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The Screenshot Thread 2

Not really a screenshot, but this (and the chipset for this) is what I've been working on :)

Nicely done. You could do different ground shades for different levels of elevation. Deeper = Darker. It would help any separation issues, like there in the top-left portion of the map, the different ground levels are only separated by the cliff line. With this overview it's easy to tell what parts are higher or lower, but in-game I think you'll just see that odd line you couldn't cross. Unless the player can walk partially behind the cliff edge, then that would be enough visually. rm2k had tile priority settings, right? Or was that just rmxp?
One of Sated's games I played, Engalia the Wager: had the walking partially behind stuff, so I think that's probably what goes on here too, maybe...

Almost done with school projects then finally I might have screenshots of recent merit.

Until then, here's some very crisp screenshots from that game that is all the rage these days.


If you're interested, the game is hosted right here, on this site.

I plan to begin working on the mechanics and systems for Fantasia from the 18th of November and beyond, that's when I'll start posting decent content again.

Meanwhile, here's some new themes coming to Intelligence: 314th's Clash final build, which will have the fully completed animated ending, and maybe a couple more optional bosses.
Yeah... my composers been busy. :0
Only Track 68 and one secret track remains.
@Biz: It's actually from a prequel to Engalia, so it'll be using largely the same graphical style.

@Coyote: I understand what you mean, but I think it's a little more obvious in-game. That screenshot is at native resolution, but when you play an RM2K3 game you'll usually play at 2x resolution, and that makes it way easier to see what's going on. I don't want to make each floor darker because I'm already using a lighting affect whilst inside caves (see higher up on this page).

Biz is right that there are some sections can can be walked behind, but not with those cliff areas. That requires eventing that I think is largely superfluous, given the amount of benefit that it provides.
Somehow I ended up looking at tilt-shift photography. Basically focusing to a certain depth of field and everything infront and beyond it is blurred. Really easy to fake in photoshop. I was curious what it would look like on an rpg maker map. So I pulled out a practice map and tried it out. Kinda dumb. Not sure what you'd use it for, maybe cinematic stuff. Ending Credits.

I wrote a tutorial on how to fake a split-screen once. Same idea, only a black screen with cutouts, this is just a blurred screen with a cutout. Although it wouldn't work with animated tiles or moving events because it would just be an overlay picture.
You might be able to duplicate the screen with a blur and a knockout layer. But rending that every frame might be sluggish.
It would be a problem if the map even scrolled, huh?

However I think Reijuby's visual effects script for VX could do something similar.

As for me, I've been developing stuff mostly behind the scenes, but here's a neato video showing live action representations of how each character would move in battle.
This is what happens when you let me have the house to myself. :0
Jason":vmjdfwqj said:
I'm gonna' be honest, and please don't take this the wrong way... but for a guy your age, that's gay as fuck.
Lol kay.

I think you mean something other than gay, but I know you have some strange illness where you replace juvenile or unusual with a synonym for the state of homosexuality... but that isn't my problem! This wouldn't be the first time you've done it either, and I take no more offense this time than I did back then, really the only offense that should be taken is by you for your own lack of creativity when it comes to descriptors, but I'll leave that alone-- this isn't the place for it.

I'm not sure if it's the place for this either, but It's definitely on the right track, this is a lore documentary-esque thing on Tristy, I'd actually started on it over a month ago, but school work got busy so I vowed to finish once holidays started, and so here we are.
This actually took an extensive amount of effort for what it is.

On the note of game dev, this is a document I wrote recently after cracking down on how universes all tie together.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1enM ... sp=sharing


Awesome Bro

Yeah, my illness comes from being British lol, as I've said before, the word "gay" is a replacement for many words, in this example I'd say "strange" or "weird" lol :thumb:
Jason":29v3zjgx said:
Yeah, my illness comes from being British lol, as I've said before, the word "gay" is a replacement for many words, in this example I'd say "strange" or "weird" lol :thumb:
Lol yeah I figured. It's fine by me!

Using the word gay like that is a microagression and is offensive to gay people.
No one who is legitimately gay really cares. If you say someone's being a faggot and use it purely to insult a gay person, sure, but the amount of balls gay people have is pretty incredible, the amount of sissies who try to defend their esteem is kinda sad.

This is the age of PC and I hate it. I've no problem with anyone saying or talking how they like, to be honest. Like sure I might think one could use something more creative than using 'gay' in place of every descriptor, but that's an issue with someone's desire to be creative, not an insult to me or anyone really.

Besides if it's not gay it'll be queer or something else.
I was playing around with lighting styles for a game.

This is the original.

And this is the same image with lighting.

The lights are evidently hand-drawn.

Is this style worth pursuing?
Jason":aoxmnyzi said:
I'm gonna' be honest, and please don't take this the wrong way... but for a guy your age, that's gay as fuck.
While I majoring in Visual Arts & Animation a class requirement was an Acting and Movement class. Omg, I thought a speech class was bad. The point of the class was to get people comfortable doing demonstrations like this. Communicating with other animators and making reference material. Making silly faces and impromptu games.
It's humiliating but you got to learn how to step out of your skin. You want to block, tense up saying "this isn't me". It's an important ability to be comfortable doing stuff like this.
My Final assignment was a LotRs Gollum/Smegol monologue, but my instructor wouldn't let me do it the way Andy Serkis portrayed him. I memorized the lines. But I didn't really know what I was doing. I don't even remember how I did it. I just did something. Super Cringe. I was beat red afterwards but I passed.
There were people who would rather skip the class and take a hit to their GPA than stand in front of a crowd of people and act like a fool.
On the upside since I did most of that there with little to no shame I guess I'll do well when I enter into theatrics in 2019

screenshot to stay on topic

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