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The Screenshot Thread 2

Some pages for the Infos databank.

BizarreMonkey":pw9yi535 said:
This is only a FRACTION of my power.
It shouldn't be lagging unless there's 1000s of projectiles active on screen. The history shouldn't matter.
How are you handling spawning and movement of them?
I'm creating a menu system that'll allow the player to talk to any important NPC about any quest they receive. When they do, the NPC will give them some advice about the quest or something like that. Think Diablo II. Here's the menu system working well on a test map. You won't actually be able to select greyed out quests in the real game, but I wanted to make sure my referencing was working before moving on to the next step:


I got my quest dialogue system working fully, so I've moved on to the smithing/alchemy system. This system doesn't work yet (as in it doesn't actually make items for you), but I have managed to get it cycling properly. I noticed that I had a lot of spare space on the right-hand side, so I added an area that shows you which hero(es) are capable of using a given item. The recipes are still a WIP.
Testing out something in RPG Maker MV.


I wish I could write Plugins all day for this engine. Everything's so easy. Just have no free time at all.
ZenVirZan":1xi33mmu said:
BizarreMonkey":1xi33mmu said:
This is only a FRACTION of my power.
It shouldn't be lagging unless there's 1000s of projectiles active on screen. The history shouldn't matter.
How are you handling spawning and movement of them?
Yeah, I'm not sure how it's lagging with history, the events are being erased the moment they finish their route. There must be a leak somewhere.

That said, I'm probably gonna call it quits with rpg maker and remake this all in game maker studio or something before I spend hours upon aways trying to fix all the bugs.

Everyone warned me not to make an action-combat game in RPG Maker but I DIDN'T LISTEN!!!

Here's a brand new thing I started working on yesterday, I've spent about 23 hours on it.

As for PFC, here's a preview of the first two stages in a more succinct and placeholder environment than the last one.
Erase event just hides the event, so yeah you've got a leak there.

Also I'm diggin' the portraits on that new project. It looks really good.
Making an action-combat system that works in RPGMaker is a feat in itself. Making one that's actually good? Heh... very rare.



Anyway, I've now got this working as it should for all three categories. It giveth you the items and taketh away the ingredients. Next I'll do the alchemy menu, which will basically be the same as this but with different items available for production :) Fun fact: There are more than 5000 lines of eventing used to get this system running...

This dialogue (probably) won't be in the game, but just wanted to see if the horse/cart looks alright before going ahead...
I would personally say that the wheels need to have 4 frames instead of 2 twice over.

one vertical, followed by diagonal, followed by horizontal, followed by diagonal
like this
Sated":pcrecafx said:
I agree but, unfortunately, that's not how RM2K3 charsets work.
You could always do the Face Up, Face Left, Face Down, Face Right thing.


Behold! This is the title screen format I'll be using for the games in Brain Zap. Notice how smooth the transition is and also how the graph starts drawing as soon as it's visible. I used a mask over a blurred image to achieve the glass effect. The mask moves along with the scroll view widget.
Juan J. Sánchez":qluwpb55 said:
Sated":qluwpb55 said:
I agree but, unfortunately, that's not how RM2K3 charsets work.
You could always do the Face Up, Face Left, Face Down, Face Right thing.
That's true. Someone else asked me if I could de-sync the horse's animations from one another, and I'd have to do the same thing to accomplish that.


In some ways easier than I thought; in more ways much more difficult. Gonna put my UNIVERSITY TRAINING to good use to try and work out if there is a tree in a photo.

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