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The Screenshot Thread 2

Gah. Slowly getting somewhere.


- Animated damage pops
- Windows to tell you what action was done
Now that business stuff is out of the way, back to this project.

Excuse the vertical video.

Because of where the timeline is, it's actually going to be displayed backwards (latest at the top, oldest at the bottom). To solve the weirdness of this, the latest action is always visible.

Tapping an entry will expand it into detail + 3D animation of what's going on.

Will look much better on iOS with the springy-scroll there, also the Android fling rate is insanely fast, so that makes it a bit strange to use.

The way I've set up the system is the 3D view is always there (at the moment it's hidden with a placeholder image) and the side menu changes what content is displayed over the top of the 3D view, that content can also affect the 3D view, so hitting shop will change the 3D view to show shop stuff.

The friends option would show a load of heroes that you've encountered. I think it would be cool to have a Smash-Bros style trophy horde display of all the people you've encountered.

The very-phone-like UI is something I think is right for mobile games that aren't pretending to be console games. If it's a failed experiment, then I'll just replace the UI with some theme-related assets. I like the idea of your hero's favourite colour dominating the UI though, so that will stay.
Two more from my Dynamic Lighting system using two different types of Pendulum Lights...



The effects here are slightly exaggerated and colors way too dark so you can see the Lights clearly.
coyotecraft":dbeeuezh said:
Can't play the demo. Missing VCRUNTIME140D.dll
This old one.

Heretic86 in Visual Studio you need to right-click on your project in the left-pane, go to properties.

At the top, set configuration to Release and Platform should be Win32 (if there's multiple options, select all platforms, makes no difference but Win32 is the important one for RPG Maker as it's 32 bit).

Expand the C/C++ option on the left, then hit All Options and search for "runtime library" in the search box. Change it from whatever option it is to "Multi-threaded (/MT)" - notice the DLL part is gone.

Then, at the top again, set configuration to Debug and change the "runtime library" option to "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" - again, notice the DLL part is gone.

Now compile the DLL again, this time the run-time DLL dependencies (VCRuntime) will not be included (Your DLL should be bigger in file size because of this).

Also, the error was "Missing VCRUNTIME140D.dll" - that capital D shows you distributed the debug version, which is okay (means you can debug it if you have the source code as all the symbols are there) - but it's not optimised so you're losing performance.

To compile in release mode, in Visual Studio at the top look for the green play button, then at the left should be two drop-down boxes, one should say [Debug] and the other [Win32] or something like that. Change the one on the left (Debug) to Release, then hit F7 to build the solution. That should create a Release folder somewhere in your project directory with the correct distribution DLL to ship with your games/demos.
I still get the message when I run the game.exe
If I open the project file and Playtest I don't get it. But there's a second message I should have mentioned.
"Heretic's Dynamic Lighting" Line 1095 Runtime error occurred.
LoadLibrary: RotateBitmap
Testing support for custom colours in the events.

Notice how the font changes colour from white to black, that's automatic based on the luminosity of the background colour.

The time stamps are real, just that I generated all these events at the same time.

Going to write a way to live-update the events and post them to notifications if the app is closed and then that's the core user interaction part done. I'll probably do "Walked N steps" events for a bit until I've finished the equipment system for testing game-play.

Need to figure out a good architecture for doing the actual game too (portable so the iOS version can just have a drop-in C library and gain the exact same game-play).
Oh wow the thread was sort of alive. I'm not dead!

Just very busy.

Solid Gameplay Demo
Testing Facility #106: The Arms Race

Finally, I started working on the actual stages.

The synthesis system/nanoforge was removed, now I've got it set up so one may simply scroll through weapons using q and w for type, e and d for version. That took a lot of effort and hassle to implement, but now its smooth like butter.

On the note of Intel 314, haven't had much time to work on it due to PFC, but my Composer Jake has still been making the music, and this might be my fave in the OST now.

On the note of Intel, had some rad success with it lately.
Biz-con 2016

And also...
Intel from start to finish, let's played by myself with voice acting.
You'd be better off playing the game, though. That's over half a days worth of watching.
Why thank you!

New track, leaving only two for the OST to be complete.

Also don't think I embedded this yet.

Also, here's a bit of what I'm working on as far as Crowfeast is concerned, but it's gonna be a while before I get far with it.
Basic AI is in place for waking up, resting, adventuring and sleeping (and dreaming - I'll probably be doing something with this one day)

This test day started at 16:00 unfortunately, so waking up in the morning will be tested tomorrow morning.

The adventure event of 16:11 and rest event of 16:13 were errors during development.

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