into them, but this is not required to make them work. Since most battlers are also drawn with their weapons, the weapon animations are disabled in this configuration edit.

You will need to put your standard format animated battler sprites in the Characters folder and use the following naming convention: "$charname_1.png"

If v3.3 -
READ AT THE FIRST POST OF THE TOPIC.... and there is a part called " Wanting to use Minkoff-style battlers? Click here. " for your information ==" (yes, I over-reacted but you should read the beginning of a topic...)



Yeah im using 3.3 i didnt notice at first but im not looking for animated battlers, just a regular png single battler graphic for the main characters.
Ok, I'm using all your scripts on this page and they're working almost perfectly, so ty. But is it just me or is the Epic Battle script not showing up for anyone...?
Introducing my EPIC BATTLES addon. Meant to easily define boss battles, It easily implements the custom collapse or death animation for an enemy and allows you to define special Battle BGM and Victory ME based on the Troop ID from your game database. ITS TRULY EPIC!!!! (note that this added functionality does NOT work in the battle test).

# â–  EPIC BATTLES 1.1 for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System
#     5.12.2008
#  Script by: Kylock
#   This little script provides EPIC functionality to your battle system - The
# ability to easily define and create boss encounters.  Or any other noteworthy
# battle as you will see.  The first function is to define special collapses or
# death animations for special enemies.  Instead of the normal fade, they make
# some popping sounds as they fade, or something... The second function allows
# you to specify special battle BGM and victory ME for certain battles.  This
# is set up by using the Troops ID in your game database.  You can set up as
# many special battle BGM's as you can imagine.  Just add to the existing
# arrays.  It's not too hard, just look below for the example.
# â—
Ok,This is pretty much all I'm gettting.... (In Quote)
Hi =)
I'm still new and was wondering how to use other characters in battle for 3.3a because there are 5 that work in battle.

I tried taking advice from the post before and the FAQ about extracting the character graphic file and renaming with an $ at the beginning, and my character seemed to have a green (i think im colourblind sorry =/) background to him in-game, so i tried to erase the colour and now its a white background,

Do you know what im doing wrong? And could you tell me please? Thanks. =)

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