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The Screenshot Thread 2

Whew, back to work! I've been working on characters and actor tuning today, giving each unique traits, one state immunity each, some differing elemental resistances, and one other defensive perk, such as natural evade, magic evade, natural counter and such.


I've also been prettying up the profile pages with text and stuff, ooh. :0


Most fun though, has been the custom skill-used common events, they only play once, but just provide a brief commentary about a skill that has just been used, when it's used for the first time.
I do MV Plugins a few hours each weekend, keeps me sane from all the Unity/mobile/VR/GPU related stuff I'm doing at the moment.

Here's my current Plugin:
Jason":33kpk79y said:
I really want to get MV because I've seen some really cool plugins for it, but I also REALLY don't want to pay for it...
It goes on insane specials at sometimes, so imo wait for one of those insane 50-75% off sales on Steam, most of my motivations for getting it was the faster load times and being able to atleast make a game larger than 640x480.

It still has it's limits, but they're much larger.

Now I'm porting Intel to it I'm really having fun with it, also since Yanfly has done most of the plugin work my credits list for scripts / plugins is gonna drop from 'a fuckton' to about 6.

The plot thicken...
jason if I see it on an insane special I will buy it you



I am not sure if this will be Elmgate, Disgate, or an entirely new town.

It's a rendition of de Birmingham Manor, which was the founding point of the city of Birmingham IRL:


Sarah Hayes
I do like it when people can so accurately portray a historical site like that. Good stuff there Amy!

My composer did a really nice music track so I wanted to show it off.

Also been working on the M.F. Lazarus Encounter.

Got the basic mechanics down.

M.F Lazarus has 66,666 HP, not much for that stage in the game, but he has incredibly high resistances, to most elements he's anywhere from 20% normal damage to outright immune. He also has abnormally high magic and physical evasion (50% of each).

This makes him difficult to damage, abilities that Deal Chaos damage are the most ideal, such as Pep's 'The Magician', Rolly's "Fist of the Beef Gods", Tristy's "Rain of Stars" and multiple of Limbo's abilities.

All of his attacks are certain hit, making Reflects pointless.

He casts a nasty ability on a party memeber when they are given an auto-life ability. If it doesn't result in their death, it'll still be a pretty spooky dilemma.

Applying Ward, Dampen, Regen or Focus will also trigger a reactive behaviour, which will dispel all buffs and also give you halved major stats (Strength, Defence, Mabgic and Agility), however, you can use Rolly's Trufflephoria to give yourself bonuses to those stats and he won't do anything about it.

The encounter has two phases, the first is a lot more manageable, and gives you breathing room to discover what he wont allow, and what does and doesn't work, Phase 2 is when he reaches 50% health, he heals half of his max HP, and ever 20% of his max hp he loses, he casts a nasty aoe attack that does 6666 damage, this is chaos damage, and therefore unlike his ARC LIGHTNING, or PROBABILITY OF ABSOLUTE DEATH abilities, can't be resisted by having good lightning resistance.

At level 50 your base MaxHP is at most 5000 (on Rolly and Limbo) and at low end, 2500. Meaning you'll need some decent HP buffs to even LIVE through these attacks, furthermore, if it doesn't kill the player it will inflict TIME STOP on them, the ONLY way to get around this is to have an Esperia's Charm equipped. (Accessory that makes you impervious to most negative status effects, however it also "Nullifies the End of Time". It can also be used in this way for the W i z a r d encounter.
When you live through the attack, Lazarus is surprised, and the prominent survivor (closest to the party front) receives an UNTOUCHABLE buff, that makes them harder to damage. this buff persists through death, and makes them unable to be effect by timestop from then on out, meaning you can switch out the charm for something more desired, if applicable.

Due to his treatment of auto-life mechanics and defensive abilities, and his absurd damage output, Lazurus is by far the most challenging boss so far, you also have to stat whore to even live though much of his second phase. His lower HP is only a distraction from the fact he is very difficult to damage at all.
Two things I worked on:

1. A ship transition. This was done almost purely with eventing (along with some extra eventing done when the screen faded out)

I'd like to note that since the recording, I did some extra work so the transition goes a bit faster.

2. Wrote a port of my HP Color Controller. This essentially changed the color of the HP bar depending on the remaining HP.

Back to getting things all worked out for Fantasia...

The characters all have symbols, icons they carry, and this has been so since my Universe began.

If your invested even a little in my universe, some of these may be recognizable to you.

The Perseverance Icon, the Shiny Clover, the Blueberries, and the Sylph Sun should be pretty obvious.

It's likely I'll do an art piece later capturing all of the icons with their owner.

I've also been doing letter tech stuff.

The word Satan is anagramatically contained in FANTASIA, the I is used to seperate the A and N, leaving us with SATA-N. A remainder of FA is there, which I'll figure out a purpose for later.

I'm also making each character a part of it, the T is a K (for Koko) while the A's are form from L's (Lilac and Lumi), The S is from Sacreblu, for now the N is a secret.

The secret Koko's sleeves are usually hiding. There's also a misshapen 'L' on the back of Lilac's Neck on the left side, and another misshapen 'L' on the sole of Lumi's left foot. Sacreblu's S is hiding on her forehead under her bangs.
Hud options - will be togglable with a quick button somewhere.

Heavy: lets you choose what windows you see with the buttons on the top left. Can have all windows on the screen at one time, except you can't open the main middle window in battle.


Minimal with chat: just shows the combat Hud but with a chat window.


Minimal: just shows the combat Hud. Enemy only shows when engaged.


Hmm. Thoughts?


Awesome Bro

Any chance you could offer an option to change the HUD opacity? I can't imagine ever playing with the heavy one on due to how busy the screen is, if I could at least see through the windows more, I'd consider it...

Also something that I've always wondered but never asked; the border around your game... what's the deal with the top right area? Why not just make it square and have the icons in the top right in the game screen anyway?
Looks great! But if you want suggestions, I'll get nitpicky.

Can you break up the HP bars some? The subtle shading looks good, but maybe you should consider breaking it up some more because it's still the largest block in the UI.

Next, maybe the icons need to be tweaked. The (menu?) icons in the top right don't match the (combat?) icons at lower left. Maybe you could redo the top right to match the gold-border look of the rest of the UI.
I think it's time I relayed out the whole interface to be honest as it was all unmeasured plop.

Quick edits:


So the battle hud always stays in the same place; when you close the chat window it will slide down to the minimal hud above.
Boy no time to be productive like 18 hours before school starts up again WHEEEE.

Finally started doting out the plot for Fantasia in game, here's a cute video of an interaction between the three girls.
I did the voice acting myself, I doubt it will be in the final edition, but it COULD be since I've already gotten pretty comfy with the voices. I'll just make sure it's easy to turn on and off from anywhere in the game.

My composer went nuts, and I decided to celebrate with an updated look at Nesmose, but in MV now, instead! Again, voiced, because it's fun to do.
Princess Amy, that looks good. I like those menu icons a lot more.

Megalomaniac, that's pretty trippy.

Here's the latest on Himeko Sutori:


Your whole army now moves with you on the world map. I thought that would be a fun way for you to estimate your relative strength against enemy armies on the map. There's room on those tiles for maybe a little over 100 characters, but it'll get crowded. Right now the game has a hard-coded 20-squad limit of 10 characters each, for an effective deployable 200 characters. I haven't put a hard limit on the number of characters in the army, but maybe I need to put that in already. Maybe I should also have a limit on the number of characters wandering around the world map with you so your army doesn't overflow the hex boundaries. Also, I still need to build lighting to put some shadows under those trees. Right now working on enemy armies that are still there when you save/load the game and that start a fight when you move onto their hex.
You're definitely the most productive not-rpgmak dev on this board Nat.

Beware the Twins of Red and Blue.
Beware the Twins, their eyes see you.
They who dwell beyond the farthest wall,
They who are focused on keeping all in control,
So many, many eyes are watching, staring.
Keeping an eye on you, to make sure you attempt nothing daring.

Did you hear them speak?
Too bad, that probably means...


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