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The Screenshot Thread 2

Juan J. Sánchez":n3xoqyb4 said:
Gave it another go.


@Sated I reduced the saturation.

@ZenVirZan I darkened twice as much as I lightened.
I'd highly recommend not lightening at all, only darkening. Lightning loses too much information in the process. If it's day time, just make the darkening very subtle.
Be a cool guy and vote for my game on IndieDB
So I can be indie of the year, nyew!

On topic, here's a bit of stuff I've been working on for Intelligence: Grand Finale

Will likely replace her battler sprite since it looks sorta weird.

It's also likely the location will change from being on Spriteopia to being somewhere in the space exploration map, and your party fight her atop the Spacecraft while she floats just beyond it's edge. Sorta like this.

I'm also contemplating a redesign for the Galaxion Shuttle in General, since it being a Recolor of Avadan's sprite is-- while cool, not exactly optimal. It looks too small because the blue dome cockpit is too easily construed as a one person ship cockpit, so on my trip today I'll likely concept them a new Galaxion Zipper (this thing would have been hand-crafted by Lyza, so it'd be a lot more primitive than your standard Galaxion spacecraft...

None of the mechanics have been done for Fyori's fight yet, and not even all of the dialogue, once the mechanics are setup I'll have a video, the music is already done. Oh! I never linked that stuff, did I?

Regular theme. and Pre-battle theme
Battle theme:
Double posting because its been 90+ hours and I've had a recent breakthrough with Fantasia, I've established stakes that are super compelling now, and even gotten a whole first pass for the story arc done.

Also in place of screenshots, here's some title imagery.


At the close of this week most of my artists get on break, which is super ideal. Meanwhile I've been busy drafting plot points, designs, interface, all kinds stuff like that.

Skyla will you ever do something original? Shhhhhhh...

But no, really, I'm mostly playing around. Trying to figure out how to get rid of the highlight on an item and just have the cursor.
Lol. alternatively you can just edit the windowskin to hide the cursor, but that won't be ideal if you want to see the cursor selection elsewhere.

No idea what you're doing but if you're not doing something original I wouldn't have been able to tell. :0

Using minecraft to make geographic sense of the house in Fantasia where the three girls live on Planet Vahnus.
This is the extent of minecrafts appeal to me, nowadays, lel.
BizarreMonkey":mp65a1z0 said:
Double posting because its been 90+ hours and I've had a recent breakthrough with Fantasia, I've established stakes that are super compelling now, and even gotten a whole first pass for the story arc done.

Also in place of screenshots, here's some title imagery.


At the close of this week most of my artists get on break, which is super ideal. Meanwhile I've been busy drafting plot points, designs, interface, all kinds stuff like that.
Dude this actually looks pretty good. I mean I generally like your MS Paint style anyway but your characters here look polished and professional.
Princess Amy":w3t8otz1 said:
BizarreMonkey":w3t8otz1 said:
Double posting because its been 90+ hours and I've had a recent breakthrough with Fantasia, I've established stakes that are super compelling now, and even gotten a whole first pass for the story arc done.

Also in place of screenshots, here's some title imagery.
At the close of this week most of my artists get on break, which is super ideal. Meanwhile I've been busy drafting plot points, designs, interface, all kinds stuff like that.
Dude this actually looks pretty good. I mean I generally like your MS Paint style anyway but your characters here look polished and professional.
That's because they are drawn by actual artists whose drawings aren't forced to look like shit...

Actually only the three girls, Esperia and Lyza are done by my artists, the rest is by me.... I think.

Oh the Svoli too, the Svoli isn't mine.

If this were the Sketch thread I could show you all the couple of drawings I've been doing of these three girls lately but since this is the screenshot / game-development thread we'll have to settle on an alternative.

Vaguely yet over-descriptive screenshot of an mspaint bitmap revealing most of Fantasia's big plot points go.

It's text is written in a font that is purposefully obnoxious to read in large passages so if you actually give a shit about the plot you can easily skip it and learn nothing about the plot.

This was totally planned and not a result of me just loving the Go Long font but that has been used in virtually all of the screenshots from Intelligence in the last 2 pages.

Oh hey speaking of Intelligence...


Working on the "dates".
Thanks! Started yesterday on getting aesthetics down, so now I've got a split-screen deal sort of going on, map on the right, dialogue and menus appear on the left.






Just a bunch of fiddling around in the rpg_scenes and rpg_window classes.
Now that I've got loads of client work out of the way (of which I'm waiting to get paid for) I've had time to get back into my primary project.

Here's the new character editor, 3D view has been removed (stressing me out too much). Basically the entire of this screen's background will be a 3D scene of your character in-front of a mirror. It would look like the construct scene in the Matrix (image search it if you care).

This is what it used to look like

The dialog window is at the bottom of the screen, this is because the idea is to have the 3D view zoom to the area of the character that will show the colour modifications. The previous iteration the dialog covered the entire screen which wasn't very clever.

I'm pulling the project more towards a "game" interface, so the top navigation bar is gone. The name entry is part of the confirmation for character creation, to reduce how much clutter is on this screen.

British spelling for colour is there for the time being, I'll likely use US English for the language and possibly add optional British spelling at a later date.

The plan for the "favourite colour" is to make it the default colour for pyjamas (which is what all characters start off wearing) and is the colour for any clothing that's default (so when wearing skirts without stocking the panties underneath would be "favourite colour", however you probably won't ever see these anyway). The smart-phone case that the characters have would also be this colour.
Smartphones would look like how they do in Sakura Trick: http://imgur.com/2A9b1EZ with case colour being the favourite colour (complete with the ears).
Making custom tiles whew boy.

Koko's room.

I love her triangle window.

Lumi's room.

That window was a CUNT and it still looks bad. I'm not worried as most of this is placeholder.

Lilac's Room

I stael Ayene's bay windows and upsachel

Here's a couple more.
Loungeroom, or the top right portion of it.

Nice windows. wew~

Top left portion of lounge room:

Hallway and bathroom.

The yellow sunbeams are coming in from the skylights above (yellow glass).

More here: http://imgur.com/a/0DL75
Yeah, I agree. Those rooms are far too large.

A good way to decide how big a room should be is to consider each tile to be a single stride. How many rooms have you been in that take more than a handful of strides to get across?
The old RMXP style that everyone loved was pretty much "cram as much junk as possible in as tight of a space as possible". The philosophy works very well for RPG Maker games, even if it does sound really dumb.

The "single stride" guideline sounds like an excellent way to size up space requirements. Haven't heard it described this way, but it's a really good way to describe it.

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