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The Screenshot Thread 2

Heretic86":rrz4uktu said:
It seems to be those things right now that you are focused on that seem "boring" to most people that make games the most enjoyable. It is what helps us to flesh out characters and stories. Game characters are a LOT more than just some sprites and pixels moving around on the screen.
Oh yea, definitely, but people aren't often interested in the smaller of the fat, and it's not particularly exciting for the uninterested.

In other news, music.
On-boarding really has been difficult to implement. I'm redesigning my character editor because the last one was turning into a time sink of figuring out how to solve problems within the situation. Changed it so the situation is designed around solving said problems.
Imagine a 3D character in the middle of the screen.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to include changing hair-styles here. I am actually considering having the character arrive with a random hair-style and you have to send them out to get a haircut to sort it out (the more I think about this the more I feel it "solves" the problem - by avoiding it until it needs to be solved).

EDIT: Here's how the paletted sprite system looks with some random skin/hair colours from their palettes.

Here's how the palette pickers for skin/hair looks right now;
Trying to map farmland... difficult to break boxes when farms are generally boxed in. Do you think I'm going in the right direction? Very early maps.



Gotta break the grass up on this one. Going to mix up various textures to have dry patches, dirt, etc.

Edit: updated the second map a bit.

RMXP had these little weed things you could use to make the grass a bit more interesting. I think using multiple textures is on the right path, you might also need some more-dense greenery around where the trees are (rather than just floor and trees)

looks good tho
I updated Intelligence, the next patch will be a fair while away, as it will be me finishing the ending and all the other stuff.
I again, make an obnoxiously overdone trailer. Much happier with it than the original 314th Clash one.
Princess Amy":2n2ix9zz said:
Where would the world be without obnoxiously overdone trailers?
It'd be a far bleaker world than this, I gotta say.

Princess Amy":2n2ix9zz said:
Progress on the next map South.
I wanted to say earlier but these maps look really nice, certainly ain't my cuppa tea as far as environments go, but the quality and detail is very professional looking.

As for me? Well, let's see-- I've been busy working on a team project with three school buddies, you can see a mockup of the interface.

More here.

For our assessment, we have to deconstruct and remake a classic arcade game from a list, the background nor the character art there is mine, it will be updated with new art in due course. These were merely for the purposes of how it would look.

On the note of projects I'm actually passionate about, a few cool things have been made in preparation for the beginnings of a secret project (that I've already leaded the main title of here, oops!) so get your butts ready, huhuhu!
If it wasn't obvious, the CCC has recently acquired a new composer, and from what you can see, the boy has been progressing fast.

My artists have also been having a blast, here's a WIP of a girl who might be VAGUELY FAMILIAR.

That's Xiie's work.

Another of my artists, Zeirt, has also been having fun, this too is a WIP.

I myself have been assigned each roles and getting the art cogs rolling.

Me and my less-good-than-zeirt's drawing skills demonstrating rune / tattoo appearance and placement for Fyori's Serazen form.

This will be quite a game!

One last thing, here's an abridged preview of the OST listing.
Princess Amy":1d8qp5w6 said:
Possible welcome scene because I need a way to tell people when new stuff comes out.

That's a good idea, WoW has something similar.

As for me, I've been slowly moving towards game maker and as a result, I ain't done dev in rpgmaker for over a month now.
Finally stemming the addiction.

And another song for the fantasia project, it's main theme, courtesy of Max M. Dominora, the CCC's newest addition.

Otherwise it's been mostly documentation, drafting and concepts.

Here's a mock up I did of stage select.
Hey everyone, I'm going to be posting another update for Himeko Sutori soon, but I just wanted to drop a preview here.


I also posted this to one of the Facebook groups I belong to: Diversity in Game Development. If any of you are interested in seeing more diversity in video game development, whether in the games themselves or in the profession, the group would love to talk to you.
Juan J. Sánchez":3mzwl961 said:
That's pretty sick.
You can play both of them in Browser:
Not gonna bother making threads for them since there's no html embeds here and they're not big enough to be worth the fuss.

@Sated: That's looking pretty cool, whatever it is!

Okay, so what have I been up to? Well, not as much as I'd like, school's made busy work mostly about assignments which are all due this next monday but...

I have got some things done. Mostly documentation and nothing I can really show, I'm holding off until break to do any of the heavy GMS stuff.

Here's something my composer did.

I don't have anything currently new to show, but here's an old cinematic that shows some of the planets of the Biztopian Cosmos.

Thank you for viewing

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