it seams like your data file for actors may be corrupt, past a new one from a separate project (back up your old one) and try that. It might work it might not.Swordyyz":1bcynjms said:This is the biggest help, EVER. I've needed a side-view battle system for so long and holy crap you've saved my life.
The only problem I'm having is that although the game itself runs fine, the RMVX Project won't open. When it tried, it says that is "Failed to load Actor Data". What does that mean? Any help? Please?
van helblaze":2uu8mzzd said:it seams like your data file for actors may be corrupt, past a new one from a separate project (back up your old one) and try that. It might work it might not.Swordyyz":2uu8mzzd said:This is the biggest help, EVER. I've needed a side-view battle system for so long and holy crap you've saved my life.
The only problem I'm having is that although the game itself runs fine, the RMVX Project won't open. When it tried, it says that is "Failed to load Actor Data". What does that mean? Any help? Please?
Dyrnwyn said:OK, couple things...
1) Enemies can sort of "USE" weapons. What I did was set up a bunch of enemy skills that had an attack power of 1, 100% phys attack influence, and 20 variance. Then I set up an animation and set up whether or not the skill is piercing, slashing, etc, etc. Set the MP use to 0 and then adjust the config as to how to handle the animation. That should help.
2) ATB's are a pain in the *** to try to integrate into this. I've messed with it, but given up on it. Also, if you bring in an ATB, you will lose all your combo attacks. Those rely on simultanious executions which an ATB would overwrite.
3) The failed to load actor data... does that have a line number or module? And does it hit when you play test? Dunno what exactly that will require, but I can take a peek at it.
OK, now my problem...
I use the KGC modules in combination with this system. One of the systems I am trying to bring in is a stealing system they have. Problem is, in the combat, my thief just sits there and does nothing. No animation at all. Either way, here's the code for it. If anyone knows what the problem could be, I'd appreciate it!
#_/ â—†Steal Skill - KGC_Steal â—†VX â—â€
#_/ â—‡ Last update : 2008/03/14 â—‡
#_/ â—‡ Translation by Mr. Anonymous â—‡
#_/ â—‡ Extended updates by Touchfuzzy. â—‡
#_/ This script allows you to assign skills that "steal" items, weapons, armor
#_/ and money.
#_/ â—†2008/03/14 UPDATE [TF] â—â€
#_/ Touchfuzzy coded & incorporated agility-based steal function.
#_/ â—†Instructions For Usage â—â€
#_/ Setup is simple. To assign a skill as a Steal skill, add the tag "<steal>"
#_/ (without quotations) into the "Note" box on the skill you choose in the
#_/ skills database. Next, to set up enemies you can steal from, in the enemies
#_/ database, you enter <steal X:ID Probability %>
#_/ Where X = Steal type. I = Items, W = Weapons, A = Armor, and G = Gold
#_/ Where ID = The specified item, weapon, or armor's ID #, in the database
#_/ OR the amount of gold that can be stolen.
#_/ Where Probability % = The chance of the item being stolen.
#_/ Example: You have a bandit (enemy) who has a Long Sword and 100 gold you'd
#_/ like to be able to steal from him, at a 50% chance. Tag him with:
#_/ <steal W:2 50%>
#_/ <steal G:100 50%>
#_/ Simple, yes?
# ★ Customization ★
module KGC
module Steal
# â—†Display Messages â—â€
# Target skill used on has nothing to steal.
# (Where %s = target)
# %s : has nothing to steal!
VOCAB_STEAL_NO_ITEM = "%s has nothing to steal!"
# â—†Steal skill failed.
VOCAB_STEAL_FAILURE = "Couldn't steal anything!"
# â—†When stealing an item.
# First %s : Target name
# Second %s : Item Name
VOCAB_STEAL_ITEM = "%s had a %s stolen!"
# â—†When stealing money/gold.
# First %s : Target name
# Second %s : Amount stolen
# Third %s : Gold unit name. (Ex "GP", or"$"
VOCAB_STEAL_GOLD = "%s was mugged. %s%s stolen!"
# â—†Agility Based Steal â—â€
# If this is true then the skill chance is figured as Steal% * Tagi * Eagi.
# If this toggle is false, then the default percentage system is used.
# Steal% = Steal Percentage used in Enemy Notes tag.
# Cagi = Thief's (Actor using the skill) Agility
# Eagi = Enemy's Agility
# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
# Unless you know what you're doing, it's best not to alter anything beyond #
# this point, as this only affects the tags used for "Notes" in database. #
# * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #
# Whatever word(s) are after the separator ( | ) in the following lines are
# what are used to determine what is searched for in the "Notes" section of a
# skill to see if it is an Steal skill.
# Default STEAL skill tag is <steal>
# Default STEAL_OBJECT is <steal>
$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["Steal"] = true
module KGC::Steal
# Regular expressions defined.
module Regexp
# Base skill module.
module Skill
# Skill: Steal tag string
STEAL = /<(?:STEAL|steal)>/i
# Base enemy module.
module Enemy
# Enemy: Object to Steal tag string.
STEAL_OBJECT = /<(?:STEAL|steal)\s*([IWAG])\d+)\s+(\d+)([%ï¼…])?>/i
# â– Vocab
module Vocab
# 盗む関連メッセージ
StealItem = KGC::Steal::VOCAB_STEAL_ITEM
StealGold = KGC::Steal::VOCAB_STEAL_GOLD
StealFailure = KGC::Steal::VOCAB_STEAL_FAILURE
# â– RPG::Skill
class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem
# â—‹ 「盗むã€
Swordyyz":vvurl6d9 said:I've got another question, now that I've got the side-view battle system working on my end, I want to start using Minkoff's side-view battlers, and the only problem I'm running into is that I have no idea how to switch out the sprites.
Like, for example, I would use the main spritesheet that is the default for "Ralph" in RMVX, and use that for moving around in maps, but I need a way for the Ralph sprite to change into one of Minkoff's sprites during a battle, like the ones Kylock shows in the second image of his DEMO game.
All I need to know is how to switch out the sprites when you transfer from a map to the battle screen.. thanks!
 "WAIT" => [ 1, 0, 15,  0,  0, -1,  0, true,"" ],
 "WAIT(FIXED)" => [ 1, 0, 10,  2,  0,  1,  0, true,"" ],
 "RIGHT(FIXED)" => [ 1, 5, 10,  1,  2,  1,  0, true,"" ],
 "DAMAGE"  => [ 1, 9,  4,  2,  0, -1,  0, true,"" ],
 "ATTACK_FAIL" => [ 1, 1, 10,  1,  8,  0,  0, true,"" ],
 "MOVE_TO" => [ 1, 4,  1,  1,  0, -1,  0, true,"" ],
 "MOVE_AWAY"   => [ 1, 5,  2,  1,  0, -1,  0, true,"" ],
 "ABOVE_DISPLAY"  => [ 1, 0,  2,  1,  0, -1, 600, true,"" ],
 "WPN_SWING_V" => [ 1, 6,  1,  2,  0, -1,  2, true,""],
 "WPN_SWING_VL" => [ 1, 6,  1,  2,  0, -1,  2, true,""],
 "WPN_SWING_VS" => [ 1, 6,  6,  2,  0, -1,  2, true,""],
 "WPN_SWING_UNDER" => [ 1, 6,  2,  2,  0, -1,  2, true,""],
 "WPN_SWING_OVER" => [ 1, 6,  2,  2,  0, -1,  2, true,""],
 "WPN_RAISED"  => [ 1, 11, 2,  2, 28, -1,  2, true,""],
"Victory_Dance"   => [ 1, 9,  2,  0, 28, -1,  2, true,""],
 "VICTORY_JUMP"      => [ 0,  0,  0, 300,  0, 0, "Victory_Dance"],
I'll post the correct line of code later to help you theretuti05":2p41ia9b said:for the animated battlers i'm noticing the fourth animation in the row wont show, that animation would be guard. and the item animation row i think its 10 wont show. Instead it's showing the first frame.
you should be able to dissable or remove the animation, for the bow you can just not use the bow script that comes in the demo and for the sword/club you should just be able to remove them.Avgen":2p41ia9b said:Is it possible that you can post me a demo or give me the script where the bow/sword/club et.c isint in it (a.k.a animation)?
You need to export the charsets for the party members, then rename them and put a $ in font of the name. Each charset must be seprate. To insert it into the game use the resource tool.King Kay":3vwcysej said:Hi! Need some help as I'm not experienced in these kind of things. I'm using this script, and everything works except this
so any help would be appreceated.
Thanks in advance!
do you have the two copies of the enemies images?Ghostxpo":wuxlhueo said:I implemented the Enemy animation script, I made both enemy requirement (actor, and enemy) or something, and during the fight all is well until the enemy attacks with either a skill or normal attack or anything, and it errors me.
Script 'Sideview 1' line 963: TypeError occured.
cannot convery Array into Integer
the line is this:
@wait = $data_animations[anime_id].frame_max * 3 if $data_animations[anime_id] != nil && @active_action[4]
waitflug = true
if anyone can help me out it would be very appreciated